
The Secret Order - Chronicles of a Goddess

Charlotte was raised indoors for life, and on her 15th birthday she discovered that her mother is actually a goddess. Now Charlotte will try to live between knowing her powers, and knowing her human feelings.

Melquesedek · ファンタジー
2 Chs

01 - Genesis

And that's where it all started. All the fantasy and adventure that surrounded my life, I tell you.

- Charlotte Duerre Cavendish.

It was at that sixteen year old party.

My mother, as always very excited, wanted to give me the best party ever and for that she, being one of the richest people in the world, spared no effort.

We left Araraquara, a city where the climate is very hot and has many trees in many places. A city located in the state of São Paulo in Brazil.

I didn't know what the destination was, everything was kept in the strictest confidence. This time my mom didn't even talk to the jet pilot, she just got in and waited for him to take off.

- Where are we going mom? - I asked hoping to get some information.

- Do you think I'll tell you daughter? No chances.

It didn't hurt to try, but no problem. Surely my mother had done one more of her extravagances and spent half a million dollars to give me another big birthday party.

I did not open myself emotionally to my mother, not even to a friend I had. Nobody knew how I felt inside, I was always smiling.

But I must confess, the parties that my mother prepared were generally quite boring.

∞ ∞

We landed.

I tried to identify where I was, it was an airport, of course. Apparently this time she was unable to land in the middle of the street as she did last year. Less badly, she didn't have to compensate half the world for damaging electrical cables and vehicles.

Everything was prepared in the best possible way.

My mom loved shiny things, so it was no surprise when I saw the place where my party was going to happen. The Coliseum.

I don't know if it would be possible to shine more than that; the sunset helped a little. The golden ornaments that wrote my name around the wall.

It didn't take long for me to arrive and see him from the inside, the floor of the arena fully lit, the place where we were; full of precious stones, silk and lots of silver and gold. Many could consider it a perfect party. The cake was huge, about seven floors high, all decorated with red fruits. Dozens of waiters, many guests.

But none I knew.

Since I was a child I was raised away from the normal world, I rarely left home, and when I left, I was forbidden to get involved with other people. My mother was very strict about this, I didn't know why. I was educated at home, learned many things from my mother. However she was not the only person I knew, when I wanted to ask for advice, comment on something, or even pass the time, her name was Jaresh, he was like a father to me, but it wasn't really that, he and mine mother were friends for a long time.

Let's go back to my party, yes, the sixteen year old.

The adventure started just before I blew out the candles.

As in all my other parties I had a false smile on my face, waving to guests that I had never seen, in fact I always wondered if they would not be hired actors.

But Jaresh had not yet arrived.

And as usual, when he arrived, everyone was silent, as if he were the most important person at the party. Perhaps the owner of the check; do not know.

He always came alone to my parties, but it was different that time. He was with five other people, all wearing a white cape with something written in black on the back, I couldn't see the face of any of them, maybe I could close up, I thought. I went to greet Jaresh. He was the man who made me addicted to manga, Japanese comics. He was young and handsome like my mother, he had oriental features, which I loved; he was about six feet tall, with black hair and eyes, his hair short, the others I couldn't see in detail even when I was so close.

- Who are they Resh? - I asked, that's what I called him.

- Will you meet them soon Charl, is your mother around? He asked in his always sweet and solemn voice, a voice that conveyed peace to the soul.

- The last time I saw her, she was close to the cake. - I said pointing towards the cake - Then lend me that manga again that you lent me last month?

"Of course Charl," he replied, and then left in the direction I had pointed. The people who were with him followed him.

The lighting went down.

A place shone very brightly, it was a stage.

My mom really wanted that day to be special. Because, before my eyes was my favorite band, Deus Zero, Resh was a huge fan of that band, and that was another thing that I got addicted to through him. A band formed only by women, except the vocalist. He sang perfectly well, sometimes paired with the guitarist. They explained that God, came from Latin and meant divinity, nothing with respect to or mention of any religion, Zero, it was because no matter if adding or adding anything would change, it was a kind of metaphor for their brief passage around the world.

They sang three songs; Dark Destiny, Followers and Supremacy. And finally, the vocalist called me up there on the stage, and he started singing congratulations to you.

After singing, some waiters went up with the cake and handed it to the vocalist, asked me to blow out the candle, to place an order.

I closed my eyes, and as childish as it seemed, I made a wish. I wanted what everyone wants, but few get it; that so many think they have, but don't have it; that many try to explain and few succeed.

I wished for happiness.

After that I saw a strong light shine, and I blacked out, I lost consciousness.

I woke up in a dimly lit room. The only beam of light that came out of a hole in the ceiling, the place didn't seem to have a door or a window. The ceiling seemed unreachable; I stayed in that place for as long as it felt like three days.

I was hungry, very thirsty. I was used to eating little, even though I was rich I didn't like to taste all the foods, I preferred the classic, homemade things. But, even though I was used to eating little, I drank a lot of water, and that was what was missing at that moment, I don't know if a person can take this long without drinking water, but I did. Perhaps this was due to the refrigerated air in the room.

It was then that I heard. It sounded like a key turning in the lock. Even with that little beam of light that didn't prevent me from almost going blind when I saw the light coming in through the door that was just opened, it made it look like my eyes were on fire. After a long time without focusing on the vision, I could see a female silhouette at the door, and when I could see perfectly, I could see that she was looking in amazement and curiosity, it seemed.

She took me to a room, somewhat modern. Decorated with several unicorn-shaped teddy bears, on the wall a large poster and several other photos of a young blonde woman with beautiful features, her hair was almost white; blue eyes - a color that looked like it had been hand painted.

There was also a digital clock on the wall with an engraved blue neon mark, a computer and a television. Nothing so out of the ordinary.

"I'll get you something to eat," said my savior's sweet voice.

She went out and closed the door. I couldn't do much, nor did I even have the strength to get up.

About half an hour later she returned, I now saw her perfectly, she was not the young blonde in the pictures. She had light brown hair, blue eyes and light features; as beautiful as the young woman in the photo, they looked somehow twins. She held a tray of food in her hands and a glass of some drink. She helped me to sit and gave me the food in my mouth. She stayed by my side the whole time, until my strength returned little by little.

"I hope you're better now," she said.

"Yes, I am much better," I replied. I didn't comment on the food, because I was so hungry that I was; it went down without me tasting anything. - Thanks. Beautiful your room. - I commented.

- Thanks, but it's not mine - she said, I could see her expression close a little.

- Of your sister?

- No, my grandmother's. She who likes these things, I don't even know what all this is for.

- Your grandmother has a very different taste, doesn't she?

- Yes, she did. Before disappearing.

It looked like she was going to cry, but she swallowed the cry.

- I'm sorry.

- Don't be sorry, it's not your fault. But let's talk about you, what were you doing in my grandmother's shed?

- Shed? Ah, that place where I was?

- Yes. Entry to that place is forbidden, and the place is guarded by all those dogs that sometimes even find me strange.

- I do not know for sure. I was at my birthday party, passed out and woke up in that place.

- Why did you pass out?

- Whenever I get very excited, scared, tense, my adrenaline goes up too much and I pass out. At the party, the singer of my favorite band, besides singing for me, also held the cake and lit the candle for me to place the order. How can I say, it was too much.

- It must have been. I'm not a music fan, I like to read more.

- I also really like. What is your favorite book?

- She said The dream hunter, a book that my friend wrote for me, including my first name and that of the main character are the same. My copy is the only one in the world.

- Cool can I read later? - I asked. I was beginning to become familiar with it.

- If my friend lets me borrow it. What books do you have? I like drama and romance - she said.

- I don't have many books. No more than a few hundred.

- But no problem, where do you live? She asked.

I explained in the easiest way where I lived, but her expression of doubt did not disappear.

"I don't know where it is," he said at last.

- Do you go out a lot? - I asked.

- Not as much as I could, in fact, I stay at home almost twenty-four hours a day, waiting for my grandmother to return.

- I see - I paused - you still wait for her to come back.

- Yes, my friend said she will come.

I could understand everything she said, I was not in Rome. But she also didn't understand my explanation of where I lived, maybe she wasn't in my city either. - What city are we in? - Araraquara. The city was my hometown and also where I lived. But how could she not know the most famous neighborhood in the city? Maybe because I didn't go out so much she didn't know, or maybe I was dreaming. - That's a dream isn't it? - As well? - she asked. - You don't know where I live, which happens to be the most famous neighborhood in the city. And the old furniture you have down here is very different from what was in your grandmother's room, it doesn't seem to be the same house. I believe I must have looked a little rude, I don't know. But everything was very strange, the old furniture, but very well taken care of, looked new, if I didn't know it was a stupid idea. - Old? But I bought them a short time ago, my friend and I went out to buy. - As well? Furniture like this is no longer found so easily in stores for you to simply buy it. - What are you talking about? There are them in every store that you go to. - Seriously? Then fine. It's just that I don't leave my house a lot, so I shouldn't know about these things - I said; maybe i was a little wrong. - Why don't you leave the house? Going out is very annoying. - Are you sure you don't get out much? - Yes, sometimes I go out with my friend, we go to parties, stuff, but not so often. She would go out, even if only a little, so there was only the chance that I was dreaming, but that wasn't it. I couldn't think of other things. I started thinking about the stories I saw in the manga, there was only one thing I could imagine. And I had to test my thinking. - You know - I paused - as I was unconscious for some time, my head is a little confused. Can you tell me what day is today? - Sure, today is October 23rd. - But what year? - I asked. And depending on the answer, that would end my suspicions. - 1920. My suspicions were confirmed. I had traveled back in time. But of course, I didn't believe it at first, I was naive, not stupid. - What's your name? I haven't asked yet. - I'm Sheila. Sheila Augusta Morina. Is that you? - Charlotte Duerre Cavendish. Much pleasure. She didn't even change her expression. I didn't seem to have recognized my last name. The Cavendish Concessionaire was a world famous brand, champion in sales, we exported to all countries in the world. It could only be a prank. I had to think. - Can you help me go home? I don't go out much, I don't know how to get there from here. - Sure, but it turns out that I don't know where you live, I don't know that place. - Is there anyone we can ask? - Yes, my friend knows everything in the city, he should be arriving shortly - if it was some kind of prank, without a shadow of a doubt, it was the best ever made in all of history. My intention now was to get out of there and look at the street, they couldn't change the street, not if it was all a joke. - Can I have a look on the street, maybe come if your friend is coming? - Sure, feel free. She went to the door and took me out of the house. - My God! - was what I exclaimed, but do what, there were no other words. Outside was a very old city, streets without asphalt, houses without a wall, neighbors talking, dogs in the streets, chickens, men on horseback. Everything as it used to be. This was not a prank. But how? How could I have traveled in time? To have gone back more than a century? I was very confused, it had not helped my effort to unmask all that. So long ago, my family was not even known. I didn't exist. It was then that I passed out again. I woke up some time later. Sheila beside me, seated; my head on your legs. - It's all right? She asked. - Yes, it's just - I still couldn't believe it - what year is it really? - 1920, as I already said. I took a deep breath, I had to settle for it. But then I remembered the technological stuff in her grandmother's room. Could her grandmother have somehow made a time machine, or traveled through it more than once? - Those things in your grandmother's room, what are they? - I asked to see if she even knew what they were for. - I don't remember the name, but my grandmother said it was a fun thing. I don't know what to do with that. - Sorry to ask - my question didn't want to leave me alone - but what was your grandmother like? Where are your parents? I could see a very sad look in her eyes as she spoke. - My parents never met. But my grandmother was the person with whom I created all my memories. Ten years ago she left promising to come back, but even today, not a sign of her. I'm still waiting for her, and I'll never give up on that. Someone knocked on the door. "Come on in," Sheila called from the couch. Finally a face that I knew. - Resh! I exclaimed. I got up quickly and I hugged him - I can't believe you're here too, what happened? - Hello Sheila - he said when looking over me. "Hello, Mr. Thorn," she was smiling. - This is the friend I told you Charlotte, who goes out with me from time to time and who is casually coming home to help me with something. "Hi Charl," he said, looking at me. My eye was watering. - Where have you been Resh? - tears fall, my voice changed - Take me home back. - Yes of course. But wait a minute. - It's all right. I could see him going to Sheila and whisper something. Then he left and went to the room where I had appeared. We were just Sheila and I in the room. - What is your relationship with Mr. Thorn, Charlotte? She asked. - We can say that we are friends. - Understand. Some time later he returned, and he was not alone, with him there were six more; all with covers just like the party people, but at the party there were only five. I wanted to question Resh at that moment, I didn't want to postpone it for later. Time travel is not something that can be used, and it was not even invented. "We'll talk to you soon, Charles," said a man under some of those robes. - We have to solve something first. - His voice was velvety. They left for the kitchen and closed the wooden door. Sheila and I look at each other. She seemed to be as curious as I was. - Curious? - I asked. - A lot - I noticed that she was already taking a glass that was on a small table. She went to the door and started listening to the conversation. What's up? - I asked. - What are you talking about? - I can't hear anything yet. - Keep me updated. She recited as she listened. The time has come. No, we can postpone this. No, we can not. It may be too late. But she, she is not ready. Let's put it to a vote. Let us then vote, who is in favor, raise your hand. Right, Lao, Rose, Shilajit and Kronus. They are in favor. Aline, and Galabeu against, I am against too. But anyway, come in Sheila and Charl. Why didn't you tell us that they were listening? I didn't care about that. After that, Sheila calmly opened the door. Only Resh was inside, the others had disappeared, I don't know. - We have reached a verdict, it's time girls. A light shone very brightly, and we were somewhere else. Nothing like the kitchen. It was a large, apparently circular hall, all white, there were seven chairs in front of me, all of them were the same, except for a drawing above them. And in each chair a person is seated, and each with its cover. There were five boxes in front of us, they were between Sheila, me and the staff. "Let's get on with it, introduce yourselves," said Resh. From right to left they started to perform. That was when a woman stood up and removed the white hood that covered her head. A young face, blond, shoulder-length curly hair and blue eyes, was more beautiful than Sheila - in my opinion. - Rose Whilley Rock Morina - I knew that last name, it was the same as Sheila, I looked at her. She was already in tears, crying like a baby. - Grandma, she shouted. - In my humble opinion, she didn't seem to be Sheila's grandmother at all, she was too young. Rose kept talking, but she didn't ignore Sheila, she waved and smiled. - I am the fifth member, guardian of the sky. After that she sat and the next one got up. - Lao Zhao Leng Chuang Mua. Sixth member, the martial guardian. - after saying that he did not remove the hood as Rose had done, he removed the entire hood, leaving his sculptural body on display. He had oriental features on his face, hair like Resh's, I believe, but cut very short, in a military way. His muscles were well shaped, I believe it would be possible for me to study anatomy just by looking at it, brown eye, and a green dragon tattooed from the chest and extending to the back of the body - which I did not see. He sat down, the next one got up. - I'm Kronus Milus Orion. Eighth member, god of beasts - I wanted to laugh at that part, I was more stupid than the others. He removed the hood, and at that very moment my heart warmed. He looked about eighteen years old, with a dark brown eye, the skin of a chocolate brown with milk, a round face, short hair. To my sadness the body, the cover hid. He sat down, but there was no one in the chair next to him. - Jaresh Thorn Voltron Chronos - Resh started as he left our side and went towards the chair. - god of time. As soon as he sat down the next one got up. - I am - before she said the name I recognized her voice, it was my mother. - Aline Elisa Duerre Cavendish. Third member, goddess of happiness. - She removed the hood. That was not my mother, not apparently. His black hair went almost to his waist, without any volume, smooth as silk thread, his eyes were black, on his neck there seemed to be some design, perhaps a tattoo. Sheila beside me was still paralyzed from seeing her grandmother again, I don't know if she can pay attention to all the presentations.

She seemed to have a stronger psychological than mine. It just seemed. I passed out again. I don't know what happened after that. But I woke up, and when I woke up I was in my room, in my bed. It was all just a dream. I was relieved and went back to sleep. It's funny how dreams can sometimes seem like an eternity.

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