
The Sweet and the Phsyco

0n a dark night, there she went to end up everything along with herself but unexpectedly met her savior. in the journey to end her miseries with her own hands, a miracle occur that gave her a new hope to live.

maida_khalid · 都市
21 Chs

Chapter 18: A New Beginning

It almost felt like a dream. she had never imagined herself in such a relationship. it was beyond her happiness. maybe Noir had always been meant for her. he had to come in her life to bring the change and to make her a normal person again.

Ella`s condition was much better than before. maybe because she was mentally relieved now. during her stay at the Noir had kept her accompanied. he was always there for her. she was finally discharged. they came at Ella`s home together. surprisingly it was neat and clean. Ella was a bit surprised to see it. everything was very neatly arranged. Who could have done that, she thought. then she looked at Noir curiously. he understood what she wanted to ask. he just smiled back cozily at her and kissed her forehead.

"Did you cleaned it?" Ella asked finally

"Well, It could not be helped. it was too messy and that day in order to come in I had to break the lock so I just replaced it into a new one and just cleaned it a bit. You know, it is not good for a patient to live in a messy place." he replied smiling back. Ella felt a flutter in her heart. as she saw him smile, her heart began to race fast. this has never happened before. she had never felt something like this for anyone before. she was almost caught up by that smiling face. Actually since the very beginning this smile had always disturbed her, at that time she did not knew why but now everything was crystal clear. she had been trapped by that smile from the very first day.

She kept looking at him in a daze, lost in her thoughts. " Don`t stare at me like that or else I might lose my mind and end up doing something to you." he said in a very low voice, but somehow it felt quite seductive. Ella`s face turned red with shyness and her heart began to pound like crazy. was his Voice always like this or it had turned like that just now. she nervously put her hands on her face to avoid his gaze.

" Hey..., Don`t hide your face from me. I want to see every expression you make in front of me." Noir sad pulling her hands down ward. she turned her face side ways. At this he held her chin and moved her face upward facing him. "Don`t avoid me Ella. look at me. I want to see your eyes." she thought she was going to go crazy. then she gathered up the courage and hardly opened her eyes as she looked at him. he leaned forward. too close, is he going to kiss me again, she thought. it was way too much for her fragile heart. she could not stand his purple eyes. they felt like a deep sea. shining brightly in the moon light. his silver grey hairs that covered his forehead. this beauty was far too much to hold on. she closed her eyes again as he thought she could no longer stand it. it felt like he was about to kiss her.

"Why did you closed your eyes again, I told you to open them. I want to have a look at them." he whispered. now she could even feel his warm breathe. "Huh!" she muttered. "I said don`t close your eyes and look at me. let me check if they are alright now. they were very red and swelled before, so I thought I should check whether there is a need of eye drops."

"W.. What! this was the reason you wanted to look into my eyes.? " she asked almost shocked. suddenly, she felt embarrassed. just what nonsense she had been thinking while he only wanted to check her eyes. she almost felt like stupid.

" Of course, why else do you think I asked you to?" he asked giving a confused expression.

"I.. Oh god, its so embarrassing." she said stuttering. she covered her face out of regret and shyness. what had she been thinking when his intentions were this pure. she felt like pervert who always thinks nonsense.

"Huh!.. Hey, what happened? And why are you embarrassed? " noir asked innocently.

" Oh.. It`s nothing. I just misunderstood something." she replied out of guilt.

"Misunderstood what?" he tilted his head while saying to see her face. she was so much embarrassed. what should she reply that what had she been thinking so far.

"No.... Nothing." she said slowly.

' were you thinking that I was going to kiss you." he asked in very serious tone.

"Ah!.. No, No that`s not it. I was really not thinking like that. I just..." she said panicked as she was caught up.

Looking her so panicked and shy, he grinned. "Actually I really was going to kiss you but seeing you all shy like that I felt like teasing you a bit.' he said grinning.

"What?! you... you are too much. I hate you." she got furious and and started punching him, while he was laughing at her. Then he grabbed her hands and suddenly kissed her. she was surprised by this sudden kiss. her eyes were wide open. he then out her hands around his neck and held her waist. she felt like her brain was melting away. it felt like crazy. she clutched her arms around his neck. and kissed back. her heart was pounding crazily but she was not the only one, she could hear Noir`s heart racing too. it felt just too magical. was she really going to go crazy. but funny thing now was that it was due to love. Noir`s kisses were really too sweet and that anyone would go crazy if they experienced it. there was a minty taste. bitter and sweet at the same time. it just couldn`t be described in words what she was really feeling. it just felt like she was going to go out of her mind in his arms today. he then peeped in her eyes. but was surprised to see her eyes teary. he got worried, did he do something wrong just now.

" Huh!.. are you alright. Ella?" he said almost panicked." Did I do something to upset you? why are you crying? " his voice began to shake and his heart was about to sink. Ella looked at him. she put her hand around his face. and smiled sweetly. this was the first time he had seen her smile like this.

"I am fine and you did not do anything wrong. I was just too happy now that ended up crying. I never imagined that being loved was this sweet. maybe I have never experienced this warmth before that I was so moved just now. I am sorry I got you worried over this stupidity of mine." she said as she wiped down her tears.

He was relieved hearing this. he smiled and said, "Don`t worry now because from now on I will have you feel this warmth too often that you might end up getting tired of it. so just don`t cry from now on as you have me . " he said comforting her. he then again kissed her. that day it felt like they were really going to end up going insane with each other. they could not stop themselves anymore and so it was a really sweet night together....