
The Strongest Contractor

After the appearance of the all the mythical beings everyone on earth acquired a power equal to the god by making a contract with them.As I made a contract with a Goddess and trained for 2 years everything on earth changed not only the places but also the system.But why did this mythical beings suddenly popped out of nowhere?

Just_a_Normal_Kid · ファンタジー
3 Chs

"Make a Contract with me"

Going home after buying his daily needs.

Felix felt a strange gaze following him while going to his house.

"What the hell is that?,why do i feel being watched??"

Confused as he is,he ignored the feeling still continued to walk until he reached his home.

Not until a sudden whisper talked to him.

"Good Evening,Human",it says

Felix jumped from fear as he rushly locked the door to keep him safe.

"Who the hell are you?,are you the one that has been following me?"

"Indeed I am"

As the spirit took the form of a human.

She has a beautiful scarlet hair and voluptuous body

Paired with her green eyes

She warped at the door leavinng felix astounded from it.

"Y-you are the fairy a while ago!Goddess of the spirits Faerie!"

"I am surprised that you know me"

"What do you mean??,I have read books about you when I was a child"

"Books about me??Is that so??"

"Yes,you are known as the strongest spirit of the spirit world"

"You really do know some things about me,but first wouldn't it be better if we talk inside?"

"O-oh yes! of course"

Felix began to be flustered as he slowly open the door and let the spirit inside his home.

They then sat on the a couch that faces each other

Breaking the silence the spirit then start talking

"First,let me introduce myself I am Faerie *The Goddess of all the spirits* I have come here to tell you something"

"Dare I ask what is that thing you want to say?",answered by the nervous Felix

"I want you to-"

"To?????",confused by what's happening Felix started to scratch his head

"This is a bit embarassing as this is my first time going personally looking for a human"

"Oh no it's okay you can take your time",Felix then quickly tried to comfort her

While Felix is comforting her a sentence of words made him stop

"Make a contract with me"

"A-a contract!?!?!",surprised by it Felix sat down to think if he is dreaming or not

"Yes I want you to make a contract with me"

"But didn't you say a while ago that we have to be the one to find a God to make a contract to??"

"Yes,I did but i never said that the Gods cannot choose their contractor personally"

"But why me?? there are a lot of other ones beside me"

"I can feel it,you are special there is something within you that will make you be able to carry my power and-"

"And?? what??"

"Now is not the time for you to know that,I have almost said too much"

"Not to know what?? is some thing going on??"

"Not until you're completely able to use my power,meaning my 100% power"

"So all i have to do is become stronger right? Then I won't force you any further",the sudden curiousity made Felix more motivated to know what is that information

"That's great But going back to the topic I want you to make a contract with me now"

"Then let's make a contract"

But then a sudden silence came as Felix don't know anything about how to form a contract

"But how?",Felix then scratch his head looking at the goddess

"Pfft HAHAHAHAHAHAHA",the goddess laughed as hard as she could

"Ughhh come on now tell me how",felix then started to turn red from the embarassment

"All you have to do is to touch my hands and look into my eyes"

"Is that it??"


As he two hold their hands and look at each others eyes a big colorful magic circle started to appear below them

The circle made a connecting mana from the hearts of the two while more mana aroung them started to swirl


After a minute everything was back to normal

The circle dissappeared then the two started to open their eyes

"I only saw it a few seconds but what is the big colorful circle?"

"That is my Symbol Circle"

"Huh?? Symbol Circle??"

"A Symbol Circle represents us Gods,that means every Gods have a different Symbol Circle"

"Your symbol circle sure is a colorful one huh"

"Of course it will be a colorful one as that circle shows all my powers red as fire,green is the wind,blue as water,brown as earth,white as the light and black as the dark"

"Wait is that is your powers and I am your contractor does that mean that I can use all of them??"

"Yes that is correct"

"I really got goddamn lucky"

"But for that to happen your need to harness my power first,you have to train and cultivate my powers so that you won't explode"

Felix then turned to stone from the sudden realization that he could only control the power if he can control it

"2 years",the spirit announced out of nowhere

"2 years??",confused Felix started to turn his head sideways thinking what does the Goddess mean

"In a span of 2 years you will die if you are not able to control my powers"

"What?!! What should i do then??!!"

"Calm down,like I said you can control it if you started to train and cultivate it quickly"

"Does that mean",Felix started to calm down

"Yes in the span of two years you must not go outside to play"

"So i am right"

"Yes in the span of two years the only thing that you will be doing is"




