
Aiden's Maid

Opening the door, Aiden was stunned, seeing a beauty like that knocking on his door.

The person in front of him was wearing a black dress that complimented her perfect figure. Her face was simply stunning, with her brown hair and blue eyes. Her body didn't have too many curves, but she had trained her body for a long time because her muscles were more visible than the ones on Aiden's body. However, looking closely at her face, she didn't seem to be happy to be there.

"Hey, Aiden, anything out of the usual?" The girl in front of him asked with a tone that seemed to contain disdain.

This completely confused Aiden, was he supposed to know her, was she anyone important to him? But he quickly dismissed it because anger seemed to bubble up inside of him once again, looking at this person.

"Hm, no...everything is perfect? But, uh...who are you?" He asked, trying to know more about the girl in front of him.

"You don't remember who I am? Did you lose your memories or what, haha?" The girl said, laughing at Aiden.

"I apologize, but I've been having memory issues lately. Could you remind me who you are?" Aiden replied, making it known he didn't remember much.

"Wow, you truly are useless. You can't even remember the maid who took care of you since you were little." The maid said, looking at Aiden with clear disgust on her face.

"You? You're a maid, how?" Aiden exclaimed, shocked, not understanding why someone who seemed to have trained her entire life would be a simple maid.

"Well, obviously, I'm not a simple maid. I'm a maid of the Nightshade's family, haha!" Emily, the maid, explained with a sense of superiority contained in the tone of her voice.

"So, you're supposed to take care of me, huh? Then why are you laughing at me?" Aiden answered, unhappy with her current attitude toward him.

"It's simple, really; your existence has been a nuisance to me. You were supposed to be talented and gifted, but years after you were born, you were still the same trash as when you were born. Because of that, the family kicked you out and decided to send me here once a week to check up on you." the maid answered back, clearly unhappy with her situation and disgusted with Aiden.

"So, did anything change lately?" Emily, the maid, asked nonchalantly.

Aiden, hearing that she noted the things that changed about him, decided to not tell her about his awakening and decided to keep her in the dark about his current situation.

"No, nothing much. Everything's as usual."

"Then, I guess this is goodbye. I'll come back here in a week," Emily said, as she left the small room which Aiden called home with an evil smile on her face.

"Bye," Aiden said as he frowned, unsure what her deal was.

It seemed that Aiden would have to deal with quite an annoying person once a week from now on. And if she discovered, he awakened and told his family. Aiden wasn't sure what the reaction from his family would be, but he knew he didn't want to go back there ever again.

'That maid isn't even respecting me, and I'm supposed to be her master. Imagine the rest of that family,' He thought, convinced that he would never go back there at any cost.

After she left, Aiden opened his system and saw the same notification as when he had first transmigrated in this body.

[You will be summoned to the Otherworld in three days.]

Realizing he only had three days left before being summoned again, he decided to go outside his room and find a place to buy new equipment because he only had three days to do so. If he wanted to get better results in his second trial, he would need to prepare for it and not be oblivious like in the first one.

However, there was a big problem, Aiden didn't have any money. He only had this small core of the boss monster, and he had no idea of its actual value. Aiden thought that the mace would not get him much money because it didn't look great and would probably be common for most people.

But he didn't change his mind and exited his small room. As he closed the door behind him, he got a look at the new world of which he was now part. It seemed his house was located in the slums because trash could be found everywhere around him.

He could also see some people who looked exactly like him before awakening on the ground. They looked feeble and didn't seem to have any energy to do anything, but when Aiden started to look at them. They all turned their head toward him, and without even speaking he could see that those people suffered even more than him.

Not knowing where to go to buy equipment, he asked one of those guys where he needed to go sell his items.

The man who answered had difficulty speaking, but Aiden was still able to make some sense of his words. It seemed that there was a shop close by that bought items from the Otherworld. But Aiden didn't know if that shop was safe or if he would get attacked. After all, he was currently in the slums. 

Nonetheless, he knew that he could simply beat up anyone coming for his life.

After walking for a couple of minutes in the direction the homeless man had given him, he seemed to have arrived at the shop the man had talked to him about.

Aiden wasn't completely sure if it was the right place because the building looked like it had been abandoned a long time ago. The emblem of the shop on which was written Otherworld Shop was starting to detach itself, almost falling down.

But he still walked in, thinking that maybe the interior of the shop would be way better.

Unsurprisingly, it wasn't anything better. The only thing inside the shop was a single wooden door. No one seemed to be working or living in this place. It was truly abandoned.

Still, having come all this way here, Aiden decided to check what would happen when he opened the door.

The system, which had been silent for a while now, suddenly activated with a message that Aiden had never expected to see.

[You are being teleported to the Underground Otherworld Shop.]

"This old wooden door is a teleportation tool. What the hell?"
