
The SHADOW of BLACK Clear Crystal

"All Black is not bad." Is black really represents the bad harmony? Is there truly not a beautiful thing about black and....'shadows' ? Are there really this much horrors and secrets hidden in the dark? If yes, then Why moon and stars only appears at night when it's dark? To make the night shine, to draw the darkness away? Is that really the reason? Maybe... but remember, there are soo many secrets hidden in the dark, hidden behind the overlapping of colour BLACK, none of us Know. Except those who drawn themselves to find about those secrets. To find a whole new different side of UNIVERSE. But, what we should always remember is..... "KEEP BLACK CALM"

lightingscream · ファンタジー
11 Chs


Scarlet didn't know what to say or do.

Right now, his mind was blank.

What is going on?

Where is he?

What is this place?

How did his brother. ellen just turn out ot be.. wait a sec- what is he?

"Hey, bro." Ellen looks up at scar from his phone and raised an eyebrow.

They were once again sitting in the lounch room. When scarlet first got here.

"What?" ask ellen diverting his attention back to his phone.

"What are you?"


"No. me."

"oh! Your a-"

"Bro! I meant you!" Scarlet groaned frutratedly.

Ellen sits straighter, placing his phone besides him on couch.

"Okay..So.. well. I am A vampire-"

"What!? since when!!??" Scarlet ask with wide eyes and open mouth.

"I- maybe 1700 years?"

"But-but you-"

"I know. That was the power of hallucination. I wasn't young that time. I was born like this. In this way. Always, have been handsome."

"Wait a second... you mean.. you were born this big?" scarlet ask as the colour of his face fades away.

Possible situation wander through his mind as he thought of An above 20 age labour-

Scarlet shakes his head to get rid of those thoughts and turns to a dumbfounded Ellen.

"You seriously, just not think that."

"oh Shit! you can read my thoughts!!!??" Scarlet asked amused.

Ellen sigh and nods.

"I could do much more." He said.

"Like what?" ask scarlet.

"Like,.. mhm.. let's see. I could read minds, Drink blood. Is allergic to garlics and sunlight. Can creat age hallucinations on humans-" Scarlet cut ellen off in middle.

"How does the blood taste like?"


"I ask, what is the taste of blood?"

"It's..ah.. like..you drink water?" Ellen was unsure himself.

"So, taste but no taste?"

"Not specific. Like soft and hard water. Blood is also like that. Like the most yummy blood is of group O. And the worst, means tasteless is AB group."

"Eyuck." Scarlet cringed.

"Don't 'eyuck' me you ungrateful brat." Ellen scolded but scarlet just roll his eyes and turns to him seriously.

"Speaking of,.. Where is Catriel?"


Iris comes out of miss.lila office and stops as her eyes fell on the closed eyes Catriel with rain water falling on her healthy hand palm and not to forget that weary smile.

Iris sigh as she walks to stand besides Catriel.

Sensing her presence, Catriel open her almond shaped beautiful dark brown eyes and looks at Iris with a small smile.

Her healthy hand falling on her side as she turns to looks at Iris.

"Ready to go to your new house?"

Catriel only nods.

Iris smile and stroke her hairs out of her face.

"Come on, then. Let's leave this hell of a place."

Catriel smiles at Iris and once again nods.

Iris leads catriel to her car while hiding from rain. She opens the car door and looks back to find Catriel standing their letting the rain water soak her.

Iris hands while were protecting her from rain fell on her side as a small sad smile cross her face.

'So pretty.' was the only thing running through her head as she watched Catriel open her arms, face upward towards the sky with eyes closed.

Hair opened and both of them soaking in this cold rain but none of them care.

It was the moment for them.

Iris eyebrow frowned slightly as she kept watching Catriel.

How could life be this much cruel to someone so pure?

Iris hadn't met her brother but what she come to know was that his name is Scarlet and is going to turn 18 soon.

One year younger then herself.

Soon, She was brought out of her train of thoughts by Catriel who was standing in front of her shaking her hand.

"Hello! Sister. Back to earth!" Iris blinks and smiles at Catriel who smiles back.

A genuine smile.

"Ready?" Catriel nods and both of them sits in the car, wetting the car seats but Iris ensure Catriel that it's okay.

Finally, Iris starts the car and they put the car on the road.

Driving to what Catriel assume... 'HOME' but oh Boy.. How wrong she was.. if only she knew.

Catriel thinks, that It's a new start of her life.

But again, oh Girl.. How wrong she was.. If only she knew..

Her new life had started the day she saved Iris.

If only she knew....

What coming future holds for her...

If only... she knew..


"What about the others?" Ask scarlet.

"Others..?" Ellen asked confused.

Scarlet takes a deep intake of oxygen before opening his eyes and looking at ellen.

"Yes. others. what about them? is Sister.cotny, sister.Cleo, Brother.Zan and the twins?" Scarlet ask more briefly this time.

"What about them?"

"Argh!" Scarlet groaned at his older brother memory.

"I meant, if they are some hidden under creature like yourself too?" Scarlet tries hide to not snap his older brother neck in half.

"Oh. Nah.. they aren't. At first, to be honest. I had doubts about Cotny but now not. She's just a normal human crazy bean."

"Woaw. It's quite akward of hearing 'Cotny' instead of Sister.cotny grom you."

"What did you expect? I mean, I am older than all of you."

"Yh. yh." Scarlet rolled his eyes. He leans back and cross his arms over his chest with a slightly angry pout and frown.

"Speaking of, Brother. You haven't tell me anything about where is catriel." It wasn't a question.

Ellen sigh and looks at Scar with a 'so-done' expression.

"She should be in school?" Scarlet eyes widen as he sit straighter instantly making Ellen flinch.

"That can't be right!"

"And why's that. It's time of school-" Scarlet cut off ellen by standing and walking to looks outside through the big window in the lounch.

"Catriel..." He whispered as he took off running towards the main door.

Watching scarlet runs away makes ellen eyes widen and he follows him.

"Wait! Scar! Hold up!"

Scarlet stops when he reached the front door, breathing heavily due to running, eyes train on the door.

Ellen stops behind Scarlet and place a hand on his shoulder, glancing front and back at the front door and scarlet.

"What-" But once again Ellen was cut-off by the door opening.

Both boys attention were on the girl that enters.

The girl and ellen makes eye contact before the girl eyes drift to Scarlet.

"Your scarlet?" She asked in her sweet voice.

Scarlet not knowing what to say just nods his head.

"Yes, I am." Iris smiles warmly at him and takes a step on side, revealing a Bandaged on.both feet and hand and head Catriel.

Scarlet eyes widen as he runs to engulf catriel.

"Catriel/Scar!" Both yell eaxh other name and engulf ea h other in a hug.

Iris and ellen smiles at each other.

Brix also appears from behind Ellen and placed a hand on Ellen.

Both Brix and Ellen also smiles at each other before...

A blast occurs...



Chapter.No.8. (Complete.)


1179 words.