
The Mysterious Markings.

Baskia "Roughly 798 years ago, one day the village of Eldun became gravely ill."

Raion "Eldun? That sounds familiar. "

Veter "It's the birthplace of all magic and everything that we can do."

Baskia "The villagers said that during the time they became sick, it felt as if someone or something was burning through their skin. "

Raion "And that's the marking?"

Baskia "Yes, about four days had past and on the last day every single person in the village ended up with a different mark somewhere on their bodies."

Raion "What happened after?"

Baskia "The whole village went into an uproar. They tried to seek help from nearby villages. But pretty soon the villages became wary and scared of the mysterious marks. "

Raion "But the villagers need their help!"

Veter "At the time no one knew what those marks where Raion. You have to understand their viewpoints."

Baskia "They eventually began sending people from the village to travel across Kantuo to seek any form of help they could get, even if it was from enemy villages. They'd sneak into these village's to try and find one person who could potentially help them."

Raion "Did anyone find any help?"

Baskia "Sadly no, a lot of people died, others were hunted, and few went into hiding. It wasn't until three years from that day, the events that would change the future. "

Kawa "I think it's a good time for us to practice don't you think?'

Tokeru "Haven't we just practiced a few hours ago!"

Uchu "Yeah Kawa, can't we wait till tomorrow?"

Kawa "You know if we just stuck to practicing like I say then maybe you two would be able to surpass me" He smiled at the two in front of him, he then turned around and motioned for them to follow.

Uchu "Where are we heading to?" He said as he ran after Kawa.

Tokeru "Yeah Kawa, what are we doing?"

Kawa "You'll see, now come."

Tokeru and Uchu willingly followed Kawa.

Kawa "Here we are!"

Kawa had stood on the edge of a mountain cliff and facing below him was a massive waterfall. The waterfall had split the land in half. He turned to face his friends and stared admirably at them.

Uchu "What is this?"

Tokeru "Why'd you bring us here?"

Kawa "You two do know that we're the only ones left right?"

Tokeru and Uchu stood there silently and made little to no eye contact with Kawa. They knew all too well what he was saying.

Kawa "They took everything from us. Our friends, family, the guy who sold his watermelons to us, the woman who scolded us for ruining her garden all the time. It seems like yesterday I was helping my mother cook dinner. Uchu your little brother he would have been 9 today wouldn't he?" Kawa glanced back at Uchu who was trying to hold back the agony he was feeling. Without even a single note of acknowledgment to Kawa. Uchu uttered the word "Yes"

Kawa "They did all of that because they were afraid. Afraid of what they didn't understand. I will not sit here and lie to any of you. I'll admit I thought about revenge. Revenge on all those who caused me grief and immense pain. But at what cost. I'd be just like them. "

Tokeru "But Kawa They took our lives everything I've known taken away from me, because of what? This stupid mark on my shoulder! I tried to get rid of the mark, thinking maybe then once it was gone they'd accept me and stop hunting me!" Tokeru angrily pointed to her arm that had been scarred with burn marks down to her forearm.

Kawa "But we both found out that the mark will never disappear, no matter how hard we try it never went away. "

Uchu "Kawa tell me will this ever get better for us? Will things change?"

Kawa "I can't say for sure. But I can tell you the reason I brought you two here. I want to start the change for both of us. Starting down there. " Kawa points down below him where the waterfall runs into the river that splits the land.

Uchu "Down there?"

Tokeru "What does that river have to do with anything?"

Kawa "I want to start our new village down there. I know that we're the only ones with these marks, but if the time ever comes that we are not alone. I want those people to have a safe place to come. So they know that they are never alone in this world just because of their abilities!"

Tokeru and Uchu exchange glances and they can both begin to see the smiles forming in their faces.

Kawa "The village, our village will be the aid for the lonely, the strength for the weak and the safe haven for the scared! This is why I had brought you two up here."

Uchu walked up next to Kawa and looked upon the forest. "I'm in, not only for us but for those we had lost, and for my brother."

Kawa "I want that river to unite us. People with abilities and without them. I'll build a bridge down there and name it Eldun Bridge!"

Tokeru stood back behind them "I suppose I could join you two."

Kawa grabbed Tokeru and pulled her between him and Uchu.

Kawa "I think I'll be okay now." as he placed his arms around Uchu and Tokeru.

Raion "I know that bridge, it's the one where that battle took place. Isn't it?"

Veter "It is, which no one still til this day really knows the meaning behind the battle."

"That's why the name Eldun sounded familiar. They named the bridge after their home village "

Baskia "As I was saying, Kawa, Tokeru, and Uchu were all settled in uniting the villages back together."

Tokeru "So Kawa how do you expect us to start this new village?"

Uchu "I think it's more of a revolution..."

Tokeru "Either way, we still haven't even mastered our own abilities!"

Kawa puts his hands in his pockets and gives Tokeru and Uchu a slight grin. "Well, you see the thing is I'm going to teach you guys everything you need to know."

Uchu and Tokeru begin to giggle until they could no longer hold their laughter.

Uchu "You teach us, haha!"

Kawa throws his arms in the air "Why are you laughing? I can teach you, guy!"

Tokeru "I just can't take you seriously."

Kawa "I'm serious! I've been helping you guys train this whole time, I'm positive I can help you guys master your abilities!"

Uchu "I guess we have no choice."

Tokeru "Agreed."

Kawa "Well it's settled until we have all mastered our abilities to our fullest extent then we will build our new village,"

Raion "Okay so let me get this straight, those three were the ones who built Erudon no koshin?"

Baskia "That's correct those three were the ones who changed the world."

Veter "I hate to interrupt this story but I fear we must get going. If we are to retrieve the Wistle rub in time."

Raion "THE WISTLE RUB! FOURTH I NEARLY FORGOT!" Raion quickly grabs his things and shouts at everyone to hurry.

Raion "I almost forgot " Raion runs back and scoops up fox spider. "You're coming with me."

Fox spider "Wait I never agreed to this!"

Veter smiles and pats Raion on the back "It seems to me that you got your self a pet.'

Raion "A pet? You're right I think I do!"

Fox spider "I am not your pet! Now put me down!"

Baskia "What will you call it?"

Raion "I'm going to go with Koron."

Baskia and Veter "Why?"

Raion "Why you ask? Because he hasn't stopped bickering since I saw him."

Baskia "You can say that again."

Koron "Ill rip those ears right off your ugly head." Koron begins to growl.

Raion "Koron that wasn't nice!"

Baskia "What did he say?"

Raion "Oh nothing..."

Baskia "It was about my ears wasn't it?" Baskia hangs his head down and slumps his shoulders.

Raion "Possibly..."

Veter laughs at Baskia and Raion "Come you two let's get out of this forest."

The three continue straight out of the forest and on to a wide open plain.
