
CHAPTER TWENTY: Sparring Matches; Au and Epei

The wind blew coldly through the forest. In this forest which has many trees that are colossal in height and size stood three unique tents. A powerful barrier protects the tents from hostile outside forces and around this tent is a runway left behind by the footsteps of a young man called Rox.

Rox runs at incredible speeds around the barrier every Mini Cycle to train his skills but today, he is not alone. With him, standing just outside the barrier are eight more people and a cheetah called Juba. All around were his subordinates.

Rox wanted to see their fighting capabilities so he invited them for some sparring matches.

He skipped the youngest of them all, Etit Zairitz formerly known as Etit Sairitz since she had no fighting capabilities to show and called Au, the subordinate with the highest level if you disregard the fact that her level is now being suppressed.