
Chaptert 1: The first day pt1.

Darius would be sleeping in his unkempt and messy room, piles of smelly clothes would be scattered throughout his room giving the place a nasty musky smell. This wasn't surprising however as Darius had always been a slob from a young age, This caused him and his mother to have many fights over it.

The room besides the piles of clothes would have a brown dresser, a large bed that he was sleeping on which had a black and white checkered blanket that was currently wrapped around him. There would be a closet at the side of his bed that had been through some wear, missing a handle for one of the knobs on the closet door.

Darius himself was average in height at 16, having messy blonde hair and green eyes with somewhat defined cheekbones and jawline and an average physique. Darius was currently wearing a pair of plain white pajamas. He was by no means incredibly handsome, Though he was certainly above average and even Darius himself knew this which made him a little prideful about it admittedly.

The alarm clock suddenly would begin buzzing loudly as he slept which caused him to hurl it at the wall causing a loud smashing sound as some of the bolts came off the clock. Darius would regret this a few moments later, shambling to repair the clock as best he could as he needed it to wake himself up as he was quite the heavy sleeper. The clock would look a little better than it once did, Thankfully he was at least semi decent at restoration magic so the clock should work for next time.

The noise however attracted unwanted attention in the form his mother would barge into the room with an angry look on her face. His mother Catherine would be a petite curly haired blonde woman with a skinny frame and green eyes, She was currently in her pink pajamas as she looked up at her son. "Darius! Can you please stop smashing your clocks in the morning! Using restoration magic can only repair it a select amount of times! I'm not buying you another alarm clock!". "Sorry about that, it won't happen again mom." He did this in a respectful tone, letting out a sigh as he looked down at the ground in shame. Make sure you do, Also clean up your room when you get back from the academy." Nodding Darius would head out of his room.

The living room in his was neat and tidy with a decently sized painting of the ocean over the fireplace. The living cough would be occupied by his father who was moderately tall with incredibly defined muscles which were visible even from his black suit which had a stylish red tie and white inside. He looked like an older version of Darius in all honesty though he had long black hair that went down to his shoulders with green similar to his sons. Garland his father was a very imposing man, This didn't surprise him however as he was an elite guardsmen for the king himself. Despite this however his father was kind yet strict. Darius was often trained by him even at a young age which led to him being over most of the other kids in his class.

Garland would stop reading the paper as he looked at Darius with a toothy smile forming on his face. " it's the first day of another year champ, better prepare for me to drill you on evocation and restoration magic when you get home." Darius would nod rapidly as he looked at his father with excitement on his face. His father would stand up, approaching him quickly giving him a noogie as the two of them laughed. Catherine meanwhile would be smiling as she overlooked the scene from afar, quickly returning to the eggs and bacon she was cooking over the stove.

Darius would be eating the breakfast that Catherine prepared quickly, shoveling food into his mouth. As he did this, his mother looked at him with an aggravated look on her face. The two would begin to argue shortly after as Garland simply let out a sigh, reading his paper while the two bickered. "Take your time Darius! The food isn't gonna run away and eating like a pig at school will reflect on me!." Catherine then would pull on his ear causing Darius to let out a yelp as she began lecturing him. "I eat far neater at school you Bi-." Before he could even say those words a blue ethereal hand would smack Darius on the back of his head as Garland looked over at him from the paper with an angered look as his brows furrowed. This would be more than enough to get him to shut up as he started neatly eating his eggs.

Breakfast would carry on with idle chatting and upon finishing his breakfast Darius would head towards his room only to be stopped by Garland. Make sure to bring home the yearly magical index." Darius would roll his eyes smiling as he continued towards his room. Darius would then start looking for his school uniform so he could change into it.

Darius struggled at first to find his uniform at first but soon found it under one of the piles of clothes in his room, The uniform surprisingly didn't smell funny despite where it was laying, but to be fair he could just be blind to the odor. Darius pushed those thoughts out of his mind as he put on the uniform which consisted of a grey polo and purple tie and some beige pants. Darius struggled at first when attempting to put on the tie but eventually got it on after two minutes of struggling. Darius would then wave to his parents on the way out before departing.

The city Darius lived in was a nice one overall, The busy streets filled with steam powered cars and pedestrians who occasionally crossed the street. The giant airships were flying overhead which caused a mist like substance to cover the sky. The city of terminus was a nice one with Darius rather liking the old part of the city. Despite it being older it was noisier there than it was here on a busy day. Darius would be enjoying the quiet for a short while before seeing Samson running at him full speed tackling him before he could react.

The two would be on ground groaning from pain as they were watched by very judgmental eyes. "Could you please act your age Samson? You know we'll soon be choosing where we end up, Can't afford to act like kids anymore". Samson would scoff as he looked over him with a cheerful smile as he got off Darius.

Samson had messy red hair and a chubby face with blue eyes as well as a strong yet round body type from him working out after school all the time with Darius being his typical spotter. While Darius dusted himself off he shot Samson an angry look from behind as he grumbled. "You know even adults play around with their friends once in a while Alphonse" Samson said this as he scratched his scalp while looking back at him. Alphonse had a very well studied appearance as well as a skinny yet tall body frame easily towering over us.

"Yeah those are the type of people to end up low ranking jobs that pay little and aren't respected, I highly doubt you'd wish sanitation work for the rest of your life" Alphonse scoffed upon saying this as he turned on his foot and began to walk on the path towards the academy. "We don't have long until the lessons start so we should hurry." The two would roll their eyes as they followed Alphonse.

The trio would continue down the street in front of them seeing familiar faces along the way, some were friendly like Frank and Mandy who ran the alchemist club or Marcus who ran the dueling circuit. Darius got along with all three just fine. Though for Alphonse it was different for him entirely. Alphonse built up quite the bitter rivalry between the two, sticking out his tongue at Marcus as we passed him but only got a cheerful chuckle as a response which visibly angered him. Marcus was mostly unaware of the rivalry yet Alphonse despite being intelligent never caught onto it.

As Darius walked with his two friends would then see several unfriendly faces passing by Mash and his cronies who upon seeing Darius would give him a dirty look. Mash was a tall brute, standing at 6 foot seven inches at only 16 while having a pudgy face with small brown eyes and black hair as well as a visible scar across his chin. Darius would do his best to ignore him as he continued on towards the academy which was only just down the street. The two have always hated each other even at very young age often clashing verbally or physically. Luckily there hasn't been a physical fight in years so perhaps the two could coexist peacefully though even Darius doubted this thought.

Darius would be chatting with Samson briefly and he made it to the mighty gates that surrounded the academy. The walls around the academy were incredibly large managing to connect the entire city giving access to students of all ages to learn the magical arts. The walls themselves would be made from smooth gray bricks with purple banners that had a serpent wrapping around a lion. The banners looked clean as ever having been restored yearly to keep up the academies pristine appearance. The academy itself was a large castle that had a few towers, which were big enough that they met the clouds . Dense forests also surrounded the four pathways that lead to the castle with a lake being just under the roads.

Newcomers would usually be amazed by the sight but the more one came here the less exciting it got, Darius and friends kept a mostly neutral look while younger crowd of children were yelling praise at the top of their lungs which caused the three to smile for a bit before heading through the academy gates after being inspected by the academy guards as any weapons whether they be magical or not were prohibited on the grounds unless under direct supervision. The examination would be over in seconds shortly after letting the three make the long walk to the academy.
