
The secrets of afrbina

作者: Spare_Daisy
Fantasy Romance
連載中 · 1.1K ビュー
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What is The secrets of afrbina

WebNovel で公開されている、Spare_Daisy の作者が書いた The secrets of afrbina の小説を読んでください。...



Submerged: Discovery

A family that consisted of father, mother, and child went on a vacation boarded a Cruise Ship. They spent their time having fun in the ship until a storm came so they needed to go into their cabin. It was already morning when the storm went away. On a certain night the child, after sneaking out from his parents found a weird thing at the deck, it was a claw of some kind of animal but the kid being an animal enthusiast never saw anything about it. He was examining it when suddenly the floor started shaking violently, the shaking lasted for a while before the shaking suddenly stopped. After getting on his feet it saw out in the sea was....a spine, a spine like the one in one of the dinosaurs but it isn't just that......, it was gigantic. Like.... the size of it could reach half the height of the cruise he's boarding on right now, but after staring at it for a few seconds, it suddenly started becoming small?, No! It was submerging! The kid looked for his camera wanting to take a picture of it but couldn't as he left his camera at his cabin. So he went to take his camera but when he came back... it was gone.. in the time he went to take his camera, the spine or whatever it was, was gone. He looked for it for a while but it's nowhere to be seen.. After a few moments, he heard his mom yelling looking for him so he left the place after taking a look at the deep blue ocean one last time. The thing he saw left the kid with a lot of questions. Was the thing he saw real? Was it a hallucination? If it was real, what was it? No one can answer his question. Beneath the calm surface of the ocean, thousands of meters deep, a large reptilian creature opens its slitted yellow eyes...

Personal_Tab · ファンタジー
1 Chs

Perennial Throne of Vitalis

Life, a journey without a definite roadmap. Some argue that it all ends with death. For me, death might be the beginning of something new, much like a seed growing into a towering tree. Life has the potential to transform even after our departure. Life is like a flash of a rainbow in the evening sky—beautiful yet fleeting. As the sun bids farewell to the horizon, hues of happiness illuminate the darkness. The moments are brief but substantial enough to touch the soul with unforgettable warmth and joy. It's as if nature grants us a momentary burst of passion before the night descends. Life itself is often riddled with contradictions. When a place is abundant with life, we tend to seek ways to reduce it, striving for equilibrium. We seek to reduce and balance the amount of life within an ecosystem to ensure that the life within does not grow too rampant and overwhelm the system. And yet, in the process of attempting to control and balance these living systems, we often create new contradictions. For as we cull and balance the life within, we can inadvertently disrupt natural processes, create new imbalances while also trying to solve old ones and alter the equilibrium of the natural ecosystems. [Hello there, folks! It's your friendly neighborhood author speaking! This is my debut novel, and that makes me a rookie in the writing game. I decided to dive into the world of storytelling simply because I got bored sitting around doing nothing.] [I figured, why not write a novel to pass the time and avoid the whole "being seen as unemployed" thing by my parents. Speaking of trying to look productive, if you find my words a bit lengthy or overly complicated, please bear with me. I'm just starting to learn the ropes of writing. Keep it neat, and forgive me if my sentences are a bit all over the place. ]

Ivy_Floria · ファンタジー
62 Chs

VRMMORPG:The Sun Sets When The World Ends

Dante, an apostle for the evil God????? kneeled on the collapsed floor of a building coughing up blood, looking around he saw nothing but destruction where there was once prosperity and laughed self mockingly while he reminisced about how he did it. "Why?... Why did you do it Dante!" the hero said as his eyes swam looking around at this destruction, his voice sounding like he was on the verge of crying, his sword weakly at the neck of Dante, waking Dante from his reminiscent due to the icy sensation of the magical metal. "It was the only way...and even if there was another option, it's too late anyway," Dante said as he looked at the hero with his already half-blind blue eyes from the fight they just had. Hearing that, the hero didn't even continue speaking with him and just swung the sword, instantly decapitating him. The last sight he saw was the beautiful sunset mixed among the ruins of buildings as his vision turned black. [Activating Chronos's last wish] A villain's end is never the end (PayPal link) https://www.paypal.me/LeoKala3q ____________________________________________ (Author Disclaimer) I don't own nor claim the rights to the picture If want to be removed, please contact me (MASSIVE REWORK EMMINENT!!!!!) A's an author. I want to give you my best, so that's why I will rework will be reworking all chapters released. ___________________________________________ (Ps Goals) 100 Ps =2 chaps extra 500 Ps=5 chaps extra 1000 Ps=10 chaps extra Ps goals are stacked so if you complete all of them you will get 17 chaps

Death_Penalty · ゲーム
35 Chs


la vida suele ser cruel y despiadada con las personas que menos se lo merecen, la frialdad e indiferencia con la que trataba a las personas la volvían una mujer intrigante y misteriosa, su mirada fría y sin expresión escondían un oscuro y cruel secreto.uno que le aterraba que el descubriera. el su único amor' ese hombre tres años mayor que ella ese que la miraba como una niña tonta y sin chiste, ese hombre que la asia olvidar su dolor y miedo con solo una sonrisa o una de sus caricias tontas que ella tanto amaba y Marco tanto odiaba, aún que solo la miraba como una niña ella lo amaba.lo amaba más que a su propia vida , y lo más cruel de todo era que el lo sabía si Karim lo sabía' pero a ella no le importaba .su vida no había Sido facil todos pensaban que su vida era fácil ,ella pertenecía a una de las mejores y más ricas familias del mundo, el poder se su abuelo en el continente americano y europeo no tenía límites ,y la reputación y poder de su padre la abrumaba , pero nada de eso impidió que ella se criara en ese internado .lo único bueno de su vida eran ellos sus hermanos. y el ese imponente y salvaje hombre que la hiso soñar en algo más, Sammuel Laxtron era un hombre de 45 años un hombre exitoso rico y poderoso ,y jodidamente sexy, todo un dios de sensualidad y semental sin duda , pero era frío cruel y despiadado ,y eso lo convertía en el esposo y aliado perfecto para ella .las peores decisiones se tomaban enojado y eso estaba a punto de entenderlo .por que darle el si acepto a Sammuel lo cambiaría todo, acompáñame a descubrir sus secretos sus amores sus miedos y sobre todo su venganza.

paulinaM · 歴史
50 Chs


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