
The successor: Secrets unravel

Can anyone truly remain sane when our view of our own little world crumbles before our very eyes revealing dark secrets that are dreaded and unraveling past mysteries When all dark secrets start to surface to the light what will Valentino Anderson do when the truth about her life is revealed. When she learns that her life was never hers to decide on. Will she silently surrender to destiny all will she try to break free from the shackles that bind her to Alexander Hart, the billionaire tyrant.

Claudy_Storm · ファンタジー
9 Chs

Chapter 2

Valentino struggled with maintaining her front which did not go unnoticed by the beauty before her and without warning he stretched out his hand placing it on her forehead. "What's wrong," he asked his voice laced with concern. That simple contact of their skin served as salvation to the girl who had almost lost consciousness. Even after recovering from the sudden rollercoaster she remained unmoving in her seat as if oblivious of the guy before who resembled her nightmare that had been haunting for almost two years now.

Upon seeing her porcelain skin regaining its colour, the guy cleared his throat claiming her attention before saying "Hey I was asking if I could sit here before you started fantasizing about me" with a smug look. At that Valentino only scowled before saying "Help yourself" it was only then that she finally noticed the heated gazes that remained trained on them, they were looks of envy and jealous and a little bit of hatred.

Just then Alisha, the school Belle walked to the guy seated beside wearing her usual beautiful smile. "Hey didn't get your name last time," she said all smiles only to be rewarded a disdainful look in return. "Alex...., Alexander Hart, you know from Hart Enterprises." he said looking very irritated. She was about to continue when he said, "And if you don't mind scram"

he continued before turning his attention to Valentino and asking "So beautiful what's your name" he asked with his head rested in his right hand as he devoted his entire attention to her. This action earned a lot of surprised gasps from the onlookers.


They all asked themselves, the school Belle just got out right rejected but that.... that invisible dud was being showered with it, what had the world become. Valentino just eyed him weirdly before answering, "Valentino but my friends call me Lenny"

"Lenny, nice so what are you doing, Lenny"

Lenny was not in the mood to answer him as she knew staying away from people would help her defend against heartbreak but only time would tell if she would be able to avoid Mr Hart. Even after she obviously ignored him Alex continued bombarding her with a myriad of questions which remained unanswered. This continued for the rest of the day as long as there were not in a lesson he would pester her with his questions as it seemed that the y had every lesson together which was much to Lenny's dismay.

Alex stuck to her like a leach even at lunch he provided with company at her usually lonely table. But Lenny had long lost the power of speech in front of this man that very mush looked alike to the man who haunted her dreams for the past few years. Even his voice reminded her of the man that would claim her as his every night in her dreams. It was due to this line of thought that she decided to stay away from him lest another Chase incident takes place.

So she just planned to ignore him until he was tired of chasing and eventually leave her alone. After lunch the pestering continued but she as always ignored him. Time quickly went by as they were soon dismissed and like always she headed to the school gate where she expected to find Alfred already waiting for her but to her surprise he was not there and as if on que Alex in his black Mercedes Benz pulled over offering her a ride but she blatantly rejected his offer and opted to walking as her house was just a thirty minute walk from the school.

So she truly did not mind. And come to think of it she also needed a good walk to clear he mind and remind herself that the poor guy was not the tyrant from her dreams who exuded an aura of authority. No matter how hard Lenny tried to convince herself that her dreams had nothing to do with the only heir of Hart Enterprises but she still could not shake of the feeling she got when she was next to him.

No matter what one thing remained the same, this guy was trouble to her and the best thing to do was stay far away from her. She was so engrossed in her school life that she actual forgotten that her private is also just as chaotic. And to make it all worse only the heavens knew what awaited her at home

She absent-mindedly walked home hoping to get home have a nice bath to help her forget and then sleep but even that was tormenting . To her great anguish when she reached home her parents where there, they had returned from their 'trip' to France. She did not even need anyone to translate to her what that meant.

Trouble seemed to be tailing her.