
The Slave's Adventure

NOTICE: *UPDATE EVERY FRIDAY/SATURDAY* A world where the weak can become strong has been created. The Power is the system that makes the weaker gets stronger, but will they get a happy ending in that world, or will the weak continue to be oppressed by those with higher status? Kanatsumi Tendou's story is proof that this world exists. But unfortunately, his world remains unchanged when he is made a slave by the person who summoned him to a different realm from earth. At this rate, Tendou would only be able to resign himself to this heartbreaking life. But... Who is he and what is his purpose to summon Tendou? What will happen to Tendou?

cilll_fantasy · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 1: Let Me Be Useful, For Once.

The sound of a button was heard along with the game sound coming out of the monitor screen entering the ears of a young man whose face was only a few centimeters away from the monitor screen. The young man with black short silky hair kept staring at it and only blinked once in a few seconds indicating that he was very focused on the game.

But why did he keep losing the game?

He had put all his energy and focus into the game but still he lost.

But was he really focused? It turns out that staring at the screen up close isn't always proof that he's serious, judging by his blank stare...

He was just pressing buttons randomly, no matter what he was doing. He didn't utter a single word of speech. His mouth was open with eyes that were withering away.

"B-Bro..." A word was spoken, but his expression remained flat.

In the room that was originally quiet, apart from the sounds of games and button-mashing, the silence was broken by the loud banging of the door repeatedly from outside the door.

Tendou ignored the banging sounds that were getting louder by the second and Tendou was too focused on the game or daydreaming.

"Open the door you bastard!" A man's voice broke in from outside Tendou's door. Kanatsumi Tendou was the son of his father, Urame and mother, Beidou.

Urame was the one who was repeatedly banging on the boy's door violently because he had been ignored by his own son many times.

Meanwhile, the mother, Beidou, was behind the father trying to calm him down but failing.

The locked door was broken and Urame again found his son in front of the monitor screen intently. Urame walked quickly to his son and forcefully pulled off the headphones Tendou was wearing.

Urame forcibly pulled his son, who was then thrown towards the door. "At least leave the stupid kid's room. Make friends and get a job. A child like you is just a burden on the parents."

Beidou came to Tendou quickly and saw whether his body was injured or not. "Honey, are you okay?"

Tendou did not answer. It had been almost over a year since he had uttered a word other than the "Bro" he repeatedly said when he was playing games. Even his father and mother knew that Tendou was no longer able to hold a conversation.

He was mentally unstable. His mind was all over the place so he couldn't properly process someone's words or actions in his brain. Even after he was thrown by his father, he did not feel fear, sadness, disappointment or any other expression. In his mind there was only one thing he kept thinking about over and over again, and that was...

"Heh. You don't need to talk to him, because he's just a statue. The one who can't even talk, is no good, doesn't work hard." Urame said.

"Stop it! Stop calling him that, he's our son!"

"Our son? I don't remember having a child like this statue. It's better if... It's you who died, not big brother m-"

The harsh words Urame was about to say were interrupted due to a hard slap from Beidou. Beidou cried, her tears dropping to the floor and even being thrown a little towards Tendou made him slightly aware of his mother's presence.

Tendou was about to call out to his mother but the words did not come out of his throat. He still tried hard to do so, but unfortunately the word still did not come out.

Instead, he saw his father's expression. His face was very red and the veins on his forehead were visible, Urame's hand began to clench into a fist and finally moved towards Beidou's head to grab it hard.

"What are you doing, bitch?" said Urame as his other hand held his own cheek.

"What are you going to say to our child? Ikame's death had nothing to do with him!"

"Nothing? Are you crazy? Ikame protected this useless boy and gave his life for him. OF COURSE HE HAD SOMETHING TO DO WITH IT!"

"It was his choice, he meant to love his brother! Don't blame someone's death on someone else, urgggh" Beidou groaned as Urame pulled Beidou up by her hair. Beidou tried by hitting Urame's hand many times but her body was too weak to even hurt Urame.

Tendou looked at his mother who was being forcibly pulled by his father. His mouth and whole body trembled as he wanted to move to help his mother, but his unstable body and mentality only left him lying on the floor unable to help his mother.

However, murmurs began to come from his mouth. Instead of calling out to his dead brother, he uttered a rather ironic phrase "Take it easy, mom. Soon, your burden will be gone..."

It was already midnight. After a night of hearing his mother's groans from his father's torture, Tendou took a rope and hung it on the lamp in his room.

"At least let me be useful, Mother... Your burden will disappear after this and father won't torture you anymore."

Tendou finally remembered. His mother had always taken care of him who was in an unstable condition due to the shock of his brother's death a year ago. But his mother still stood by him and took proper care of her son.

Before he put his neck into the rope hole that was already tightly tied and hanging, he hesitated. It wasn't that he was holding back, it was just that he wanted to see his mother one last time first.

He got off the chair he was standing on and went out of the room to look for his mother. He thought maybe his mother was asleep since it was late at night, but... He accidentally saw blood splattered on the floor. He slowly followed the trail, his heart was trembling hoping that the blood wasn't what he thought it was.

But alas, the prayer was not heeded by God.

He got goosebumps when he saw his mother lying with a bruised face as if she had been repeatedly beaten by someone. Her blood was splattered all over her body, all the way to the floor and if one looked at the amount of blood splattered one would realize that it was already too much.

"M-MOM!" Tendou tried to run towards her but due to his legs being weak, he stumbled until his body fell on the blood-soaked floor. But he did not stop, he continued to crawl over the blood to his mother.

Sobs began to emerge from his mouth. No matter how long a human didn't make facial expressions, there must be a time when he would show a genuine emotion, one which would come out without him realizing it.

"Mother... Don't... Don't... You have to live happily."

His mother was still breathing, but Tendou did not know what to do as he continuously heard his mother's groans. Until...

"Huh? You're still awake bastard boy?" His father got up from his sleep beside the sofa near his mother. Tendou saw a baseball bat in his father's hand, knowing that he was the one who had caused his mother to collapse.

"Don't be so noisy, I just taught her a little lesson." Urame then lay down again on the sofa without any guilt. Even his tone seemed like he was just doing something trivial even though he almost killed someone.

Tendou gritted his teeth, clenched his fists and stood up. He went to the kitchen and picked up a knife. His eyes like he had been plunged into darkness, looking at his father who was oblivious to everything, Tendou violently plunged the knife into his father's neck.

"UAAAAAGHHHH" A very loud groan was heard. His scream was loud but it only made his blood flow even more. He tried to cover the bleeding on his neck with his hands, but still it kept leaking out.

Tendou did not stop, he continued to swing his knife towards all parts of Urame's body. Implanting deep wounds in every part of his body.

Urame begged for mercy many times, but the flat expression of Tendou who continued to swing the knife made Urame even more upset and held the knife in his hand.

Urame had a very strong body that could hold it perfectly. But because he lost a lot of blood, he became weak as time went by.

"You... freak human... If only... You were the one... who died..."

Urame's blood-soaked hand relaxed and fell, smearing Tendou's hand with blood.

In that instant, Tendou realized he had just killed his own biological father. The father who used to always smile in appreciation and love for him. Although, that had changed when he had "failed" to become the human Urame had hoped for.

Even so, his facial expression did not change. He remained expressionless.

He then walked towards the home phone leaving his father's corpse alone, pressing the button with his bloodstained hands. Although he had committed such a vicious crime, there was no regret that he harbored within himself. It was just that, a murderer was not someone who could freely roam the neighborhood, so...

"Hello 110? Yes, I have an emergency. I just killed someone. And also, please call an ambulance here."