
Narutoverse Levels


* Academy Student: Would-be ninja start; they are not actually considered ninja until they graduate.

* Genin: Lowest level of ninja and also the ones that display the most difference in power.

* Chuunin: Ninja who are qualified to watch over and guide other ninja.

* Jounin: Generally highly-experienced ninja with great individual skill who serve as military captains. Sometimes assigned as sensei for three-person teams of Genin.

* Special Jounin: Jounin-level ability in a single area or skill.

* Kage: Those who have achieved the title of Kage are the leaders of the five most powerful Hidden Villages and generally the most powerful ninja in their respective villages.

* ANBU: The ANBU protect the village from exceptional threats, conduct high-risk missions into enemy countries, and deal with extremely strong ninja. They are also responsible for carrying out assassinations and missions requiring specially trained ninja.

* S-Class: Ninja have gained power far beyond an average Jounin and earned a legendary status. This title is merely a class rather than an actual rank.

* Medical-nin: Specialize in medical treatment and use medical-oriented jutsu to heal others. Becoming a medic-nin requires a great level of intelligence and excellent chakra control,

* Missing-nin: Ninja who have abandoned their Hidden Village. These ninja are considered traitors and are hunted down because of the secrets they may hold.


E-rank - Learned by Academy students. Are the basic and most fundamental techniques for all ninja.

D-rank - Genin-level techniques. Can be achieved by all genin, though many ninja only learn their "type" of technique.

C-rank - Chūnin-level techniques. Sometimes learned by genin who have trained extensively.

B-rank - Jōnin-level techniques. Require high levels of chakra to use.

A-rank - Kage or jōnin-level techniques. Require great control over one's chakra and may be forbidden.

S-rank - Secret, extreme level techniques. Are typically unique to a single user.

Fūinjutsu Levels:

Levels 1- The basics

Level 2- Seal inanimate objects

Level 3- Gravity Seals

Level 4- Make Explosive Tags/ Create on types of tags

Level 5, Level 6, Level 7 - Seal/Unseal Animate objects & Charka Sealing

Level 8 and 9: Small Space-Time techniques/ Attack with seals

Level 10: Tailed Beasts Sealing

Level 11-15: Large Space Time Sealing, Attack and Defending Sealing