
Mana Control

"Mana, everyone in the universe has it. As a child you can be born with a large amount of it or a small amount of it. Mana can be increased through naturally growing up or training to increase it. Increasing mana is not difficult, but controlling it is a different story. Having a lot of mana does not necessarily mean that you are powerful in it. For example there is a man who once fought 100 powerful demons with as much mana as an average noble. The man only had the amount of mana as a simple merchant, however he was such an expert at control that even the most consuming of spells can be casted without him breaking a sweat. An average noble would practically be dead with how much spells he was able to use during that fight. The most basic of mana control is being able to manipulate the elements around you. Everyone is able to learn any type of magic, but it is like trying to learn another language. So most would only learn one type of magic. Since you seem pretty efficient in fire, I'm going to teach you how to manipulate fire. Now that I think about it.. If you haven't gained any training in mana control, how are you able to control fire."

* Still Day 1 *

Azuka blinks continuously, "That is a lot to process and you are asking a question afterward, hold on." After a few seconds Azuka finally responds, "I had to read up on this, but apparently inside of Gods there is an extra mana like source. It is apparently called holiness. After I learned how to bring out my holiness, Emi- I mean my childhood friend, helped me with controlling it. I think she said it was like mana." Ichina smiles, "Perfect that means that it will be easier for you to learn how to control mana."

Ichina walks up to Azuka grabbing both of his hands, kneeling down in front of him. "What are you-"

"Shhh. Close your eyes." Azuka hesitates, but closes his eyes.

"Now Azuka, imagine that you are in your happy place." Azuka smirks, "I don't have a happy place." Ichina lets go of Azuka and slaps him in the face. "Ow!" Azuka opens his eyes, rubbing his blistering red cheek. "Take this seriously! Let us try this again." Azuka and Ichina return to their previous positions. "Focus on something that makes you happy."

Azuka thinks for a bit, but sure enough he focuses on Emily.

"Now with that feeling feel your whole body. Are you happy," Azuka nods. "Now with that happiness distribute it throughout your whole body. Every single one of your pores should be leaking with happiness right now." Azuka nods again. "Alright just as you brought out your holiness, try digging even deeper for something that seems like the very essence of you." Azuka pauses thinking that what she said didn't make much sense. However he tried anyways, feeling a core within him that resembled his holiness.

"I think I found it," Azuka said with an unusual grin on his face. "Perfect, remember where that is." Azuka opens his eyes as Ichina gets up from her seating position. She picks Azuka up, letting go of his hands and stepping back away from him. She inhales then exhales deep breaths, "I haven't actually used my magic in a while. Since I don't especially understand elemental magic, I preferably use body enhancement magic." She raises her hand out toward Azuka, who impatiently waits for Ichina's next move.

"This is the most basic of basic mana control. Elemental control. I expect you to try this after I show you, so pay close attention." Ichina's hand begins glowing, "Focus on your core and force it to be centered at your hand." Her hand begins glowing lighter and lighter as time passes, "Then speak the language of your magic, you can say it in your head or out loud. However it is not recommended to say it out load, since it is ineffective in battle." Ichina begins speaking in a tongue foreign to Azuka. It sounded so bizarre, it was as though there were multiple Ichinas speaking a language that relied on gibberish.

After she stopped in front of Ichina's hand was a small ball of fire. She starts waving her hand around, the ball moving alongside her hand, leaving a trail of flames behind. "This is elemental control. I was able to conjure a ball of fire and freely move it. Now then-" Ichina clenches her fist on the ball of fire extinguishing it and the glow in her hands. "You try Azuka."

Azuka is amazed at what she was capable of doing. I've only been able to just light my body on fire and shoot out a straightforward ball, Azuka thinks. If I can freely control fire like that, who knows how powerful I can become. "Azuka! Come on do it!" Azuka is startled, he quickly attempts to do what Ichina had just did. He brings out his hand, focuses his core, then centers it in his hand. However his hand does not glow in the slightest bit. "I can't do it! This is way too hard!" Ichina is astonished, "You can create fire, but you can't even do a single FIRE spell!"

"What am I going to do with you," Ichina groaned. "The hell are you talking about, how is it my fault that holiness is a lot easier to use than some dumb magic," Azuka exclaims.

"Magic is not dumb! Maybe you are just too stupid to learn it!"

"Magic is dumb! Why should I learn magic when I have holiness!"

"Controling mana is everything once you get to the real world! With that arrogance of yours-"

"Arrogance? I am not arrogant!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I am not!"

"You pyromaniac!"

"You tall bitch!"

Azuka and Ichina stare at each other, both with threatening looks. After a while, Azuka turns around plopping himself on the other side of the boat. Ichina does the same but on the opposite side of Azuka. Both of them pout as their backs face each other.

It was roughly after noon when Azuka and Ichina got mad at each other. It wouldn't be until later when they both wanted food that they looked at each other again. They would eat their bread with their backs facing one another. "Hey Ichina, teach me how to control mana, not do magic," Azuka says munching on his bread.

"Even if you could control mana, how are you going to use it without knowing any magic," Ichina says after swollowing the bread in her mouth.

Azuka smirks, "Easy, I'll just use my godly flames and then use mana to control it. Took me all this time to think of it though," Azuka laughs.

Ichina smirks, "I shall teach you how to control mana with your godly power then, Azuka." Sometimes, he isn't that big of an idiot , I didn't even think of that, Ichina thinks.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I wonder what mana control + godly powers will lead to. :insert thinking emoji: Leave your thoughts and suggestions below! Thank you for reading the Story of Azuka.

Shinja_kuncreators' thoughts