Once upon a time in a faraway kingdom of Kiel, there lived a handsome young King, Anton with his gorgeous young Queen, Catherine. They ruled justly and fairly with an open mind and the people were happy and content, except the Witch of Trump Tower in the east. The witch was always an outcast, in every celebration celebrated throughout the kingdom the witch was never invited, never included and never remembered. Of course who would want to celebrate with a witch, but the witch was actually a good witch and this they do not know. The seclusion and sorrow had driven the witch into a mad frenzy; she then set about trying to spoil every celebration throughout the kingdom from a simple birthday party of a lowly serf to the presentation of the new born Prince Thrain, and so begins our story.

It was a fine day, a great day for a celebration but everyone was nervous and the security in Hamshire Castle was tight. Serfs were busy doing everything from cleaning the banquet hall enough to sparkle, even to the little detail of powder blue horse paper cut-outs that the prince adored. The preparations were made and so the celebration commenced, everyone was happy dancing when a cloud of black smoke engulfed the hall which made everyone scream in horror. King Anton stood and told everyone to calm down but when he saw the Witch of Trump Tower emerged from the smoke, his knees begun to shake. The Witch laughed and told everyone to relax and resume the fun for she was merely there to give the young prince a present. King Anton was flabbergasted and Queen Catherine was perturbed, they didn't want the witch to give anything and said that her presence was enough but the Witch was not anywhere near listening to them for she was walking towards the cradle of Prince Thrain and gazing upon the prince's beautiful eyes, as blue as the deepest ocean, she suddenly thought of the perfect present to make the king and queen suffer. Standing at the foot of the cradle the Witch of Trump Tower raised her hands and bellows of smoke gathered at her feet, she then uttered these words;

"Spirits of Old,

From whom which hold

Thy Magic of Gloom

Which grants someone's doom,

Befall upon this young born babe

The gift of sight goodbye he will bade,

But with a pure maiden's heart

Thy curse shall be part."

The witch then laughed contentedly and vanished and everyone wept for the prince who will never again gaze at the beauty of the world.

Years passed and the young Prince Thrain grew up to be a handsome man adored by all of his people, many young maiden and princesses vied for even the smallest of his affections but the young prince wasn't easily persuaded and because he has no gift of sight he always know when someone's just praising him to get to the crown, so he grow weary of love and found happiness in solitude. His parents were greatly aggrieved because their son, happy as he would be seen, hides in his heart a wound of which the cure they do not know.

At the young age of twenty and five Prince Thrain was crowned king because his father died of illness. Queen Catherine was in great sorrow but she continued to counsel and guide her son.
