5 Chapter 5: Party

"It's going to be a little dangerous to take a subjugation quest – it also doesn't give that much money – so let's take a gathering quest." Osiric said to us as we were walking inside the guild, "Gathering quests aren't that hard, so you should be able to do it pretty easily, plus you can also level up from completing the quest and also the animals that will attack you."

"Wait, does that mean if we just did quests we can level up?" I asked him

"Yeah you can, but it will depend on the quality of the herbs you pick up. If you gather low-level materials you will get little to no experience, but with your maxed out appraisal you can easily get high, heck even epic, materials." Osiric answered, "If you want combat training, strong animals like tigers and lions may hunt you in packs while gathering. So you can get a lot of combat experience as well if you know how to get their attention and kill them."

I thought about the things he had said, killing was getting me a little scared. Since it would make me remember that atrocious incident back home. I was getting a little worried, when Os said, "If you are worried about killing, don't worry. When you were transported, your mind was changed a little bit. You won't get scared about killing monsters or animals."

Both Emma and I sighed a sigh of relief as we heard that, we didn't want to get hurt just because we were scared and couldn't do it.

"So where can we take the quest?" I asked him, unlike how normally there would be a bulletin board in the guild where we could take quests, there wasn't in this guild. Though I saw some people intently look at their cards.

We still hadn't got our cards, since we had just passed our examinations.

"Do you see people looking at their cards?" Osiric asked me. I was confused but I nodded, "That's because quests get send directly to your card, you also get to learn about the quests and what kind of rewards it can give; the system is pretty convenient."

"Yeah, that is pretty convenient." Emma replied; I agreed with her.

"Can you take another quest after completing the previous one?" I asked him, "Yes, but you have to worry about the deadline for your previous quest. Many people don't do it as it makes them get stressed out; they only do it to earn money or get stronger faster."


We were getting a little close to the receptionist, so Osiric took over and did all the talking; the receptionist called us, "These are all your cards."

She gave us a bronze card, the card had our names, ages, classes, ranks – it was G - and even skills written on it. It also had our photos on it. Looking at the card it also had tabs, there was the main tab – where our information was displayed, the inventory tab – the receptionist had said that the cards can also work as a spatial bad and getting higher ranked means we had higher storage, the quest tab – which was pretty self-explanatory, the shop tab – which was pretty much amizon, and finally the call tab.

Seeing it made me think of it as, instead of a guild card, a full-on smartphone, "Emma, isn't this less of a card, more of a phone"

"Yup, it's a freaking phone."

While we were having this exchange Osiric finished talking with the receptionist and called us to the room on the side of the guildhall.

"You guys don't have equipment as I do, it's going to be a little dangerous at first – since you guys probably have little no experience with gathering. Thankfully, the adventurers guild provides free elementary-rank equipment, so you guys don't have to worry about it."

He said as we walked inside to find a massive room, filled to the brim with armors, swords, bows, arrows, etc. "Just go to the booth and tell your classes, you should get the basic equipment that I have.


Both Emma and I agreed and went to the booth, we told our classes to the buff man sitting in there; we then got our armor and weapons.

I got gloves, a chainmail, and some clothes. The gloves had a gem on top of them – they were basically a staff, the chainmail was pretty self-explanatory and the clothes were made from a special fiber and were reinforced by little magic – like the chainmail – so they were pretty strong.

Emma also got the same thing, but instead of the clothes and the gloves; she got a robe and a staff. The robe looked like the thing you would see priests wear in fantasy and the staff had a yellow looking stone on top of it.

"Osiric, why does Emma have a robe and a staff while I don't?" I asked him, "Shouldn't mage have them as well."

"Well, Emma's a healer so she doesn't need that much protection as she is always protected by us. She also needs to make sure her magic is at its strongest; since healing is quite exhausting and stronger magic really helps to lessen the exhaustion and heal more. So she has the robe and the staff, since in the cost of movement speed and protection; they give out massive boost to her magic. You on the other hand need to move a lot and need some amount of protection - since you will be at the back; making sure no monsters escape and guarding us from behind. If you were a little slower and didn't have enough protection you will die and the party will fall. Mages also don't need their magic to be at their strongest, since their normal magic is already enough, so you get the gloves, which at the cost of having a lower boost to magic, gives out a boost to your movement." Osiric answered.

I understood it, basically, Emma had to be protected, so she didn't that much protection while she had to make sure her magic is pretty strong. While I need to be able to move and get a little bit of protection from my armor.

"Tyler, give us a party invite from your card. It will make us have the same quests." Osiric asked me.

I didn't know how to do it, but Osiric taught me pretty easily. I then invited both Emma and Osiric to my party. That's how we became a party and started doing quests together.
