
The Strongest Swordsman Of Naruto World

Through the Naruto world, Liu Yu activated the strongest inheritance system, and obtained the inheritance of the world's largest swordsman, " Eagle Eye " . Since then, a strong swordsman far surpassing White Fang was born.

King_Sarthak · アニメ·コミックス
130 Chs

Chapter 64 _ Happy birthday, Hinata!

When Liu Sheng woke up, it was the morning when the dawn broke through the darkness.

The sound of cicadas chirping came from outside the window, and Liu Sheng slowly opened his eyes.

An uncomfortable feeling of powerlessness came up immediately.

Just when he was about to look up, his vision was dazed for a while, causing Liu Sheng to lie down again.

At this time, there was a heavy feeling in his arms, and a familiar fragrance poured into his nostrils.

Looking down at the girl lying in his arms, the feeling of last night came to Liu Sheng's mind.

In a daze, I remember that Hinata seemed to be wiping his body for him, and then massaging his hands and feet ... There was no sticky feeling in his body, and the feeling last night should be real.

Thinking of this, Liu Sheng's eyes softened.

Raising his hand and stroking Hinata's long smooth hair, Liu Yu lay quietly, ignoring the complaining of an empty stomach.

[You killed ' Kunma Lu ' and gained 1.22% experience. ]

[Your ' Eagle Eye ' inheritance template has been unlocked to 63.58% . ]

While stroking Hinata's hair, Liu 22sheng checked the system.

Looking at the experience of [ 1.22% ], Yagyu just nodded with satisfaction.

In the seven years since the time traveled, apart from fighting with those three children, it was the first time that Liu Sheng was so embarrassed.

Junma Lu even made him experience the suffocation of death for the first time.

This experience is completely in line with his level.

After looking at the eye system, Liu Sheng closed his eyes.

Not to enter the spiritual world, but to listen to the sound of breathing around you.

He lost his strength yesterday and didn't have time to appreciate the realm of the great swordsman.

Now that he is full of energy, Yagyu naturally wants to experience that feeling again.

After a while, Liu Sheng opened his red eyes, and there was a look of disappointment in his eyes: "The breathing range is three times larger than before. Was the knife yesterday just an epiphany? "

The knife that Liu Sheng made yesterday was a bit more powerful than the knife that cut off the iceberg in the original Hawkeye book.

But Hawkeye swung that knife very easily.

And Liu Sheng was exhausted.

Everything breathed at that time, and the coverage was very exaggerated.

Liu Sheng's current feeling is still very clear.

But after he focused on listening to the breath of all things, he could not enter the state of yesterday.

Just like back to reality and entering a short-lived state after watching the battle between Hawkeye and Red Hair in the spiritual world.

However, the scope of breathing is several times stronger than the normal state of yesterday.

This can't help but let Liu Sheng think of the epiphany of death.

  " Death is really a terrible thing. " Liu Sheng sighed slightly in his heart.

  " Boom! "

  " Brother Liu Sheng ..."

At this time, the sleeping Hinata and the contemplative Liusheng were suddenly awakened by a loud noise.

The door of the room was pushed open from the outside.

I saw Hua Huo running in with a worried look, the petite and small body jumped up, and the whole person slammed into Liu Sheng's body.

  " Cough cough ..."

Liu Yu, who was not physically strong, was almost suffocated by the fireworks.

However, with the wetness and moistness on his face, and looking at the tearful fireworks, Yagyu couldn't raise a trace of anger.

Liu Sheng held Hana's head, wiped her tears gently with his two fingers, and asked softly, " What's the matter, why are you crying? "

  " I ... I heard, to save Sasuke Uchiha's team ... All members were injured, Neji brother was seriously injured, one of the silver-haired Chunin, was unconscious ... I thought you had an accident, Yagyu brother. ! "

Hua Huo lay on Liu Sheng's body and said choked up.

Hinata, who was about to complain about her, softened.

Hearing her words, Liu Sheng showed a smile, raised his head and kissed the corner of Hua Huo's eye, touched her head, and comforted: " No matter what you hear in the future, you have to remember ... Your brother Liu Sheng, will not something happened. "

  " This is my promise to Hana, you know? "

  " Yeah. " Hua Huo's nasal voice choked up in response, raised his hand and stretched out his pinky to Liu Sheng, and said with tears in his eyes, " Retractor! "

Liu Sheng laughed dumbly, his right little thumb hooked Hanako's little finger, and shook it up and down: " Retract the hook. "

  " Hee hee ..."

Hua Huo burst into tears and laughed, after all, she was just a 7 -year-old girl.

However, Liu Sheng found the second precious gem in his life.


Time flies by like water.

two months later.

time has come to mid- December , and the end of the year is coming soon.

After experiencing Uchiha Sasuke's defection time, all the nine majors seemed to have transformed and began to grow up.

The biggest change among them is Uzumaki Naruto and Nara Shikamaru.

A Naruto Uzumaki who promised to bring Sasuke Uchiha back to his beloved girl, but failed.

As if realizing his weakness and resenting his own weakness, Naruto Uzumaki became less naive, and at the same time looked for various ways to find clues to Uchiha Sasuke.

The other is Nara Shikamaru, who hurt his teammates and blamed himself very much.

Although the surface is still lazy, as long as he enters the 380 task state in his heart, he will be full of energy and use his natural mind to prepare plans for the task.

In addition, the Twelve Little Powers, after joint operations, have grown flowers of friendship.

In some gatherings, Inuzukaya and Nara Shikamaru from the seventh, ninth, and tenth classes would come over and invite the eighth class to attend.

At the same time, there is also the third class of Hyuga Neji, which is Kaiban.

Liu Sheng refused at first, until he was so annoyed that he took the eighth class to participate a few times.

With the Xiaoqiangs of the original book, the relationship from unfamiliar classmates has changed to a nodding acquaintance.

Of course, this is what Yagyu thinks.

Nara Shikamaru and others have already regarded him as a trustworthy partner.

The end of the year is approaching, and the snow is coming.

  December 27 . _

Today, Yagyu prepared a surprise for Hinata.

The Yagyu house at night is dimly lit.

Hinata Kazuo, who was called by Yanagyu, saw a cake full of twelve candles in the living room.

A pair of hands quietly covered the corner of her eyes from behind.

A soft whisper sounded from the ear: " Beautiful white-eyed princess, happy birthday! ".