
Chapter 7

(At the Hokage Offices)

Sitting at his desk was the 3rd Hokage going through the list of the graduation class trying to figure out which sensei would be best 'Hmm these 3 well do well. Might Guy huh sounds good. Now lets see... Rock Lee dosen't show any skills at all in genjutsu or ninjutsu but tiajutsu is amoung the best placing 3rd. Overall his dead last, then there's Neji Hyuga his got rookie of the year so i'll put those two together. Now for the last memeber... Tenten huh. Looks like a great team indeed. I just hope guy dosen't go overborad on there training. No for Raidens team...' After looking through the list and calling there Jounin sensei he gave the list to the rest of the Jounin council, and that's where he is right now.

"Lord Hokage you can't be serious. You can't give her a team!!" a jounin said. Many of them in the room were thinking the samething as everyone saw the team list he just passed out.

"I understand your worries, but as the Hokage I feel this is the right decsion and I'll stand by it." the Hokage said.

(A week later)

Sitting in the classroom after lunch reading a fuinjutsu book was Raiden. Today was the day that they were going to get there sensei, and all day he's been getting a bad feeling about it. Lee was sitting next to him today talking about how he meet some guy wearing gree spandex awhile ago while he was training. Not that Raiden was paying all that much attention to him, as everytime it concers finjutsu it had all or most his attention.

"So he tell me that if I work hard then I'll become a slpendid ninja. He was so cool Raiden!" Lee said telling the story for the 4th time today. Raiden knew Lee was going to be great as his the most hard working person in the class if not the village. Not that Raiden slacks off either. He trains everyday except he takes two day's off to study everything he can in the libary that his family left for him.

"Yes I know Lee. The guy is awsome. Who knows maybe you'll get him as a sensei if you pray really hard about it." Raiden said just to get Lee to be quit. I mean if you hear the story over and over again wouldn't you do almost anything to get out that situation.

"Yes you are right. I'll do that right now." Lee said getting ready to pray, until Raiden reminded him that he was sitting in Oormi set. After Lee got up and went to his seat Yakumo and Oormi came after talking with Tenten about kami knows what. After they sat down Raiden decided to start the conversation. Looking up from his book Raiden asked " So guys who do you think is going to be on a squad. I know it's going to be me and Oormi since im suppose to protect her. At least I hope were on the same team." Oormi looked thoughtful, but it was Yakumo that answerd "Yeah you guy's have been together since she came to the village so it makes since that you two would be put on a team together, but my team I don't know. The only people who scored high were Neiji, You, Tenten, Oormi, Lee, and me. I think everyone else is well you know." At that time Eiji came in and got the attention of the class.

"Alright everyone. It's time for you guys to take the first step." Eiji said. "Alright team 1..." As Eiji started listing off the teams Raiden tuned him out until he heard his friends names "Alright for team 9; Neji Hyuga, Tenten, and Rock Lee, and your sensei is Might Guy." Eiji started to go down the list again, but before he could continue from team 11 a black ball came crashing threw the window exploding in a shower of confetti and colored smoke. When the smoke cleared Raiden now knew why he was getting to bad feeling and as soon as he saw her, and to make it worse or in this case funny as hell. The banner said (The Sexy, Single, and Deadly Sensei of Team 13; Anko Mitarashi)

She had a dango stick in her mouth and a wicked smile on her face.

"Alright where are my maggots?!" Anko said looking around at the scared gennin. Eiji come up with a tired look on his face.

"I haven't got to your team yet Anko, and did you have to come through the window?" Eiji asked, but Anko wasn't listening to him.

"Ah shut the hell up. So who's on my team?" Anko asked

"Team 13. Oormi Terumi, Yakumo Kurama, and Raiden Uzumaki." said Eiji reading off the list.

Anko looked at Raiden and had the biggest smile nyone has ever seen. It went beyond what herface muscles should of allowed "Well well well if it isn't Mr. Smooth himself hehehe. It looks like today I get to fianlly taste your blood along with some two fresh ones." Anko said. Making everyone in the room look at the three of them in pitity. Anko threw three kunais at them, but they hit them, instead they hit the desk infront of them.

"So what's with the tag?" Oormi asked with a sweet voice. Almost every guy in the class was giving Raiden hateful looks. The first day at the academy almost every guy tried to get close to her, but she said she had Raiden. That didn't go over well with the male population, but Raiden did get a ok warm-up so he forgave her.

"That's the training field we'll be meeting at in 20 minutes so don't be late or im goiing to hehehe. On second thought be late." Anko said with a mischievous laugh as she jumped out of the window she came through. Raiden,Yakumo, and Oormi looked at Eiji who just sighed.

"Alright we might as well go. Who knows what that crazy woman would do to us if were late."Raiden said to his teammates as they left to go meet up with there sensei.

As they made there way to training ground 44 Raiden was thinking what kind of team this would be 'so me I guess im long to short range, Oormi is mid to long range, and Yakumo is pretty much long range, maybe mid range. It's a pretty intresting team you put together old gezzer, and the sensei is... I'll just leave that alone until I get to know her better.'

As they arrived at the training grounds they could see a deep forest surrounded by a rusted fence with caution signs on them. Walking over to a tree to sit down Raiden out could feel Anko in the tree on the far end of the training round 'she wants to catch us off gaurd. A test I bet.'

"So she tells us to come here but she's not here heself." Yakumo said looking around.

"Just be patient Yakumo. I think we might be a minute early. I man she seem scary as hell when said she wanted us to be late.." Oormi said while walking over to Raiden. Then she saw two fingers on the ground. Being with him and training togther for so long she knew what that meant. Raiden looked at Oormi and with his eye's looked at the tree Anko was hiding in. Ormi nodded and tried to act like nothing happened but Anko caught the momment between them and smiled 'Damn he knew I was hear. His a pretty good sensory ninja'

Three kunina came coming flying intending to kill all three of them. Raiden backflipped away from the kunina, Oormi jumped away and landing next to Raiden, and Yakumo took out her on kunina and deflected it. Raiden keep his eye's on the tree while talking to Yakumo "Yakumo come over here. Now why dont you come out Anko-sensei." Raiden said still looking at the tree. Anko jumped out landing in front of them while smiling, while having a dango stick in her mouth. "Well I guess you little piss ants have got some skill. So you get an A for that. Red and Blue over here got into good defensive position, but you. Yours was shit." Anko said pointing at Raiden when she said Red and Oormi when she said Blue, finishing on Yakumo. Each of them were still on the defensive showing some amount of caution. "Don't worry brats. I'm not going to attack you... Well at least for now. So let's this introductions over with."

"What are you talking about?" Yakumo asked

"What are you stupid? Introduce yourselves. You know likes, dislakes, hobbies, dreams for the future shit like that." Anko said

"How about you go first. To the group your the unknown." Raiden said sitting down with his sword on his lap.

"So true. Name's Anko Mitarashi, interrogator, and assassin. I like snakes, blood, dango, giving out torture, and a little 'fun'. Anko said winggling her eyebrows. "I dislike many things, way too much to say. Hobbies are scaring the hell out of people and pissing them off." She said making the team look at her warily and shock. 'She's crazy. She kinda remind me of my second persona' Yakumo thought

'Who in the hell likes blood?! What type of people does the ninja force have' Oormi thought

'She seems in pain about something. She covers it up pretty well, but it's there. We all have to open up at some point if this team is going to actually be a team.' Raiden thought Observing everything about her. Anko looked at her new team and smriked.

"So what's with those faces? Thiking some bad thoughts about me huh." Everyone but Raiden went rigged. "Well naughty child like you deserve to be punished don't you think? But I'll let that slide... For now." Anko said with amusement. She pointed to Oormi.

"My name is Oormi Terumi. I like Raiden, my mother, chocolates, clothes shopping, getting stronger, and my friends. I dislike rapist, perverted men, the 4th Mizukage, and people who betrays there friends and family trust. My hobbies are hanging out with my friends, spending time with Raiden, taking on my flowers 'Jasmine of Fire' that Raiden got for me. My dreams for the future is to be as powerful as the first Terumi clan head, who was the powerful as the First Hokage." Oormi said.

"Not a bad dream, but are you willing to share him?" Anko asked remembering Raiden and Kurenai's conversation.

"If you talking about Raiden then yes. We've talked about his dream and I said I would be apart of it." Oormi answerd with a smile. Anko was shocked but didn't show it on the outside 'What kind of dream does Raiden have?' Anko pointed to Yakumo to start.

"My name is Yakumo Kurama. I like my friends, family, genjutsu, and sweets. My dislikes are Kurenia Yuhi, rapist, Neji Hyuga, and people who don't work hard. My hobbies are tea ceremonies, reading, and learning genjutsu. My dream is to control my kekkei genkai and become the most powerful genjutsu user in the world." she said. Making Anko smrick at her, then she looked at Raiden and found him reading a book with one hand reminding her of a certain masked one eyed ninja. Anko got a tick mark seeing the similarites between the two of them.

"Ok tomato your next." Anko said with a smrick, thinking that he would get mad like Kushina Uzumaki use to. Raiden clsed the book and looked in Anko eye's; and Raiden started to laugh his ass off.

"HAHAHA oh shit hahahaha. That's funny as hell... " Raiden laughed, and so did Oormi thinking about the other children that called him that growing up and he would do the same thing his dooing know. Laughing his ass off. "If you were trying to get a rise out of him with that name then forget it. He usally laugh at anything that happenes to him, but if something happenes to be he cares about then watch out." Oormi explained. 'Hmm. He seems to always keep a level head. That's good.' Anko thinking looking at Raiden.

"That was a good one. My name is Raiden Uzumaki. My likes are Oormi, the Uzumaki clan, my friends, the old gezzer the 3rd Hokage, learning new jutsu, and fuinjutsu. My dislikes are rapist, arrogant people, people who betray there friends, kids that don't grow up, fan-girls, those that can't but the past in the past, and thoughs that try to hurt the people I consider family. My hobbies are learning new ninjutsu, creating new fuinjutsu, reading outside, and watching my close people be happy. My dream is resurrect the Hidden Eddy Village in the Land of Whirlpools and restore my clan; while becoming it's Uzukage. It well be a safe haven for dying clans everywhere among other things." Raiden said surprising Anko. 'I guess to restore a clan your going to need a few wives, but the good thing is he seems like the type that would love all of them with all his heart; and it dosen't hurt his already so handsome. I can't wait to ee what he'll look like in a few years.' thought Anko licking her lips at the last thought.

"I have to say everyone of you have great dreams, and im happy to have two kunoichis that want to make it big. Now let's get the real deal test." Anko said as the smrik she had on her face that scared all three of them.