
Developments, Secrets, Legacy and Fight

"----" Speech

'----' Thought

(----) Thought in the middle of a sentence.

*----* Sound noises


3 months passed with me training Izuku while helping him to clean the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, the junkyard beach, faster.

I got to know him more. This guy had not a single bad bone in his body. It was to a point that I started to think he might be a retard. Like, if someone hit you for free, wouldn't you be at least a little pissed off? Not Izuku. He would probably apologize to the person for being in their way. Is he a Canadian or something? [1]

Still, he had his perks. Somehow, he made 10 pages about my quirk, especially its inventory, and possible capabilities it could have.

What if I store the biggest boulder I could and then use it as a shield to block an attack or drop it like a weight on an enemy?

What if I store different kinds of ammo? Would they also regenerate like my standard ammo and that way making me have an infinite supply of different kinds of ammo? Can grenades do the same?

Can I switch clothes at will by will like I do when equipping my boot items?

Can I upgrade my weapons by manually modifying them?

Can I get new weapons by putting them in my inventory?

Honestly, that was pretty f*cking amazing. I got a copy of his suggestions to try later when I could. I tested the boulder and the switch clothes theory and it worked! Now, I can instantly change clothes at will! The jealous look my mother gave me when she saw that was gold too. S*ck it bitch! The boulder was limited to the size of my body, but It could be used to tank a hit or something.

Before going to Japan I already tried storing other guns in my inventory, but it simply didn't work. I'm stuck with my TF2 weapons, and I'm fine with that.

The rest of these theories I have no way of testing. I know how my weapons work, it's kinda like an innate sense I got to see its stats and perks. But improving them? I only ever fixed a lamp! No way I'm messing with my weapons.

One day Izuku caught me practicing my [Crit Boost Mode]. This is one of my trump cards, and I trained every day to prolong the time I can maintain this state without exhausting myself and even raising the multiplier from 3x to more. While I can increase the multiplier, it comes with huge drawbacks.

I can hold this mode in 3x for about 1 hour. In 4x, I could only do it for 10 minutes and by the end of it, my entire body was hurting like hell. I had muscle spasms for the entire day. The higher the multiplier, the worse it gets.

Izuku asked me I instead of using this [Crit Boost Mode] in my entire body, I used it in only one body part. That way the drawbacks should not affect my entire body, and I also could use it by turn it on and off for quick bursts of powers instead of a prolonged, damaging one.

I did as he said and it worked! I can use my [CBM] way longer and effectively. It also helped me to increase past the 4x multiplier to higher ones, as I only used it for an instant to either hit something or for a quirk movement like a jump and stuff.

I told him that if the hero business doesn't work, he could try to become a quirk advisor or some crap. He just brushed it off as nothing and not that good. I swore to myself to beat self-esteem into him even if it's the last thing I would do.

On July 15 I was invited to Izuku's birthday. The bastard didn't even warn me beforehand! I had to rush to buy him something he, as a man, desperately lacked. [2]

A gaming PC. Master race here mother*cker.

It came as no surprise that when I went to his house and gave it to him, both he and Ms. Midoriya cried rivers. So that's where the maggot's crying came from. Do they have a quirk gene about it? I wouldn't be surprised if it did.

My mother also came to this party much to my disMAY, Hah! She heard Izuku inviting me over for his birthday through the phone and invited herself there like a f*cking whore.

Izuku was surprised by Nemuri, but was even more surprised whe-


… He found out about her job. Izuku freaked out and went into a ballistic mode, asking a thousand questions about her quirk in milliseconds. It was fun seeing her struggling against the hyper-excited boy.

Now, returning back to the main topic.

In these months, Izuku's progress surprised me. From 166 cm he went to a hopping 170 cm. He also looked like a guy who went to the gym 3 days a week, instead of the malnourished skeleton he was before. His determination is worth respect. [3]

He is worth being called the highest degree of friendship a man can have without being gay:


"Bro, who is that skeleton behind you?" I asked Izuku as he approached me with a blond man with a weird hairstyle and so skinny that he looked like a victim of starvation in Africa. How can he even walk?

"This is A- I mean Toshinori Yagi. He is the one that made my previous training plan. Toshinori, this is Rick May." Izuku introduced the guy to me.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet who young Midoriya talked so highly of." He raised his hand for a handshake. I didn't take it.

… This guy is looking kinda sus, not gonna lie.

"Nice to meet you, sir. It may come out rude, but how a skeleton-like you made that exercise plan?" I questioned the blond stranger.

"Ah! Well, you see… I work under some heroes, under All Might himself. I picked up some things there." He staggered. Hoh. I don't believe you at all.

"And why would help a meek, quirkless boy like Izuku here?" I inquired.

"A-Ah, I believe that young Midoriya has the heart of a hero. I know that is hard for someone like him to enter a hero school, especially U.A., so I took it upon myself to guide him."Toshinori Yagi reasoned.

"You said you wanted to help him to become a hero, and you yourself worked under All Might. Even made that specialized routine for Izuku. If you truly are who you say you are and went as for a quirkless, then you should know how lifting trash wouldn't matter against U.A. entrance exam and its competitors. A fit body is not enough to pass after all." Let's see how you explain this shit.

"I..uh… well, you see-"

"Rick! I-I trust mister Yagi. I-I assure you he only means well." Izuku answered for the stranger. Dammit. Why are protecting him? Izuku is a smart guy, he should have understood how suspicious this guy is.

Izuku screwed over my interrogation, but one thing is certain. This Yagi guy is hiding something, maybe even Izuku. And I think I know just what to do. It's big brain time.

"I see. Sorry for being so aggressive. Izuku tends to be on the naïve side. It would not surprise me if he followed a stranger giving candy. I hope you can forgive me." I bowed to the man while hiding my hands behind me as I pressed a button on my phone…


"Oh, excuse me for a moment." I stopped bowing and turn on the call.

"Mom? Ah, yes. Of course, I'll come right away." I turned off the call. "Sorry guys. Something came up at home, I gotta go. See you all another time, maybe tomorrow?"

"Y-Yeah, s-see you tomorrow Rick." "Goodbye Rick"

I ran to my car and started the engine, driving the car away from the beach we were in.

"Zeus, I want you to spy on Izuku and that guy beside him. Anything you hear, I want to know." I ordered the bird, which promptly flew away (after a couple of salmon promises).

This is my plan. I made a fake call to myself and pretended to talk with my mother, giving me the excuse to leave, and that way making this guy be not on guard. Izuku at his introduction almost called this Yagi guy another name and protected him even when I exposed his weird motivations. There is something going on between them, and I have no idea what it is. It could be bad.

I sent Zeus who has an acute hearing to spy on them and tell me by writing what he heard. Yes, the eagle can write, not that surprising when it can understand human speech and watch TV on its own. Izuku doesn't know about Zeus, and neither does this guy. I'm a genius!

I'm going home now. No reason to wait here. Let's see if the boys are online, might as well play something while I wait.


(Zeus's Pov)

The eagle flew high to the sky and glided over the two skinny hoomans his master ordered him to spy on. Focusing his acute hearing Zeus could still listen to them from hundreds of meters away.

"Uff. That was dangerous." The skinniest of the two said.

"Y-Yeah. I-I didn't expect that to happen at all. W-What are we gonna do?" The boy asked.

"Hmm. For now, I have no idea. This will be tricky to deal with. The points he raised were sound, and it was suspicious on my part to tell you to just exercise and expect to pass U.A. and tell him I'm a hero assistant while ignoring this fact. He doesn't know about [One for All]."

"I-I understand. W-Wait… how am I going to explain to Rick when you give me your quirk? [One for All] is not subtle at all! He knows I'm quirkless, and if he was already this suspiciousaboutyouwhatarewegonna-"

"Young Midoriya, you are muttering again! Relax, you can just say you are a late bloomer. Even if he suspects something, he will accept it sooner or later. There are no quirks that can be given like [One for All] and being a late bloomer while extremely rare it's not impossible. Rick showed how he can analyze logic just now. Trust me." The skeleton soothes the worries of his successor.

"O-Okay, All Might." The boy replied

"Now, continue doing your exercises. You need a strong body for [OFA], make good use of Rick's training, I admit it's better than my own. I need to go on a patrol now. See you soon, Midoriya!" The skeleton grew to become a giant man in an instant and leaped out of the beach in a single jump.

Izuku carried on with his stretches and push-ups, none the wiser about the eagle on the sky…


(Rick's Pov)

"So… you are saying me that skeleton is called 'All Might', the top No.1 hero in the world. He has a quirk called [One for All] that somehow can be given to Izuku but it requires a strong body, which is why he is training him?" He spoke to the bird which nodded at his conclusion.

"What the hell? I thought quirks were something you were born with, not given! However, when you think about a world with billions of quirks, anything is possible I guess. I mean, I have powers from a video game." He summoned his [Stock Rocket Launcher] and stare at it.

His thoughts were interrupted by a *KAAAA!* followed by a flapping of wings. Zeus stared at him and I knew what he wanted.

"Here you feathered glutton maggot! Take the salmon and go!" I threw the salmon high in the air as a comet flew and caught the raw salmon and landed on my house's roof and started eating.

Coming back to the main topic. Now that he knows the secret, what he is gonna do about it? Will he just be quiet and pretend he didn't spy on them? Confront them about it?

Keeping this secret? Nah. I would not simply shut up and put an act. I'm a soldier and not an actor. Besides, I really want to see what the number one hero will do when I tell him I know. Heh, who knows. Maybe I can even fight him! Our battle will be legendary!

"Okay! Tomorrow it is! All Might prepare your butt for some ass-kicking!"

I sent a text to Izuku and told him to bring this Yagi guy tomorrow at the beach, same time as today, and went to my room.

If I'm fighting the top hero, I need to prepare. I pulled the [May's Legacy] book and started reading it.

[✦12th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

● Rank: EX

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.11].

[✦Maternal side]:


● Rank: 7/10

● A [Mutant] type quirk that causes the host's to be able to sustain grave injuries and still perform on the field while increasing the overall health and healing factor.

● Note: Great quirk to increase combat effectiveness. To be put with [Soldier] quirk.

Interesting. So this [Endurance] quirk allows me to fight under critical conditions as nothing happened, with a boost on health and healing factor on top.

This quirk made the user last longer in the field and endure traumas without incapacitating him. While great for prolonged fights and to not stop due to injuries, It won't help me much against All Might. I went to the next page.

[✦11th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

● Rank: EX

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.10].

[✦Maternal side]:


● A [Mutant] type quirk that causes the host's cells to heal faster, increasing the overall health and healing factor.

● The immune system gets enhanced to be capable of fending off most diseases by itself, and even some types of poison.

● The healing factor of the body gets enhanced to a point that most bruisers heal back in minutes, cuts close in seconds, broken bones in hours, and speed up recovery by a substantial margin. It does not regenerate new body parts but is capable of reattaching them if they are intact enough.

● Note: Great quirk to increase survivability. To be put with [Soldier] quirk.

Huh, my family seems to have a tendency to have boys.

Anyway, this [Vitality] quirk of my great-great-grandmother is the real deal. While not as good as regeneration, the ability to reattach body parts is OP. As long as I don't absolutely screw over with my body I'm basically a lego character! The enhanced healing will come in handy too.

About the enhanced immune system… if my family had that, how did dad die from that cursed disease? Was it that strong that even a quirk like [Vitality] couldn't deal with it? This world is way too scary, you can bang a hoe in somewhere and get super AIDS. I'm never f*cking again without protection. Ever.

I might even write something about this in this book so that the future May's don't get f*cked to death, quite literally.

I turned the page to the next one.

[✦10th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

[Endless Stamina]

● Rank: 9/10

● A [Mutant] type quirk that causes the host's stamina to increase in absurd levels. The user's body does not run out of energy for days.

● This does not apply to mental fatigue, requiring the user to sleep to restore it. It also does not help to restore the strain on the body from over-exercising. It only makes the person not tire physically, but not heal or restore from forcing it too much.

● The body needs sustenance to fuel this restless state, this manifests as an increase in the user's hunger and if deprived, the quirk effects are reduced gradually.

● This was confirmed to affect sexual stamina, causing the user to seek multiple partners as one proved incapable of satisfying it, resulting in many complications for the user's love life.

● Note: One of the best stamina quirks in the entire world. To be put with [Soldier] quirk.

[✦Maternal side]:

● Rank: EX

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.9].

Oh, this time it was a woman who had the [Soldier] quirk. And my great (x3) grandpa quirk… It's a great quirk no doubt. Very convenient and handy, but… Was this why my family couldn't make marriages work?

It would sure explain a lot (especially why I take so long in the bathroom). But doesn't that mean that I will have a shitty marriage too? Let's deal with this as I deal with all my big problems: Ignoring it 'till the end.

Going back to [Endless Stamina]. This won't help me against All Might. I heard about his exploits, if I'm not wrong he went 3 days with no sleep on a crime-fighting spree. There is no way I can win against him in a prolonged battle with the power he has.

[✦9th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

● Rank: EX

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.8].

[✦Maternal side]:


● Rank: 8/10

● A [Mutant] type quirk that causes the host's brain to perceive subtle clues to form a higher picture, and perceive situations before they happen instinctively. It also increases the user's reflexes and instincts.

● Note: Great for detective work and to perceive dangers before they happen.

Hoh, now this is a combat quirk! This explains why I'm so good with puzzles, Rubik's cubes, and predictions. However, it's not something I can control. Maybe I can refine this a bit but that's it. I need raw firepower! To the next page, we go!

[✦8th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

● Rank: EX

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.7].

[✦Maternal side]:

[Weapon Summoning]

● Rank: 9/10

● An [Emitter] type quirk that causes the host to have a pocket space, and inventory, that can summon unique weapons and guns from it, in highlight rocket launchers.

● These guns have different types, shapes, and various effects.

● It also regenerates ammo for these guns.

● The pocket space can be used as a storage-only limited to objects near the size of the user with an amount limit of 100 items.

● Note: A versatile and powerful quirk with great potential. Can be used to move cargo in its inventory, refill ammo, and attack with its superweapons. To be introduced with [Soldier] quirk.

My weapon summoning quirk comes from a woman? I can't help but imagining a hot babe carrying a rocket launcher. Damn, my great (5x) grandpa scored big time! Weapon summoning quirks are rare, my hopes of getting an armed girl are next to none! But I shall not lose hope. I WILL HAVE A GUN-WOMAN NO MATTER WHAT!

*Cough*… I got a little to excited there. I knew this quirk like the back of my hand, there is nothing new here. Onwards we go!

[✦7th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

[Perfect Muscle]

● Rate: 10/10

● A [Mutant] type quirk that causes the host's muscle fibers to change in both composition and arrangement.

● The muscle fibers arrangement and alignment from horizontal/vertical to diagonal, increasing contraction strength and also becoming harder to be cut from a sharp slash.

● The muscles become pink, increasing overall efficiency at any task and more endurance.

● Muscle memory gets enhanced to such degrees that any kind of combat training or fighting style gets recorded in record time, allowing mastery of martial arts that would take years to be done in months.

● The user gets full control over his musculature, capable of moving even muscles that could not be moved by itself without triggering others or impossible to move by regular humans, granting more freedom of movement and complex moves.

● Muscle strength, speed, density, durability, and recovery get enhanced to high levels.

● Note: An unique muscle enhancement that raises all aspects of the muscle has to a superhuman level. This quirk must be preserved at any cost. To be put with the [Soldier] quirk for further enhancement.

[✦Maternal side]:

● Rank: 10/10

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.6].

This is what I wanted to see, raw power right there! I didn't know we had this kind of quirk. I knew our muscles were stronger but that enhanced martial learning or muscle control is new to me.

The martial arts stuff is not useful right now, since there is no way he can pick up new fighting styles in hours. It said it would take months, so maybe later and besides, I had army hand-to-hand combat. I don't think there is anything better than that really.

Muscle control was a different deal though. I sat on the ground with my legs crossed and tried contracting a muscle on my back without moving, which should be impossible for regular people. It took a while but I felt the muscle clenching. It worked!

What will I do with this knowledge? Upgrade my agility.

By triggering my muscles without needing to do the required movements for them to contract I will be able to dodge and attack faster while being harder to predict my moves. I will train this until tomorrow and even skip sleep time. This might just do the trick to pull a fast one on All Might and dodge his insane speed. But I need more.

I turned the page again.

[✦6th generation]:

[✦Paternal side]:

● Rank: 10/10

● Fusion of previous generation's quirks, named [Soldier V.5].

[✦Maternal side]:

[Air Maneuverability]

● Rate: 6/10

● An [Emitter] type quirk that causes the host to be able to change directions mid-air. The user can't do sharp turns instantaneously, requiring a gradual and steady turn to make them. It's also makes the user slow down their mid-air momentum drastically. However, it does not negate fall damage.

● Note: Great for increased mobility in all the air.

That will do it. I knew about my mid-air movement. I thought it was just another one of my TF2 related powers but it seems to be more on it. I should practice it more and make it sharper. It will enhance my agility again and be able to move while in the air, where most people are venerable. Together with [Mantreads] I'm gonna be unstoppable!

I put the book back under my bed and went to the backyard and start my epic training montage!


(3rd Person Pov)

At the Takoba Municipal Beach Park, Toshinori and Izuku waited for Rick to arrive. Yesterday, Izuku received a text calling him and All Might to the beach. He was nervous since he didn't know what his friend would do. Would he still suspect the hero? Would he apologize?

He heard a *Screech* from someone parking a car too fast and saw Rick coming out of the vehicle. He marched towards both until he was in front of them.

"Bro! Yagi! Sorry for calling you both here, but I believe we both need to clear things out from yesterday." Rick said as he looked at them.

"Yes, I understand young Rick. I can see how you found me suspicious. Don't mind it." Toshinori replied with a soft smile.

"I'm glad to hear that, since you recognize how suspicious you were, as a hero, you should also understand why I spied on you last day. Isn't that right, All Might?" He revealed with a smug smile while crossing his arms.

Both Izuku and the hero's eyes became as wide as golf balls, their mouths open.

"H-H-How? Y-You left in your car!" Izuku's mouth stuttered so much that it looked like he was a guy freezing with their teeth chattering.

"Young Rick, How did you spy on us and how much did you hear?" Yagi stared at him seriously.

"Let me introduce you to Zeus." He whistled and a big bald eagle landed on his shoulder. "And this my pet- Ouch! Okay, okay! Brother, this is my 'brother'. He has an enhanced hearing and I sent him to spy on you guys. About how much I heard? Everything, including [One for All]. Gotta say I was expecting you to be a creep of some kind, no the number one hero, nor a quirk that can be passed."

All Might was a bit stunned at the bird, but he continued staring at Rick. "Rick, if you heard about it, then you should know how important it is to keep it a secret. Can I trust you?" All Might spoke in a firm voice. Izuku just looks and them from the side.

"You? Not really. I met you yesterday. Izuku? Yes. I can keep it a secret for him. Under the condition that you tell me everything about this whole [One for All] business and why the world's greatest hero look like he just came back from a grave."

With a sigh, the pro hero told his story. How he got hurt and became the skeleton he sees, how he can only stay in his buff form for around 3 hours. How his power is a torch that passed to the next generation, accumulating power as it goes and requiring a strong enough body for the user's limbs not to explode. How he chose Izuku as his successor after seeing his heroic heart. Everything.

"Wow. Bro, are you some kind of protagonist?" Rick turned to his friend.


"Yeah. You, the quirkless boy that wishes to become a hero after no one believed in you meets his idol, the world's greatest hero, All Might. You run to save your friend and then is recognized and trained by him to get the possibly strongest quirk in the world. If that's not protagonist material, I don't know what it is." He summarized.

Midoriya was just staring at him, speechless.

"Forget it. All Might, since the cat is out of the bag I demand one thing in order to never speak of this ever in my life." Toshinori frowned at his words. As he was about to say something to Rick he was interrupted.

"All Might, let's fight!" Rick proclaimed with a mad grin, a rocket launcher appearing in his hand.

"… what?" The hero replied.

"You are the strongest, I want to see just how far I stand from the top." Rick clarified.

All Might had a smile. "I see. If that's all you ask for your silence, then as you wish." All Might buffed into his hero form as he cracked his knuckles.

"A-All Might! R-Rick! T-This might not be a g-good place to fight. This is a public beach!" Izuku yelled before the two men fought.

"Hmm. You are right young Midoriya. I think I know just the place." All Might shrank to his civilian form. "Young Rick, might you give us a lift to U.A?"

"Haha! I like where this is going. Hop in and lead the way!" They all went to Rick's car while ignoring Izuku absolutely losing his shit at where they were going.


(3rd Person Pov)

"Toshinori, may I ask why you and two kids and a bird are in one of U.A's combat rooms? Especially Rick?" The principal of U.A questioned the blond hero.

"Well, you see…" All Might told Nezu about Rick's actions and his fallout, and his demand. The number one hero expected Nezu would be mad at his failure in approaching Rick and the exposure of his secret. Instead, he got howls of laugher.

"Rick is more interesting than I thought. Since things are already loose, let me introduce myself to him." He left Yagi and went to Rick.

"Hello, Rick. I'm Nezu, principal of this school. You might already know this through your mother. I'm fascinated by your ingenious plan and wit to see something suspicious and find out about Toshinori's secret. It's a pleasure to meet you." He extended his hand to Rick, who shook it.

"Pleasure is mine, sir. Please tell me you are not here to stop this fight, that would be a shame."

"Ha! No worries, I myself am quite eager to see it. And you, Izuku Midoriya," He turned to Izuku. "All Might's successor. I expect great things from you. I see that the regimen and supplements Rick gave you are not for show. Continue working hard, it will pay off."

"T-T-T-Thank you, sir!" Izuku bowed while gagging from his anxiety. His fanboy side almost losing control. The rat chuckled at the sight.

"Now that introductions are out of the way, let's start this match!" Nezu ran to the edge of the room together with Izuku, making space for the brawl about to happen.

"On three, the fight shall start. Do you both agree?" Nezu proposed.

"Hell Yeah!" Rick exclaimed

"Okay." Yagi nodded.

"Very well…" Nezu replied


Rick summoned his [Rocket Jumper] and aimed at All Might.


All Might stretched his arms showing their mighty power.


Both of the fighters fully focused on the final signal.


Rick immediately fired a rocket towards All Might, who dodged it by leaping towards Rick while turning his upper body sideways and making room for the rocket to pass him.

Rick, seeing the ginormous man almost flying at him, rocket jumped to the air while equipping the [Mantreads] boots to gain its 200% increased air control when blast jumping and the [B.A.S.E. Jumper] to parachute and increase his time in the air.

All Might was on Rick's previous spot and spoke with his trademark smile. "Good judgment! But if you think being in the air will keep you out of my reach, you are mista-"


An explosion emerged under All Might, ringing throughout the room and covering it with black smoke.

"You should pay attention where you step, old man!" Rick shouted at the smoke while equipping and reloading the [Beggar's Bazooka] to its 3 rocket limit, knowing that All Might was not defeated.

"A sneak attack with a grenade. Impressive!" A voice emerged from the smoke, together with a blur that jumped after Rick, which with his parachute and the [Mantreads] effects managed to barely maneuver away from it while in the air and firing three rockets simultaneously at him.

(A/N: He can change directions mid-air like the TF2 soldier, this power is increased with the parachute and mantreads)

"TEXAS SMASH!" All Might blew the incoming rockets away in a wave of wind pressure created by his punched. The wind was so strong that the only reason the air current didn't send Rick to the ceiling was because of his -75% reduction in push force taken from enemies and air blast vulnerability granted by his boots.

Rick seeing that his rockets were ineffective, switched to his secondary weapon [Panic Attack] and shot a barrage of bullets towards the hero.

All Might tanked the bullets with a body like they were nothing, which for him might as well be.

Rockets, bullets. Nothing worked. Rick would have to bring his more… unique weapons.

The soldier retreated while equipping the [Air Strike] and shooting all his loaded ammo to All Might. Like the previous rockets, he just sent them away with the air pressure of his punches. What he didn't know that this was a distraction for Rick to equip the [Cow Mangler 5000] and charge its shot to limit before releasing the spiraling vortex of energy towards Toshinori.

"NEW HAMPSHIRE SMASH!" All Might punched the air to propel himself backward towards Rick and out of the weird energy shot's trajectory.

"Gotcha, crouton." The teen smile as the prey fell for his trap. [4]

Like Sun-Tzu said: 'All war is deception.'

Rick shot the [Righteous Bison] he had secretly equipped on his free hand (that was not holding his R-Launcher) while activating for an instant his [Crit Boost Mode] to his highest multiplier: 5x

The No.1 was moving too fast towards him to dodge. He was forced to block the hit by crossing his arms over his chest. However, the special effect this pistol has is penetrating enemy targets. The electric projectile hit the hero dead on his chest, passing through his arm defense and chest, coming out from the other side of it.

This weapon does not have high damage, it should normally just give pain to the target and incapacitate them for an instant with its energy as it passed through their body. But for someone with inner organ damage like Toshinori? It was his kryptonite, which Rick unknowingly exploited.

All Might lost the air of his lungs as if someone punched his stomach, a thin trail of blood running out of the corner of his lips. Rick stared in surprise at how effective his sneak attack was.

The hero realized the true danger of Rick's weapons and decided to not hold back as he was doing before. Ricks seemed to sense his shift in his attitude, as he summoned a bugle and blew its call for reasons All Might didn't know.

Rick's bugle was from his [Battalion's Backup], that when releasing its call granted immunity towards critical damage and 35% resistance to damage, while also increasing his max health by 20 points (soldier has 200 HP) which he didn't know how good this was since he didn't have a HP bar like in the game.

He also equipped the [Frying Pan] as a makeshift shield to block to attack he felt coming through his instincts, with a [Crit Boost Mode: 3x] for extra power.

Rick could barely see the shadow of the afterimage that passed by him. His [Frying Pan] met the fist by instinct and reflex alone, but the first carved through it like glass and hit his stomach with such strength that he hit the ground like a meteor, forming a small crater on the ground.

"Augghhh!" Rick hissed in severe pain as his body felt like a ragdoll smashed by a wrecking ball. He did thousands of abdominals under weights, forced by sergeant James in J.A.M.S., and yet it didn't hurt as it did now. [5]

"Young Rick! Are you alright? I may have gone too far back there." All Might kneeled besides Rick.

"N-Nah. I asked for it. F-Forget it." Rick replied as he struggled to stand up from his screaming abdominals.

"You have spirit, Rick. You will make an excellent hero! I must confess, your last attack scared me a little back there." The hero joked.

"Heh, I'm surprised it was that effective. That gun is not strong as my others even with my [Crit Boost Mode], it only has a penetration effect. Why you bled from that?" The helmet-wearing boy asked.

"It's probably my injury. My insides are damaged; You may have found my weakness." Toshinori contemplated.

"I still couldn't defeat you though."

"HA! You are the first person to hurt me in years! Be proud of that. Your strategy was good, but I'm not number one for show." All Might returned to his skinny form.

"All Might! Rick! Are you hurt?! I saw you bleeding and-" Izuku ran towards them and was interrupted by Yagi.

"We are fine, young Midoriya. Nezu, could you call Recovery Girl? A patch up wouldn't hurt, especially for Rick."

"N-Nah, I got this." Rick pulled from nothing a wooden box with a weird oriental white flag.

"What is this?" Izuku asked.

"T-This is the [Concheror]. It passively gives me health regeneration. At a max of 4 per second, depending on the damage taken, whatever that number means" Rick was again annoyed by his lack of HP bar.

"Fascinating. Your quirk is very versatile. I never saw anything like it."

"Damn right! *Cough!*"

Nezu called Recovery Girl and a small granny arrived in the combat room. She wore a nurse coat and a syringe in her hair bun. She was annoyed at them for this free fighting but still helped them.

She kissed Rick and all his injuries and pain were gone in the blink of an eye.

"You deserve a medal, Doc." [6]

"It's nothing, my dear. Next time, don't think you can block the punch of the number one hero and walk away from it, or else I'll put you in infirmary myself!" The granny yelled while hitting the top of his head with her cane hard.

"SIR, YES SIR!" Nezu, All Might, Recovery Girl, and Izuku all stared at him.

"What? It's a force of habit. Anyway, Izuku, let's start our training again! You thought I would forget abo-"


"Oof! What was that for?!" Rick yelled at the granny while rubbing his head. [7]

"You reckless teenager! My healing quirk takes away your body's energy to heal. If you continue jumping around you will fall unconscious, aren't you feeling tired?!"

"Tired? Not at all. I assure you, my stamina is superhuman even by quirk standards. I can go days with no sleep at all."

"I thought your quirk was [Gun Summoning]?" Izuku pointed.

"That's my quirk factor. My quirk genes, however, are a different story. Let's say it's a family thing."

"I see…" Nezu rubbed his chin in thought.

"Anyway, I have a killer hunger. Who wants a cheeseburger? It's on me! I know this great American place and…"

Eventually, All Might, Rick, and Izuku left to get cheeseburgers, which happened to be All Might favorite American food.

The rat just stared at them from the background with a grin. He couldn't wait for next year.


Writing Notes:

[1] Canadians are known for apologizing for everything. I can confirm since I lived there for a year.

[2] Izuku's birthday is on July 15.

[3] Canon Izuku has 166 cm. That's short. Why all MHA characters seem tall but are actually short. I use myself (180 cm) to judge this.

[4] "Gotcha, crouton." Soldier dominating spy.

[5] Soldier severe pain cry.

[6] Soldier thanking medic.

[7] Another soldier's pain sound.

Author Notes:

Hey guys, It's me again!

What did you guys think of the different paths Rick can go to increase his power? I found them pretty reasonable. Izuku is finally using his brain for something! And if you look closely, Rick's [Crit Boost Mode] act quite similar to [One for All]. This will play a huge part later, especially for Izuku.

And about All Might reveal? What did you guys think? I found it a bit silly that the No.1 hero just talks about his secrets in an open area, especially when Izuku calls him All Might all the time and almost blowing his secret identity in the anime. So I used this against them and introduced Rick to the [One for All] gang! This is gonna make things much more convenient for me down the line.

Was the reason for my MC to suspect Toshinori Yagi reasonable?

What about MC heritage? Was it just an annoying info dump or was it enjoyable? Any ideas to improve this heritage book part? Remember, this is a way for MC to learn how to use his unique biology and gain some tricks and small power-ups in a reasonable way.

And sorry for hyping the battle with All Might just for in the end be a bit lackluster. But c'mon, All Might is super OP and the only true way to fight him is by cheesing the f*ck out of him, such as camping in the air and shooting him from far away and still lose by his air blasts. I searched about All Might's super moves and I think I did a good job. What did you guys think?

Please comment on what you think! You guys have some pretty fun ideas and memes. It makes me laugh way more than I admit. Also, review this fanfic if you like it. Tell me what you like about it, what I can improve, what you disliked. They help me quite a lot.

Next chapter we will finally enter the U.A plot! And also we are going to meet MC main love interest. The girl that actually made it the harem possible in my mind because of her personality.

I also released an auxiliary chapter with the TF2 Soldier's weapons and taunts.

And now this is just a rant of mine, nothing to do with the chapter.

I'm a bit revolted by webnovel these days, and its ranking system, or rather, the users themselves.


Because the only way to reach any high ranking at all is by putting smut as cover, making short daily chapters instead of long detailed ones, and write mostly about f*ck. With little to no care about the actual world the fanfic is in or the character's personalities and developments. And be shameless as hell too.

I know very well that I would get higher in the ranks by splitting by 5k chapters into 2k ones, simply because it would update more and not the content itself. I'm not even gonna say about smut. Quality is going downhill. This chapter has more than 7K words!

Mind my words. If I still feel pissed off about it after I finish this fanfic I'm going to follow this 'formula' with a new fanfic and reach the top 10 in a week. Because this is the formula for success in the website, sadly. It takes the accomplishment of things.

Start noticing the pattern and you will see how sad the ranking has become.

There are exceptions of course, so no need to go full nazi on everyone. There are some that balance things out between these 'bad' and 'good' aspects I listed and actual quality work. But I ask you just to keep this in mind. That's the only way to change this issue and bump the good fanfics to the top.

A good way to solve this issue would be to create new ranking systems. Like, instead of power stones, by reviews. And in that note make reviews that ban spam to make it work. Or other ideas.

Now that I got this off my chest (which was very therapeutic for me), I'm going to sleep with a lighter mind.

Good night! :D

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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