
Save him!

Beatrix's heart skipped a beat in her chest, her thoughts slowing down for a moment as she tried to process what Ava was saying.

"Damien was hit by the blast. He is currently at the hospital with Xavier and Rhys."

Seeing how Ava was avoiding her eyes. She knew it was more serious than she was saying. 

She was hiding something from her, but whatever it was she was going to find out when they got to the hospital. 

"C-can you take me to the hospital?"

Ava nodded, "Sure but we have to find you something to wear."

Beatrix looked down and realized that she was wearing nothing but Rhys' shirt.


When they got inside what once used to be her room, Ava looked around and found her some knickers. 

"Here it's the most decent one I could find." Ava said, handing the knickers to Beatrix.

Beatrix took it numbly. She wanted to go to the hospital and didn't care about what she was wearing.

"Thank you."
