
How it started

When I was about the age of three or four my mother and father had got a divorce. At the time my mother had one child so she asked my dad if he wanted me he had told her "well I don't now what I'm going to do with him but okay." When my kept me he did what a father would do (for the most part) he fed me played with me from time to time. And watched TV with me but when I turned five my I still had no education so my mom came to pick me up for the weekend and had said that she would have me over the weeks and that he would have me over on some of the weekends. That's were the start of my new life began at the age of five I was to have an education at this time I lived in Albama and I would stay there for three years the first year was slow my mom had just moved into a real house my step dad (mother's boyfriend at said time) helped fix the house we rarely got to see him because his job was in Gorega. after that year I went to school i was new to school so I didn't now how things worked here in Alabama schools if you do something bad the send you to the principals office to were they will paddle you or smack you with a paddle. I had only one friend who in the second year i thought i could trust but when the end of the school year came up he would tell on me for nothing and make me look like I did it. At this time I was still in kindergarten I had gotten held back eventually my mother found out that they would paddle me and we soon moved to Georgia were my step dad lived there I met his really nice family we than moved from again closer to my step dads family and he got a new job I went back to school again. But this time I stayed over the years I'd get bullied and make some friends along the way and lose some as well than we'd move house at least two times than came middle school in middle school. I'd get bullied even more id get in fights and lose for the small size I am than came the seventh grade this year would be better i thought but I was wrong along the way when I would visit my dad he would drink because he was lonely than came my step mom. Ruby during middle school I didn't get in much fights but when id go see my dad him and ruby would always fight and when I'd come back from summer break I'd find out that my Nana would be getting into hospital's more she had gotten a breathing problem witch made it harder for her to work until she when pass away just two weeks later I'm living in the house that she lived in now and the world seems like its ended but thats why I do this i talk about myself online draw anime go outside and ride just to keep myself san i still have some friends and there good ones and thats all I need my friends family and you.

really it's not the best thing i don't do this as much as I say I do but its my story to tell and mine only

Chow_Fr1creators' thoughts