
The successor: Secrets unravel

Can anyone truly remain sane when our view of our own little world crumbles before our very eyes revealing dark secrets that are dreaded and unraveling past mysteries When all dark secrets start to surface to the light what will Valentino Anderson do when the truth about her life is revealed. When she learns that her life was never hers to decide on. Will she silently surrender to destiny all will she try to break free from the shackles that bind her to Alexander Hart, the billionaire tyrant.

Claudy_Storm · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 4

Next day Lenny felt a little lighter after waking up as if a burden had been lifted up from her shoulders. As far she remembered her parents would be up by seven, meaning she had thirty minutes before they woke up. She quickly took her bath and when she returned her outfit for the day was already on the bed waiting for her . It was a blue and gold A-line dress paired with a pair of black heels.

Just then memory fragments from yesterday started playing in her mind making her shudder in the process, just then she felt a presence in her room she turned her head only to find the window open. She just consoled herself by reminding herself that this how her life has always been, a hopeless case.

So without delay she got dressed and headed downstairs she now had only ten minutes before the couple came down for breakfast. She passed through the kitchen grabbing an apple in the process. It was better to just avoid her mother because she was the only one to get hurt whenever the faced each other.

Due to her parents presence Alfred could not take her to school as he usually came to take her at quarter to eight as lessons started at eight but since she was running away from home like the plague she could only take her sweet time walking. The thirty minute walk to the school was lonely but comfortable as it gave Lenny more time to think about her life. Despite being gifted with both beauty and brains Lenny had no dreams. In the entire school no one could hold a candle to her in terms of academic intellect but due to her family's influence the entire school was against her as they tried to please Mrs Anderson and the only way to do so was to make her life a living hell.

It was like this all year round, getting punished for every small mistake and even for nothing most of the time, being sent to detention due to cheating in class as if she would need to cheat with an IQ as high as hers, but she had learned through trial and error that resistance only made her mother more angry and vicious.

Lenny was so lost in thought she did not notice the guy hurriedly walking up to her. It was only when Alex greeted her that she finally came back to reality. "Oh hey there, Lenny" he said wearing a jaw dropping smile that if she was someone else she would have sworn that there was nothing more beautiful. But she could not help but slightly shiver at that smile that has been haunting her dreams for more than two years.

The action did not go unnoticed as Alex asked "Hey, are cold, wear this...." he said covering her with his jacket. "You fine?, " he asked his voice laced with what Lenny thought was genuine concern. She could only stare at him as she thought how weird he seemed. Like seriously, how could anyone care so much for someone he has just met.

Seeing her unresponsiveness Alex came nearer, capturing her face in both his large hands as he made her face him. "Are you okay Lenny....." he asked as his gaze shifted between her eyes and her lips. He continued staring at her pink lips making Lenny nervous when his warm thump started caressing her cool cheeks inciting strange feelings within her.

Lenny awkwardly broke free from his grip as her cheeks and ears turned pink. "I'm fine now she said already making her way to the doors that led into the vast hallway. Since she was half an hour earlier the hallway was empty. Upon seeing her retreating back Alex could not help but smirk at Lenny's shyness which brought about a sense of accomplishment to him. He followed behind her as he headed to his locker before going to class.

When he finally entered the classroom he found Lenny already seated in her seat staring out the window. Just then he decided since it's just the two of them now why not tease her a little bit and so he went and sat on her table. Lenny quickly responded to the assault on her table by raising her head only to regret her decision when her grey eyes made contact with his brown ones, she felt the world move in slow motion. She was enchanted by his eyes that she did not see how his hand had moved from his pocket to her chin while his thumb gently rubbed her lower lip.

Despite feeling the cooling effect his thumb was inciting on her lips Valentino did nothing to stop the intrusion as she felt all her strength vanish. They remained in that stance for heaven know how long with Lenny staring at Alex's well defined face while his gaze remained glued on her pink plump lips thinking all kinds of mischief.

Their little daydream was broken by the sound of footsteps in the hallway. Lenny looked at the door but Alex's hand remained on her face. After a few more moments of savoring the feel of her lips under his fingers Alex finally but reluctantly let go and took his seat beside her waiting for the lesson to begin.

In just a matter of minutes the class was lively and bustling with conversation which was a huge contrast to the once quiet and tranquil place it was a few minutes ago. On time, Mrs Smith their class teacher walked in.

"Good morning class. As you all know it is school tradition that in your last year of high school you are put in groups of four in order to gain merit for the group assignments which will contribute to fifteen percent of your results. However this year the group selection will be a little different. As of this year as a class you shall nominate ten group leaders who will be responsible for choosing the other three members. As such I am giving you till the end of this lesson to bring the names of these people. "

After her Mrs Smith's announcement the class erupted into a chatter as people tried to fit themselves into their 'ideal' group. For Lenny this was nothing as she would be content with whatever arrangements. After a few more minutes of heated discussions the class president, Derrick, took control of the situation by asking the names of the ten group leaders nominated by the class.