
The Sidekick's Masterpiece

A hopeful novelist named Aether faces rejection of his meticulously crafted works in a contest. Crush by disappointment; he never gives up. With his burning passion, he decides to mix his rejected stories to create something better. But, Uh-oh, he needs a cool ending, and he's got zero experience for it. "How do i end this thing without any real adventures?" So, he heads up to Sierra Madre, hoping for inspiration. But up there, things get crazy. He meets a fate he didn't see coming. "This wasn't in the plan." Suddenly, he transmigrated as Felix, an orphan destined to perish in the entrance exam at Avalon School. But wait. He'll actually be part of a legendary hero group in the future.

Iam_monarchi · ファンタジー
41 Chs

Goblin queen

"There!" I was pointing at the area where I found the Kappa. There sat the Queen. It was a really scary sight for me.

"I can feel the mana," Elina said, squinting as she searched for the source of magic in the surroundings. 

I don't know what she feels, but mages are sensitive to mana; it's the basis of any fantasy.

"Careful!" Ginger pushed Elina, warning everyone.

Feeling heroic, I moved so fast that I caught Elina just in time, taking advantage of the moment to hug her. As my hand landed on her chest due to Ginger's push, it created momentum when I touched it.

"Gggrrrr." With teary eyes, Elina held her chest, looking at me angrily.

"That wasn't my fault!" I protested, pinching her waist. But even though I was caught in this situation, it felt worth it.

"Pervert," Elina said.

This is one of the truths about Elina. As long as you have a reason, she can't hurt you. But if she accuses you of being a pervert without reason, be prepared for serious trouble — six feet under the ground.

Alisha and Mel were really looking at me.

"Get off her immediately," said Mel, who was looking at me very, very scary.

"Oh-oh," I scrambled to get off, slowly but surely.

"Another attack!" Mel said, grabbing her bow and aiming at where the attack originated. It was from the bushes. Emerging from them was the goblin queen wielding a club.

Mel's arrow missed the goblin queen but struck another goblin.

"Just as expected!" Mel exclaimed with her sharp eyes fixed.

"That was far from the goblin queen," I contested Mel's claim. 

How could she expect it when she hit the goblin in the high branches of the tree and not from the bushes? The bushes were lower than the branches, about 10 meters.

Then, the goblin queen attacked Ginger with all its strength, swinging its club intimidatingly, and Ginger waited, readying her stance for the club's impact.

As the goblin queen swung its club, Ginger swiftly jumped to the side, narrowly avoiding the strike.

*Boom* The club landed where Ginger had stood moments before.

Before the goblin queen could react, Ginger had already thrust her sword into its heart. Despite the goblin queen's small size, it was a heavy opponent.

The eyes of the goblin queen faded, and Ginger was pinned down by the goblin queen's corpse. Then, an arrow struck Ginger's shoulder.

Despite the arrow hitting her, Ginger didn't scream.

"Heal!" Alisha cast her healing spell.

"Rapid Fire!" Mel used her skill to attack the source of the arrow, but she couldn't hit the goblin. So, she dashed to the nearby river and picked up a stone.

"Huh?" We watched as she threw the stone.

*Swoosh* The stone flew toward the branch, annihilating the goblin along with the branch.

I was so shocked by what I witnessed; that seemed to be her strongest basic attack. But what's the point of the bow if she can attack like that? Then again, she seemed unable to move her right hand, the hand Mel typically uses for throwing.

I had no idea she could attack in such a way. I never imagined she'd be stronger with a regular stone than with a bow, especially when her skill is related to archery. Is there something unusual about her? Even her accuracy was vastly different from when she shot the arrow.

Then Ginger managed to escape being pinned down.

"Heal!" Alisha healed Ginger once more, fully healing her wound.

But she didn't heal me.

'What the hell?' I thought. 'Is she an idiot?'

Ginger seemed really exhausted. I brought out water for her, and everyone else did too.

"Fireball!" Elina burns down the goblin queen's body, and then we receive the points.

"Oh!" With that simple word, I knew we had earned a big score. Defeating the goblin queen had given us a good score.

I also glanced at my bracelet [500 points per person for defeating the goblin queen]. 

I never considered putting the corpse in my item in my space magic bag. Because first of all the blood, then the smell, and lastly, it was dirty. Everything in my storage would get dirty, especially the clothes I have is my only clean uniform left, which was stored in the space storage.

Alisha also healed Mel.

"This was my last heal; I don't have any mana left now."

So, I handed her a mana-regenerating potion.

"Have you recovered some mana now?" We asked her because Alisha's healing was crucial when the group faced a big challenge, and her inability to heal when needed was concerning.

"No, I can't," Alisha said.

"Then we should rest until then," Mel suggested.

In the bushes, there was a rustling sound. A towering, three-meter-tall, big blue-eyed monster emerged, resembling an obese monster.

It walks toward the corpse of the goblin queen

"Ogre!" Ginger muttered.

Was that truly an ogre? Even at a glance, it appeared more like a Cyclops. 

But, it would be better to recognize it as an ogre. I hadn't paid attention to the class due to my observant skills. While I could gather information using it, but it would be better not to use it for just analyzing opponents by just looking at their names.

The ogre cried out—or rather, mourned—towards the goblin queen. We could see the sorrow in the ogre's eye.

"Use your bracelet!" Ginger shouted at us, facing the ogre.

"Fireball!" Elina creates a big fireball with a one-meter radius.

"Hah!" Mel threw a stone.

The ogre charged toward the party as if we were responsible for the death of his wife.

With the combined attacks from Mel and Elina, we expected the ogre to fall. Or really, did we just kill it?

"It deflected?" Elina exclaimed.

After the fireball and the stone hit the ogre. The orge smashes Elina and Mel aside like baseballs with his club.

Not only Elina, but all of us are in shock at the ogre. Using the big club as a sacrifice, the club was damaged, but the monster is not over, with red eyes.

"Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!" The ogre roared furiously.

Grabbing a small tree as though it were a club, it charged at us again.

"I don't wanna die," Alisha cried, trembling and scared, sitting there, even peeing herself.

I couldn't blame her. I was terrified too, but being a man in this party, I had to hold it together.

Ginger positioned herself in front to stop the ogre.

"In hindsight, memories are influenced more by the silence of past companions than the words of those against us."

Iam_monarchicreators' thoughts