
The shadow of a Villain

Do you know Luciel arctic Theseus? He is the second prince of all of Necrom one of the most strongest and richest kingdoms in the entire human continent called winter But even though he is a prince he is not what he once was just a shadow of his past self Who knows what led to this outcome? And what will happen so that this person will change or if he can change? ******* Since this is a novel made from me don’t expect much I try my best though And the cover is not mine if you are the artist behind it contact me and I’ll remove it And sorry for the bad grammar So have fun with this story

Koku499 · ファンタジー
126 Chs

Cale and sarah

As Sarah was having a mental breakdown at her own uselessness Cale was currently fighting the white tiger

The tiger tried to stomp Cale but the latter Wasser that as an opening and pierced its paws that it wanted to use to stomp him

It quickly backed away and tried not using its left paw too much

But Cale didnt let it do whatever it wanted and followed it without hesitation he didn't have time to look at Sarah

She though was looking at him carefully while wishing that she could also become like that but who was she kidding she has sparred with Cale before he was a complete monster when it came to combat

Cale was using his spear to inflict any sort of damage to the tiger but it only immobilized it nothing else

Since this tiger was so big he had to take out the big guns himself

and just like that he used his skill 'vulnerability finder' he thought


[Vulnerability Finder]

A skill that allows your eyes to see your opponent's weak points

(Attention your opponent cannot be 2 ranks above you)


Thankfully it seemed to either work because his opponent was among these two ranks

It's one of the skills he got from the system and didn't use too often since he thought it would be unfair since up until now he was only doing sparrings and not real combat fights

A lot of circles came into Cales visions and appeared on spots on the tigers body

One of them was on its belly that was the nearest that he could try to attack

But everytime he tried to get near it jumped back

"SARAH" he shouted at the girl who was watching this fight with depressed eyes "HIS BELLY IS HIS WEAKNESS"

But Sarah didn't know why he said it

"Attack his belly while I distract him" his voice became a little softer while his face was having a grin of enjoyment

He seemed to enjoy this fight since he was able to fight with one of his closest friends

Sarah on the other hand was conflicted 'does even need my help?' she thought but couldn't do anything against it

If he asked then she should act at least

She started to run forward with every step she took she became faster and faster

She tried to get under the tiger but it seemed to noticed what they two wanted

So it only went on a rampage and slashed around wildly

It seemed like they couldn't get under it

Cale was trying to search for an opening while sarah was merely looking at the tiger not expecting to be even a little bit helpful

But then she had an idea

She quickly looked over at cale and screamed "CALE THROW ME UP" as she screamed she ran up to him with her hand raised forward

Cale didn't understand what she has planned but he was excited he took her hand in a gentle manner even though they were currently under dangerous circumstances he still was gentle with her how he touched her to throw her up

Sarah noticed that but there wasn't any time to react to it

Cale used all his strength to throw Sarah I to the air And when she was above the tiger she took her rapier and slashed at it with its tip

"KRAAGGHHH" the tiger roared in pain stopped attacking and looked up at Sarah with anger rising up

I'm the meantime Cale tan forward to its belly and slid across the water with his knees to and stuck his spear in its belly

While Sarah jumped at the tigers face and pierced its head with her rapier

The tiger then imediatly fell lifelessly in the ground as its guts fell out of its belly

Thankfully Cale was able to get away before it splattered on him

"ha…haHAHAHAHA" he started to laugh joyfully and excited as he ran up to Sarah who was still next to the tigers head

"Sarah have you seen us we were so badass" he said as touched her shoulders and shakes her

"Wahhh stop im- I'm gonna" she was almost about to puke as he shakes her but he quickly stopped and got close to her face without warning making her blush a little

"YOU WERE INCREDIBLE" he said to her wich caught her off guard

"….what do you mean" she said a small grin plastered on her face while her face was red like a tomato by this sudden closeness

"The way you had the idea of jumping up and slashing its back to make an opening for me was phenomenal" Cale said getting closer to her face

Sarah wasn't sure why he was so excited but hearing him praise her lifted her mood quite a bit from before "you think so thanks" she said with a smile

"Thanks this fight was so good let's do it again" he said and hugged her wich caught Sarah again off guard

But for some reason she liked it this sudden closeness with Cale

Her heart skipped a beat when he let go of her and gave a wide smile

She didn't know why she felt this sudden strange feeling but she didn't dislike it

Rather she liked it she looked at him again still a little red but she didn't want to look away

"Thanks Cale without you I wouldn't have been able to do it" She said as if her inferiority complex from before wasnt even existent

"Same for me without you I would have died but more importantly the equipment where is it" Cale said and turned around wich made Sarah a little bitter but she too quickly wondered were it was

"Could it be?" she muttered as she looked down they were still walking on the water but she thought that they might be behind the gate

"What is it?" Cale asked her as she looked down "Is it underwater?" he asked

"Yeah the tiger was also underwater so I guess it might be there"

Cale crouched down touched the water below there feet

And his hand seems to bypass it "I guess with a bit of force we can enter" he said and entered the water

Sarah though a bit reluctant followed him right after

the both of them swam down as fast as they could and soon ended at the giant gate that Sarah saw before

But they couldn't see past it all they were able to see was darkness

Cale looked behind to Sarah and pointed at the gate she only nodded in response and they both swam inside

As they swam inside they fell down in a different cave but this time it didn't appear all that different than a normal cave

Except the that in the middle was a pile of equipment lying there

All sorts of stuff from weapons to armor all of them looked high class but it wasn't enough for everyone

but still Cale and Sarah were excited to see it

"WAAAH SARAH LOOK WE FOUND IT" Cale Said excitedly

'He reminds me of a kid' Sarah thought when she saw Cales smile it was nice to be honest

Most girls would want someone mature who can take care of them but Sarah like it more when they were like this

'Wait wait wait…. It's not like I have feelings for him or something yes yes…' she thought nervously as she shook her head heavily

She tilted her head to side in an embarrassed manner 'I just think of him as a good friend nothing more' she thought with her face red as a tomato

you thought that Luciel would have a pure romance well you thought wrong it’s Sarah who will have that luciels love life will be something completley different and you will either hate it or love it and I don’t care what you think about it MUAHAHAHAHA (please end my eternal suffering)

Koku499creators' thoughts