
Chapter 1: Death

I wonder when was the last time that I felt this comfortable. Ahh i remember the last time I felt this comfortable was when i was sleeping in my mother's lap oh yes those days were just amazing. No worries No problems almost everything was handled by parents. I had a loving little sister and a dependable older brother he was a little mean but he was dependable nevertheless.

But…..My brother worked for Mafia and because of some circumstances Mafia killed my parents and raped and then killed my little sister of course my brother was killed first my house was burned to the ground but I lived I survived and ran away but i hated those bastards that's why when I was 18 I joined CIA and then killed those bastards my life become full of killing and escaping my life was 'kill or be killed'.

But it was not that bad i had some comrades with me and I also had a best friend James connor we became friends when we were in training so we are friends for like 10 years now. He is a good man but a little twisted but who could blame the guy when you had to kill your own father when you were 10 years old boy that would be one heck of a trauma he killed him because that bastard was always torturing his mother and himself he joined CIA so that no other kid have to do this again but how much can we clean this shit it just get piling up without stopping and we cleaner do all the dirty work and then we receive news that politicians are using us for their votes just think what you will feel when you get the news that you are the reason for more shit to pile up and then you are going to clean that too.

Just 5 minutes ago I received the news that my friend for 10 years James connor is actually working for a human trafficking ring and by the way i was the one who was investigating this ring it was really a scene right out of the movie let me tell you.

I was strapped to a chair my hairs messy all of my nails missing my face unrecognizable no clothing on my body i was sitting in a freezer for meet ahh so cold even now i can feel that chill when i saw my best friend entering the room he was shocked but i was more shocked to know that he was working for that human trafficking ring what a life in that moment I lost everything I had no family no revenge ( because I had already taken it) and finally no friends yeah i had comrades but why would they help me i am sure some politicians have them in his pocket so yeah here is a man who has nothing.

And now I am losing the last thing that the God ( if exist) gave me my life and by the hand of my favorite gun 'Desert Eagle' and by the hands of my best friend 'James Connor' what a life I lead.

The led bullet pierces my skull than brain i felt the most horrifying pain and i still remember that pain because of a curse I carry which is known as '100% perfect photographic memory' ahh only this thing is with me even after I am dead now i can tell this curse is my only friend even in death it did not leave me.

Well i am done recalling my life and now I will just enjoy my death and comfort this place is awfully dark i guess i am on my way to hell oh well who cares.

I was floating in darkness for unknown amount of time when i saw something bright red so because of my curious nature I followed that red light and then some scenes started to play before my eyes.

A girl who was about 10 or 11 years old was collecting garbage from the street just like many other homeless people she was also doing her best to live by scrapes left behind in garbage she collected garbage all day and then sold that garbage to a guy sitting on a river shore in a truck.

Then she returned to her old shack of a house with some money and with a smile i could not see her face or any other faces because they were covered by fog or mist but weirdly I could see her smile it is creepy i tell you.

Her mother was sick, her father was dead but she was still content with her small life she was worried for her mother but she knew that her mother won't survive she was sad but she knew that her whole life is in front of her so she cannot give up that's why she wanted to enjoy the little time she has with her mother hence she was always smiling.

Seeing this, I felt like that's how a person should live there life even in the storm always stand your ground and look ahead you have got all your life ahead don't give up just because you are sad or something always smile and move ahead towards future I also lived like that but now i am here but I don't regret anything i did everything i wanted i made my decisions and now i am here so it is my decision in the end.

The scene changes to when her mother is dead and she is smiling while crying her relatives (mostly from her father's side) were disgusted by her hence they did not even take her in for 1 day but she is a smart kid she asked for some money but never begged or she requested something more from them using that money she bought some books and applied for a scholarship for a school with hostel service.

She studied under lamp post in night, collected garbage all day sun,rain,windy days did not matter she just studied for the entrance exam even while collecting garbage she studied whenever she had time and finally it was the entrance exam she visited her family grave in morning and then she departed to her exam center all the students saw her clothes more like reg but she did not mind them security stopped her but when she revealed that she has an exam ticket many people were shocked and then they were all without exception were looking at her with a condescending gaze.

But to their utter shock like there whole world is gone upside down she passed and not just passed she was the first in all of the country they did not believed it hence she had to go through re test and she again passed with a perfect score.

Because of her talent the government helped her to study in the best university in the country.

She studied hard and exercised hard and on top of that when she finally started living like normal humans taking shower every day and using cosmetics like shampoo and whatnot she was absolute beauty and that attracts unwanted attention.

The scene changes to what appears to be present when she is 18 years old she is always wearing a makeup to hide her beauty always in disguise to hide her body and she is isolated by every student on the university.

She is a loner always studying no friends no family she is surviving and she is content with her life living like this but on this very day when I died her luck also started to run out somehow one of the son of a government officer saw her real beauty and now he is after her.

The scene changes and this time it shows a boy pushing a girl down on the roof and trying to rape her but she is showing her resistance she reveals a knife from her black socks and slices the boy's face and run for her life down the stairs and out of the university.

"I am done...it's over...i should just die ...i am tired...i am tired of this life….even if i vanish no one will care ...so why bother living.."

She is muttering these words while running and crying on the streets.4

When I saw her break i forget that i am dead and started shouting but no sound con=me out of my mouth but I did not give up in this utter darkness i also started crying that comfortable feeling started to intensify like it is trying to say [Just forget about it. It does not concern you so why bother] and I also started to lose my will to struggle.

Then i saw the girl standing on the footpath waiting for something "Ahh i am done i give up…..I am coming ...Father ...Mother ...your daughter tried her best …..sorry ...I am really sorry"

When i heard those sentences I become really angry, I know she is going to suicide and no one can blame her I am not angry at the boy no i am angry on this girl how could she give up like this.

She doesn't know how many others are inspired by her story of struggle on the streets no she knows that many people look up to her but she just don't care it is as if she everything she had done up until now was a waste I was extremely angry, so angry that even the darkness around me and the comfortable feeling also started to retreat like they are afraid of my anger I roared


At this moment the girl started to shiver just as she was going to step into the road in front of a truck she started shaking and she retreated sweat started to form on her head she become really afraid she was so afraid that she fell down on her rear.

She was crying shaking on the ground many people were looking at her from a distance but no one wanted to meddle with her hence they were all keeping a distance she cried for a long time and then finally after an unknown amount of time she finally calm down. At this moment my consciousness becoming really hazy like i had use all my strength just to say those lines but i did not regret it i think i just saved one more poor soul even if i don't know what is in for her in the near future I know she will live and she will continue to struggle until she dies and that's all I care about. The last thing I saw before falling asleep was her beautiful smile.

I am really comfortable it is like I am sleeping in my mother's lap but i know that it is my eternal slumber from which i will never wake up but i don't care because I remember that beautiful smile ahh this curse really is my only friend.

[Amusing really amusing human wake up NOW]

I woke up the darkness suddenly retreated and i was covered by red light all around me this light is like red blood and the voice I heard is really creepy this voice is neither of male nor female it is not of a kid nor it is of an adult hell it is not a robotic voice either this voice is a mixture of every voice I have heard in my whole life.

[Human are you not curious who am i? Or what place is this?]

"Hahahaha why would i be curious i know who you are and what place is this"

[Ohh than enlighten me who am i and where is this]

"You are Death and this place is my eternal slumber"

The voice stopped talking and vent in silent for a moment.

[Amusing really Amusing you are one of those rare humans who don't ask questions i like those humans but let me ask you this: why do you think death is talking to you]

I started to think of many possibilities but only one possibility was the most logical.

"Because of that girl and i think i passed some kind of twisted test of death"


The voice started laughing and believe me that laugh was the most creepy thing I heard in my life, it was as if the whole world is laughing in one being at one time mixing and contradicting it was really uncomfortable I was feeling like this is what hell is.

[Amusing really amusing but you are only half correct]

[ I am death or not I will leave it to you]

[But i am talking to you because of that girl]

[and no that was not a test it was conclusion of your life]

[I was going to show you these kind of scenes all your eternity]

"Why?" I asked

[Why?, Do you need a reason to torment an ant till you are amused]

[Even human walk on ants crushing them to death but do you humans care about them]

[No and just like those ants you crushed all your pitiful life now it is our turn to be tormented for my amusement and when I am finally done i will crush you]

Hearing this I knew what this is Hell this place is not my eternal slumber it is hell in which i am an ant just like many others who come before me and will come after me.

"So Why did you stop tormenting this ant am i not amusing enough?"

[Hahahaha no no You are the most Amusing human i have ever scene]

[Let me tell you]

[When a human come here it will cry beg for forgiveness or will ash where is is or who am i and things like this]

[I really hate to answer them at first i did not care what they do]

[I was just sleeping but then i started to get bored so I started to look into their lives for amusement]

[Then i got bored of that again so i started to look into the source of these insects]

[Then again i got bored]

[Hence i started to torment them for my amusement it was fun at first but then i started to get bored again then you came]

[Now i am really amused by your behavior]

[You care about that Human but you accept your end hence you are not demanding to go to the living again]

[Your anger is so great that even the darkness retreats by your roar]

[Your roar is so effective that even the mortal realm is affected by it]

[That's why i am amused]

"Ohh well i am glad that you are amused"

[Well i am also happy but let me tell me one more thing]

[What will you do when i say that]

[The Human you just saved will now live the life of a dog no no worse than a dog]

[That Human will be tormented in the mortal realm until it breaks and no will save it]

[What will you do when I tell you that, that Human was going to be reincarnated in a wealthy home with a good environment when it was going to die today]

[But you just ruined her life now that humans will not be reincarnated and now it will face the utmost torment your world has to offer]

[Tell me human What will you DO?]

"I...I.." I was feeling despair at this moment I had never felt this emotion not even when i was going to die but still

"I Don't regret my actions"

The voice fell silent for a while than it started laughing again

[Hahahaha So amusing so Amusing]

[For your amusement I will grant your one wish now ask human what do you want?]

I was speechless it is like death is trying to sign a fucking contract with me but still

"Strength" I spoke.

[So….. Boring]

[So disappointing i thought you will ask for something more amusing]

[But here we are you are just like any other ---]

"Strength to save that girl from that tormenting future you speak of"

I interrupted the voice by telling it the reason i wanted the strength

The voice went silent and the red light started to be replaced by darkness i thought that it is disappointed in me hence it don't want to waste any time with me anymore.

[Amusing human]

[I grant you your wish but on one condition]

[You have to pass a test of mine]

"Huh?" I was shocked for a while

[Hurry up Human make your choice you don't have much time you have attracted a lot of attention because of the stunt you pulled earlier]

Suddenly many different lights started to gather green,Blue,Violet,White and many others they were racing each other like they are coming to devour me so I hurried up

"Fine I Accept your condition"

Suddenly I lost my vision and then i only saw Red light then i started to hear screams of agony it was like I was in the middle of a battlefield i saw many corpses some had no arms some did not have any legs some had no skin some did not have any eyes but as weird as this was i could not see who was screaming and who is the enemy, there are just corpses and blood and screams.

Then my vision got black again.

This time I felt like I could open my eyes again hence i opened my eyes.

Just to see something more terrifying than even that battlefield i saw.
