
The System_

Tetsü & kilə were odd ducks amongst the oddest ducks—Never to fit in, never to be found among the crowd that blindly followed the ways of this world... Or the next... 14 years of crazy experiments later they, finally found a way to break out of this mundane world’s chains. In their defense babies are dumb, and for the first 3years, they had to learn to walk, eat, and poop. Not in that order! Too bad for them. The system found them and threw them into a whole new set of rules. A million more rules..!! Will they stay true to themselves or give excuses? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon Plug-in: https://www.patreon.com/Omnivex Discord Plug-in: https://discord.gg/KwRtpjYr Current updated schedule - as-of - 26-June-2023 Tue - Sunday. (01-Chapter) Average chapter length - 1700+ Words.

Omnivex · ファンタジー
115 Chs

CH- 12: Power of Info!

  Cold crept gradually as it had a heavy burden to carry. From place to place, it dragged its feet, death, and sorrow left in its wake. The value of time is immeasurable, for it stops for none. Yet when cold visits it matters not, for all the time means nothing, once it hears your call.

  Turned into a husk of his former self, left in a world unknown, Tetsu lost the battle to claim himself. The cold was too fast, and it heard his call.

  One doesn't choose who they call. Their actions, intent, and choices unfold the universe their way. If he could choose, Tetsu would never choose to make the call. He still wished to explore, find his family, Kile, throw a fireball or two at some grass, Kile, and have a good meal, and maybe some pants. Any of these wishes can calm his soul or give a false sense of relief during his last second.

  Regrets. Oh, so many regrets. Regret to be born with such little luck, to not have experimented enough. Regrets over failed promises, and not to have survived.

  One chance, he tells himself.

  Never again, he assures the world.

  The cold ignores his pleas, for it carries a burden that never allows it to stop.

  Bit by bit, it consumes Tetsu. Bit by bit, he loses touch with his shell. The cold seeping into his consciousness claims yet another simple victory. Before all its might, Tetsu could only surrender. Yet deep within it still travels, for a victory remained essential to win the war.

  Deep within a separate war waged on. Four colossal beings of unfathomable powers collided with each other over a simple question.

  What comes next?

  Run, experiment, learn, and fight. They opposed each other's views. Neither of them even flinch as cold knocks on their door. None of them notice the cold. Cold takes a step to invade, but before its foot lands, a mighty roar blasts the cold away.

  A prick, a tingling sensation, crept along Tetsu's cheek. An inch that his hand wouldn't let him scratch. Another similar but slightly heavier itch crept on the other side.

  "Tears?" He gets upset. "Is all you can do is cry?" He scolds himself.

  A similar sensation jumps from his chin and lands on his chest.

  "Wait! That isn't right."

  Drop by drop, some appear on his forehead, and a few glides down his tongue, quenching his thirst. His eyes peel open as a droplet takes shelter under his eyelids. Instead of flowing down, they get consumed, granting him his vision.

  Like any other day, the skies were clear. The sun took out his frustration by shining ever so brightly. The wind rustled in his ears, a strange bird mistook him for the dead, and a cloudless rain filled the lands.

  Sunny rain or cloudless rain or whatever they are called. These weren't that uncommon down on Earth, either. The wind carried oceans of water around, a little rain wasn't magic but science. Add mana into the mix and then stuff gets magical.

  Torrents of rain lashed down with a force greater than a shower's spray. It swept the lands clean, drove the stench away, and damped every predator's desire to hunt. The rain forces its way into Tetsu's mouth, rejuvenating him from the inside out. Within a minute, his stomach was full, his thirst and hunger subsided, and he could sense his health depletion slowing down to a halt.

   Maybe his hunger and thirst drove his health to a corner and perhaps the rain comprising rich mana satisfied his hunger and thirst while replenishing his exhausted mana reserves. Many causes and many more reasons to wonder about. For now, Tetsu smiled, not knowing, not caring, just grateful to survive yet another ordeal.


  Hours or days passed by. Tetsu didn't know. He didn't care. Once his sense of touch returned, he made sure he can still feel his entire body. Next, when he gained a bit of strength, he flips over his stomach and summons his system screen.

  After checking his stats, some self-loathing, and ideas for his next step, Tetsu plans to complete his previous experiment. You see, getting hold of the Bluetooth like symbol "Info" or information had been the first step. With some help from the muse-verse and not to mention almost dying, Tetsu still had one or perhaps two important steps left to use this hack to its full potential.

  Onto the first step, Tetsu summons his screen and finds the notification which informed him about the Ru'nic magic system. In the past, when he tried to touch the screen, his hands went right through the system screen. So, he classified the screen as an alien hologram which he can access by will. He still had many experiments planned for the screen, but for now, he had something else in mind.

  With the Ru'nic letter of Info carved on his palm, he channels his mana. If his hand passes through, he didn't find any other way to draw or place the letter over the screen. With no transparent paper or the ability to lift his magic stick, Tetsu scratched his frail palm over a sharp rock until he carved the Ru'nic letter into his hand.

  You can call him a masochist, but he prefers the word manly. Pathetic though it may seem.

  This experiment was a mixture of several theories and with this one victory, Tetsu can prove all of them right.

  Hand on carved and system notification ready, Tetsu next had to have the knowledge, or at least a vague idea, about Rome and Ru'nic letters. Otherwise, like his previous errors during the muse run, he would only get information about the soil and air.

  The proper steps for Ru'nic magic were Mana, a Ru'inc alphabet, intent, knowledge, and resources. Tetsu was very short on resources and didn't suspect info to take much. While he lacked in the knowledge department, he hoped his Earth knowledge about Rome and Runes would suffice.

  His fresh wound itched, burnt, and pained more than the rest of his body. Tetsu wanted it that way. Okay, maybe he sounds like a masochist, but this pain helped Tetsu focus and visualize the letter.

  He channels his mana into his hands, concentrates on the words "Ru'nic magic system," gathers his intent to know more, finds his memories of analyzing Roman myths with Kile, and reaches out to touch his system screen. A dazzling burst of light sears his eyes, or rather his mind, as a deluge of data invades his consciousness before he can even touch the screen.

  Tetsu finds his fatigue spiked by twenty points. He finds the chill touch of cold finding its way back to him. Yet in a relaxed state, he notes down the backlash for knowledge.

  A unique masochist indeed!

  Still facing the floor, his bloody hand stretched out, and a ridiculous smile flashing in his memories made him force a smile on his lips.

  "When death comes knocking by, what do you say? Not today, bitch. Not today…" His vision goes blank.


[Ding! New Class: Rune Tracer obtained.]

[Lines, curves, dots are just pointless diagrams until a true essence of a soul has been added into the mix. You might be ages away from forming your true symbol, but tracer class helps you trace an existing essence of a soul to the dot. Every line is straight, every curve, a perfect circle. You can't smudge up even if you wanted to with this class. Trace away every essence to perfection.]

[Stat bonuses added by "Rune Tracer," class: Perception: +7 :: Tork: +4 :: Regen: +4]

[Gained affinity: Rune force.]

[Romans were known for their unique and simple magic system. Created by a primordial god "Román Dìaz Krěw," this magic system is known to exist since the dawn of existence. Created with no bias, the ru'nic system was made with the weak in mind. Its sole purpose: to embody the ever-changing universe. Embrace the Rune Force affinity to weave your path in this accursed world.]

[Title earned: GlyphSage.]

[Knowledge is the key to growth, while wisdom is the key to success. One who has obtained both is known as a sage. In your relentless pursuit of ancient symbols, their wisdom, and their knowledge, you've finally discovered all the ancient markings. A shy step away from mastery, you've been deemed wrthy of the title of GlyphSage.]

 [Stat bonuses added by "GlyphSage," title: Wisdom: +16 :: Perception: +10 :: Intellect: +14.]

[Ding! Ru'nic magic system of the Roman Empire has been unlocked. Access granted to various Ru'nic letters and a general essence that helps you utilize Rome magic.]

[Skill: Foic letter is available.]

[Boost your confidence with a line to follow. One symbol over the other, the letters never overlap, while you complete the rune with utmost perfection. Foic letters increase your focus and boost your speed over common rune symbols. Level: Initiate. Rarity: common.]

[Ding! Your affinity with, "Rune Force," current class, "Tracer," and the title of "GlyphSage," has affected the skill Foic letter.]

[Ding! Skill: Foic letter has been upgraded to the Rune tracer: A diagram drawn with intent stays true to its cause. Infuse your intent into every rune with "Rune Tracer," and see your runes come to life.]

[Cost: Based on intent. Level: Warrior. Rarity: Epic.]

[Skill: Mana Reserve is available.]

[Fights consisting of diagrams are funny until a fireball explodes out and torches the other side. Store up on mana beforehand with the help of mana reserves and use them wisely over the rune. Once used, the reserve can never be reused. Level: Initiate. Rarity: common.]

[Warning! Disappearing skill. This skill can be used only once before it is lost forever. Current Reserve:01/01.]

[Ding! Your affinity with, "Rune Force," current class, "Tracer," and the title of "GlyphSage," has affected the skill Mana Reserve.]

[Ding! Skill: Mana Reserve has been upgraded to Echo vault: Store away a reserve as a backup and use it in the most dire situation for a quick escape or a swift victory. Cost: Based on allocated reserve. Level: Warrior. Rarity: Rare]

[Current Reserve: 02/02 :: Cool Down time:[CDT] :: 00:00:00sec.]

[Ding! Upgraded skill: Conqueror's Stride is available.]

[With Decades of focus held in your eyes, reserves of mana at your disposal, confidence by default, and the intent to conquer, you stride forward. Infuse your ideologies with the never-wavering spirit of a conqueror.]

[Cost: None. Level: Conqueror. Rarity: Epic.]

[Ding! Upgraded skill: Overlay is available.]

[Line over line, letter over letter, symbol over symbol, and power over power. Add one crazy idea over the other and create a whole new level of crazy. For one is never enough. Cost: Based on layers overlay. Level: Monarch Rarity: Legendary.]

[Skills transferred into the "Skills Tomb," folder.]

"Nice... now let's torch some grass."
