
The Strongest Class

A world connected on another. a normal world and a magical world. blake who was left to his aunt by her mom at the age of 6 grew, while being bully and scorned as an orphan, he live all throughout the years enduring for her aunt and his only friend alice, who helped him everyday to continue living, resulting in him growing up as an mature and strong person. but one day, her mom reach out to him in a dream, asking him to find her and his dad, so he ask her aunt for clues, thinking she would hid it from him, blake didn't have high hopes, but unexpectedly, her aunt was very open about the past and only blake misunderstood it as a secret. so his aunt introduced him to a new world thus Blake's adventure begun... but it wasn't as smooth as he thought...

Crimsonplay · ファンタジー
20 Chs

hereditary class?


blake asked "pearl, are you okay? "

pearl spoke "sit!! "

blake who stood up in attempt to calm pearl down, was force to sit again.

blake replied "ah y-yes"


pearl continued "then let's talk about class, starting with the category of class. there are 3 categories, I'm sure you already read about the first and second right? "

alice replied "yeah, the sealed classes and trainable classes"

pearl continued "right, the third one is, hereditary class."

blake spoke "w-wait, now that's nonsense how can class be hereditary?"

pearl replied "it means a class bind by blood, and can be pass by blood, it's very advantageous in creating a powerful family since it will be passed on to your offsprings."

alice asked "can you give us some examples?"

pearl replied "examples? hmm~, ah! right, werewolf class and vampire class!! "

blake asked "wait, aren't those two examples of races?"

pearl spoke "then have you seen an dwarf who can fight like a werewolf? for example a dwarf with a hereditary werewolf class."

blake replied "how can a dwarf have a hereditary werewolf class blood, when his not even a werewolf?"

pearl replied "it's only an example, but it's possible, since, hereditary class appear as an virus that mixed with a random person's blood whether they like it or not."

pearl continued "if you're lucky enough to caught this virus, you can wield the power of different races and monsters as a class."

pearl continued "if you saw a dwarf fighting like a werewolf would you believe his race is a werewolf or his class is a werewolf?"

alice replied "woah~, that's interesting, then blake what if we found someone with a hereditary class for you?!"

blake spoke "that's a great idea, with that I can quickly gain a class! "

pearl anxiously spoke "I think that's not a good idea~."

blake asked "why not?"

pearl replied "because if the class isn't suitable to your mana's nature, then it will only kill you like a true virus, that why it's suggested to be passed on to your offsprings instead"

alice asked "then why would others want to drink an hereditary class carrier's blood, if they'll die?"

pearl spoke "it's only because their mana's nature is compatible, but with an natureless mana it will only be suicide."

blake spoke with regret "it's because of this damn nature less mana.!"