
The Tale Of The Legendary Warriors

This the tale of the brave fighters, who attained the legendary powers. With these great powers came the great responsibility of protecting the world from evil forces and pave their own path of adventure......

ShreyasShetty_103 · ファンタジー
3 Chs

The Truth of Powers

The next day all of them went to the tomb, where phoenix was waiting for them. They asked Phoenix to lead them to the chamber of scrolls. He led them to the chamber and said here you'll find all the answers regarding your powers and the origin of it.

They searched for the scrolls regarding the powers and the origin of the stones, Michael found an old scroll with a tag named- "Records of the Ragnarok".

They sat down and started to read the contents of the scroll, it showcased the war between the gods and the demons. A fierce clash between the Gods & the demons took place which led to the mass destruction of the world, at the end demons won by their wicked tricks and backstabbing.

The demon lord also know as Hamakina tried to steal the power of the gods but, all the gods came together to concentrate their power to produce four crystal stones and a shard and scattered them all over the earth, Hamakina couldn't found the stones and the battle came to an end. Then the king of the birds, Phoenix was tasked with the searching and protecting of the stones and the shard.

After reading the scroll, they searched other scrolls to know more about their powers. Then Phoenix came and said, "Kids, I'm sensing danger on your life in near future, so today I'll train you to use your powers."

Thus, they started their training. After some hours, "That's all for today, we will continue our training tomorrow", said Phoenix & for a week or a two they trained hard to hone their powers and use it in real combat.

One day when they were returning from there training, they decided to stop at their nearby playground to eat something, as they were eating peacefully, Tony noticed something and said, "Is it only me, or the time has really stopped." As he pointed towards a bird which was frozen midair.

As he said that, the surface in front of them got covered in a black mist like thing, and from that mist came a hideous demon, his body as black as a night and the aura he was emanating darker than black. He shouted in his demonic tone, "I'm Dagon, the shadow demon, at last I've found the four stones and their wielders. Today I'll end your miserable lives and take the stones away. Lord will be very happy. HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAH!!"

" Let's see who will end whom." said Tony in a menacing tone who was now slowly getting covered in his white aura of the light element. At the same time John & Michael also got covered in their elemental powers, Serena grew magical wings and was emanating a mystical aura.

Serena launched a series of attacks but Dagon easily defended against them and then attacked Serena with his long & sharp claws, as he was about to impale her with his claws, Tony intervened in between and with his light sword he slashed away Dagon's claws.

As Dagon got startled by the sudden intervention, he stepped back a bit. At that moment Michael and John took the chance and attacked him together with a mixed beam of thunder and water, it hit Dagon clean & clear and an explosion followed after the hit due to the reaction of water and thunder together.

When the smoke cleared, Dagon was lying unconscious, Michael & John hifived each other, while Tony helped injured Serena back on her feet, she had minor scratches from the attack.

John was overjoyed by his victory, he wet near the monster which was lying still. He thought it was dead and started kicking it. John said,"So who's the loser no-" but he didn't get to complete his sentence as a hand made of shadow grabbed his neck and started strangling him.

Dagon woke up and attacked Michael in flash, and threw him away, still strangling John, he said, "Enough playing around kids,this is the end of you all."

Tony couldn't control his rage and dashed towards Dagon and cut off his hands clean with one slash which strangled John. John fell down down and was unconscious due to lack of oxygen.

A fierce dual commenced between Tony and Dagon, Tony conjured many flying light swords and attacked consecutively on Dagon, while Dagon was having difficulty keeping up with Tony's speed. Tony then disappeared and appeared just in front of Dagon & impaled him with his light sword & then other swords also impaled him from all the directions.

Dagon screamed in agony and disappeared as his body disintegrated into small dust like particles.

Tony sighed in relief as the demon was finally dead and he carried John while Serena helped up Michael. They heard Phoenix's sound, it said, "Children the demons have entered our world and and due to their intervention in our world, the nights will become significantly long as you can see the time has froze, come to the tomb, I'll tend to your wounds."

They did as they were told and started to head towards the tomb, the time gradually started again and the day went by.........