10 hunting the divine

"Prepare every hunter we can tonight we will fill our stomachs till we can't eat more." Rentrex said with a commanding voice, right after all the wolves dispersed running through the many caves and paths.

"Join us brothers first we hunt, then we feast" the wolves yelled out as they ran.

"Brother get up it's time to hunt" A wolf told another in a cave who got up slowly.

"Father father it's hunting time." a wolf known as the newest hunter.

"Good I'll be on my way shortly." A giant wolf said calmly as four diamond shaped boulders that were spinning around him came to a halt

In only a short time 35 giant stone wolves had gathered in front of one who looked mightier than the rest with scars across his body and a grand silhouette that made all the wolves stiffen and hold their heads up. This wolf was no other then Rentrex the alpha, he stood almost 17 ft tall having two ft on the other wolves.

"Pack brothers we will hunt in the flame secron it will but hot but the beasts there will be delicious, we will feast greatly tonight!" Rentrex roared making the other wolves cheer.




The 35 giant stone wolves yelled and cheered madly; their thunderous voices echoed throughout the forest that surrounded them like a warning to all the weak creatures and a challenge to all the brave or foolish creatures, who believed themselves strong enough to fight off the ferocious pack of wolves.

"Now let our hunt lead us into the fire so we may have a grand feast" Rentrex told the wolves as he began to sprint in the direction of the flame secron, with the other wolves following quickly behind him. After much time of running the hunting pack reached the edge of the flame secron, most animals had fled while a few were trampled or ravaged by the pack. The flame secron looked dangerous with glowing cracks scattered throughout the ground and many blackened trees some even bearing fruit that looked red with veins of fire running through them. the atmosphere of the area had a certain heat to it and a glow as if lava hid just below the surface.

"The farther in we go the hotter it will become, be prepared" Rentrex said to the pack as they crossed the border into the flame secron, immediately the wolves were assaulted by a dry heat.

"It's so damn hot here, I feel like a cooked boar." A young wolf named whined only a few feet into the secron.

"Quit yur complainin I been here before the temperature ain't the worst part." An older wolf going by Yendring barked.

"Yeah, the real nuisances are the random fissures." A shorter and slightly older wolf named Bal-boller chimed in. "Watch your step the ground can break open anywhere."

the pack continued walking through the secron killing most of the beasts on the way some of the stronger creatures had put up a fight and some were too fast for the large wolves to want to chase. One wolf had been injured by the random fissures, burning the wolf's leg off.

Finally, the pack had reached an open area walled in by a huge rock spike wall, at the center of the field there was a gigantic boulder with spikes sticking out of it and cracks running through it. It was surrounded by four miniature volcanos with streams of hot magma flowing to somewhere underneath the rock.

"Be vigilant alpha, the creature we saw was roaming around in there." The scout wolf Renny yelled out.

"Surround that rock while staying close to the walls." Rentrex commanded.

As the first few wolves entered the area and walked close to the wall, the boulder began to tremble as more cracks started to form. Yet none of the wolves noticed until two large stone arms broke from the boulder, followed by a head with only a large mouth emerging from the top of the rock.

"Everyone be ready the boulder is moving!" Bal-boller yelled since he had the clearest view of the creature. As soon as it heard his voice the creature twisted its head and spewed a large beam of scorching flames about 15ft in diameter toward the wolf. He tried to dodge but the back half of his devoured by the flames before he could clear it, leaving only the front half of his body with the flames sticking to him continuing to burn his already dead corpse.

The flame didn't stop as the creature turned its beam of flame toward the wolves that were behind Bal-boller, the wolf closest to him barely had time to think and ran away only being grazed by the beam. The creature stopped and soon after, the boulder began to crack and break then a creature began to rise from ground revealing a behemoth made of stone with hardened plates covering everything except its joints-

Its legs were as thick as tree trunks with veins pumping magma from the ground into its body it stood almost 30 ft tall with the magma it took from the ground coursing throughout its body towards its center.

"Attack!" Rentrex roared out to all the wolves. Immediately the wolves burst into action using all a variety of attacks. Blades made of stone speed towards the creature accompanied by boulders flying through the air and stone spikes shooting at the creature.

As the attacks came close to the creature a dome of lava erupted from the ground stooping all the attacks that came at it.

"Keep attacking and circle the behemoth" Rentrex shouted while running toward the creature dodging the skills launched at it while continuously shooting giant spike at it, yet they were all stopped by the dome of lava. It then gathered into a ball and shot toward Rentrex. he dodged the lava ball, but it stopped after passing him and started shooting lava bullets at all the wolves till grazing some and hitting others burning right through their bodies luckily none of them were lethal, but few were left with paralyzing injuries.
