
The King’s Avatar

Website : Qidian China

Rating : 9.2(9842)

Chapters : 1728

Status : Completed

Word count : 5.34 million

Author : Butterfly Blue

author level : Platinum

No of works : 7

Year started : 2011

Translated works : Heaven Awakening Path, Heaven Awakening Path

Genres : Action, Adventure, Comedy, Slice of Life, Sports

Tags : Adapted to Anime, Adapted to Drama, Adapted to Manhua, Average-looking Protagonist, Calm Protagonist, Carefree Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Clubs, Confident Protagonist, Dungeons, e-Sports, Friendship, Gamers, Genius Protagonist, Grinding, Guilds, Leadership, Level System, Male Protagonist, MMORPG, Modern Day, Overpowered Protagonist, Past Plays a Big Role, Protagonist Strong from the Start, Secret Identity, Shameless Protagonist, Strategist, Teamwork

Popularity : Extremely popular in China

Official raw link : https://book.qidian.com/info/1887208

Last edited : Mar/20/2020


Website : Qidian International (webnovel.com)

Views : 114.6 million

Rating : 4.6(10.2k)

Chapters : 1729

Power Rank : 22(current weekly), 2(male lead all time), 4(all time)

Power stones(all time) : 8.3 million

Status : completed

Translator : Nomyummi

Editor : Nomyummi

Premium : Yes

Premium chapter : 91

Coins per chapter : 9-11

Total number of coins : 15918

Popularity : Extremely popular

Last edited : Mar/20/2020


Synopsis :

In the online game Glory, Ye Xiu is regarded as a textbook and a top-tier pro-player. However, due to a myriad reasons, he is kicked from the team. After leaving the professional scene, he finds work in an Internet Cafe as a manager. When Glory launches its tenth server, he who possesses ten years of gaming experience once again throws himself into the game. Bringing with him the memories of his past and an incomplete, self-made weapon, his return along the road to the summit begins!

After fighting and scheming, who snatched away my glory? Under the tossing of the wind and rain, my dreams shall still appear as though they had never been shattered. In all its splendor, the path shall never be lost. Before the gazes of millions, this is where I return!



Hands down the best MMO story I've ever read. What makes The King's Avatar stand out are:

1) the level of realism - this isn't a vague fantasy genre meshed into the form of an MMO, these are real people playing a game, and the blend of RL and game life, the player interactions, World Chat, etc. really bring out the flavor of watching an MMO.

2) The insane level of detail - this author is amazing. No other story has this much focus on the reality of pro gaming, which includes physical skill, game knowledge, the ability to strategize and use that knowledge to their fullest advantage... Either the author himself used to be a pro gamer or he has top tier researching skills, but as a casual MMO player I recognize that even imagining these situations goes way above my grade. Recognizing an actual skill gap between myself and the MC - and not just "the MC picked up some magic stuff and became amazing through vaguely described training" - stirs up a ton of admiration not only for the characters but for the author as well.

3) The amazing, lively characters. All of them have enormous personalities. There are a ton of side characters that are hilarious or awesome and that I want to see more of because I know they'll be fun to read about. This is the opposite of most LNs who have disposable, flat, just-there-to-be-puppet side characters, or LNs who have side characters with tons of potential but are never developed (CD, I love ya but you toss out amazing side characters like tissues...) My favorite part of having all these great characters is the banter and the trash talk, especially in the later chapters when the big fish come out. Even the annoying characters have their charm...

4) Finally, it has to be said that the MC himself is pretty great. He's definitely more mature and interesting than most protagonists I've read about. It's a bit hard to describe him, but the way he deals with Sleeping Moon in the early chapters is one of the greatest marks of his personality. If the character were more immature he'd be focused on getting revenge and "saving face"; if the character were colder he'd just ignore everything and go solo lone wolf. But Ye Xiu? He's self-assured, but not arrogant - forgiving because he's there's no point in getting riled - but canny enough to calmly wring out advantages for himself even in seemingly bad situations. The main point is that things don't just fall in Ye Xiu's lap, he works for it and makes things happen the way he wants through experience, knowledge, or just plain old haggling. Of course, the universe doesn't revolve around his decisions, so it's always fun to read about how he has to tunnel his way through the ever-growing mess he's accidentally created for himself.

If you enjoy the concept of MMOs, gaming, and/or esports, I definitely recommend this!




The main thing that made me stop reading this is the lack of knowledge of the author in terms of gaming, which resulted in unrealistic and extremely shallow game mechanics and/or events.

For 3 slightly more detailed reason why:

First off, this was supposed to be a depiction of the highest of level of gameplay from a pro-gamer, but I didn't see any semblance of it. Most stuff shown here were mainly unrealistic, and then common to slightly uncommon strategies, techniques, and game-mechanics. The author's portrayal of the MC feels like it's coming from a "fan" point of view, not from an actual high level narration/analyst/player. For instance, let's say you ask a boxing fan and a boxing analyst about a certain boxer about what makes him good. Most fans will answer you with "he's so good because he's fast, he's super strong, and muscular", because of the lack in technical knowledge, in comparison to the analyst who will show you stats, mathmatical stueff, physiological stuff, psychological stuff, and so on. This is what it is like to me when I read this novel, it feels like it was written by a "fan-knowledge" level person, which leads me to my next point, the authors lack of knowledge.

The author doesn't seem to know how things work, and generally how games work. One thing I can think on the top of my head is the APM. The MC has unrealistically high APM (3 digits, can't remember exactly), which is only obtainable from either hacking the game, or extremely unrealistic super human level of animation canceling (provided that the game can even perform such mechanics, because you know the author didn't mention it). I don't even know why the author mentioned APM in a first / third person almost shooter type of game in the first place. These sort of stuff breaks the immersion for me. I always notice these small flaws, which makes me skip chapters just to check if the author address them, but ultimately left disappointed because of the lack of explanation, not even a mention about these certain mechanics.

Lastly, too much grinding. People keep saying that MMORPGs are supposed to be grindy, but the thing is, we are not playing a game, we are reading a novel. Sure, you can grind all you want in a game, and it can give you satisfaction once you achieve desired level, or gained your desired item. But when reading a novel, all the stuff about grinding gives no satisfaction at all. All the million chapters spent on grinding could have been spent on world building, character development, plot twists, and so on. But no, half or a little bit more than half of the novel used for grinding. You must be really bored if you really enjoy reading all of them.

-Just Sam Random Guy(NU)


My thoughts : One of the most engaging and funniest webnovel I've ever read. I definitely recommend you guys this novel.


In my library :Yes
