
Chapter - 7 (Incident)

A knock echoed on the door, and I walked outside to open it.

I saw two cute-looking twins, around the age of seven or eight. They had books in their hands.

Good morning big brother.

Good morning big brother.

"Ohh, Alex and Alexa! You are quite early," I said. I gestured for them to come inside. They were the children of the landlord, and I had promised to teach them tuition for some days.

"What classes are you in, guys?

Big Brother Eric, I am in grade two.

Big Brother Eric, I am also in grade two."

"Eh, good. You guys seem very talented. You are already in two classes despite your ages. We can't trust people by their age."

"So, what book should I teach you first? History, Law, Maths, or language books?"

Ummm, Math.

"Ohh, you guys really love math. I was surprised. Well, most kids hate math. Even in my memories, I used to hate math. Mathematics was too complicated."

Let's go then.


I taught them addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, etc. The numerals written in the Sylvanian Language were a little complicated. But, being a teacher in my past life, I managed to teach them in a simple way.

"So, guys, solve these questions in twenty minutes. I will give a reward to whoever finishes first."

"A reward? I will finish first." Alex immediately started to write.


"Humph, I will finish first," Alexa snorted.

Seeing them excited and confident, I felt good. Being young was very fun.

I went near the window and gazed towards the blue sky. Seeing the blue sky, sometimes I feel that I wasn't really transported to another world, but I was in some Western countries on Earth. However, the reality was different. I wasn't on Earth but an unknown planet. There are billions of planets in the cosmos. Maybe I am on one of them.

This world seems to be slowly developing into a modern era. The carriage was invented two hundred years ago, and electricity was invented five hundred and four years ago. Maybe cars will be invented in the future. Well, if I had studied mechanical engineering in my previous life, I would have already built a new car from scratch and become rich.

It is the year 1780 B.S. In this era, many people are still theistic, and some are atheists. Some believe in God, while some don't. Mostly, the people in this country believe in the Goddess of Night, Angelica. However, the influence of the religion of the Goddess of Night was going down, when they couldn't see any miracle. There should be a branch of the Goddess's temple in the upper block. If my memories serve me right, Eric hasn't visited the temple in his entire life. Although his parents are theists, he has't visited the temple yet. Eric was atheist.

"Big brother, we are done!" Alex and Alexa's words brought me out of my pondering moment. I was actually thinking about my future. Where would my future go? My life seems to have been stuck at the mystery of that door.

"Ohh, both of you finished at the same time. Good, let me see." I checked their notes.

Wow, Alexa you got all of them right." Eric took out two chocolates and gave them to Alexa. "This is your reward."

"Hmmm, Alex, you have one question wrong. Why did you add one hundred seventy-six plus one hundred seventy-six? Since it's a multiplication of eighty-eight by twenty-two, you have to add a six with x making it six and seven with six makes it thirteen, but you have to give the first digit of thirteen to the digit above. Above there was only one, but you have one digit from below making it two. Add two with seven below, and it will be nine. And add x with one. The answer will be one thousand nine hundred thirty-six, but your answer was three hundred fifty-two."

Do it again! Eric said, your reward is reduced.

Okay big brother, said sad Alex in disappointment.

Well, Alexa you seem very talented. Who is the oldest among you?

Hehe! I am the oldest and the smartest in the world.

"Big brother, I finished. Alex finished, and I checked his answers. Well, you are correct this time." Eric took out a chocolate from his pocket and gave it to Alex. Your reward;

Alex and Alexa, today's class will be over here. Let's stop for today. We will continue tomorrow. I have some work today.

Bye bye Big brother.

Bye bye Big brother.

After Alex and Alexa went, I got dressed and wore a hat. Puting the watch fob, on my coat's pocket. I walked out from my room.

Walking outside the door, I saw Uncle Smith going somewhere. "Good Afternoon, where are you going in such a hurry.

"Good Afternoon, Eric. Did you hear that Mr Pot's dog died last night." said Uncle Smith.

"Dead dogs? Did you mean Whitey and Blackie?"

"Yes, they were found dead in the alley ahead. He has even hired a detective for this case."

Sigh, I heard that the dogs' heads were severed from their necks, and there were some signs of kicking in their bodies.

Some bastard killed them very cruely. Mr Pot seems to love these dogs. I can feel how he should be feeling right now. These dogs were the last things left by his late mother.

Well, some people love their pets very much, they aren't even afraid to spend the money they have saved for their entire life.

Mr pots loved his dogs very much.  Eric knows that some people can be crazy for their pets.

At Mr Pot's house, I saw two officers walking out with paper on their hands.

Good afternoon Uncle Pot. I am sorry to hear about your dogs.

Little pot, officers will definitely catch those killers.

Umm, uncle Pot nodded, there was a sadness and anger in Mr pot's face. His dogs were with him for more than ten years. His mother's last words was to take care of Blackie and Whitey. But he doesn't know how he will face his late mother.

I went near the two bodies, examining the lifeless bodies of the dogs, it was brutal. Their necks were brutally severed, bearing the marks of violent scars. The dogs appeared malnourished, suggesting a prolonged period of hunger. The coldness of their bodies hinted at the abruptness of their demise.

Cold? And why do they look malnourished if they died last night?

Eric recalled about last night's incident. He saw Blackie and Whitey barking at the lifeless beggar's body. They ran when they saw him. When he avoided the beggar's body, it was mysteriously vanished when he came later. Last night, Blackie and Whitey seemed aggressive, they even attacked him.

As Eric contemplated the events of last night , a sense of foreboding washed over him. He picked up a crystal, maybe Blackie and Whitey were fighting over that crystal last night.

Was the crystal stole by them? Did the real owner of the crystal kill them to search the crystal? Is it really connected to that mysterious crystal.

Eric grew uneasy, realizing the dogs might have been killed by the real owner of the crystal. Then, he was in danger because he possessed that crystal. Fearing supernatural involvement and unsure of the crystal's significance, he felt an urgent need to safeguard himself, considering the strange dreams and the mysterious events unfolding around him.

Considering the possibility, that beggar might not have been dead. There must be some kind of mystery in his suspended animation. Eric speculated that the dogs stole the red crystal from that body, and that body, upon awakening and couldn't find the crystal, retaliated by killing the dogs. This realization heightened Eric's concern about the potential dangers associated with the mysterious crystal.

Eric was gripped by fear as he realized he was the one who took the red crystal. The crystal not only linked him to the strange dream of the supreme being on a throne but now seemed to be connected to the tragic events involving Mr. Potts' dogs. The fear of supernatural consequences loomed over him.

I am in danger!

After taking a long breath, Eric greeted the landlord and walked out of the house. He went to his house and opened the drawer. He unfolded the piece of black cloth from the crystal. The crystal wasn't shinning. Then, he refolded the crystal with the black cloth and put it inside his pocket. The fear of potential danger loomed over him as he contemplated disposing of the mysterious crystal. "I will throw it in the place I found it," he thought, determined to distance himself from the enigmatic object that had already led him into a world of unknown.

Merry Christmas Everyone.

Mukesh_Dhamicreators' thoughts