
The Secret of Cherrysville ~ Book 1 of Changing Tides

Skylar Carter moves back to her old hometown after growing up in a dark and violent environment, only to be met with a handsome not-so stranger and a dark family secret that will tear her sense of reality to shreds. Kade Bennet is CEO of Bennet Car and Rental Services and although he is reserved to most people, he is the complete opposite with Amelia. his fiance. But when someone that he never thought he would see again comes back into his life and a chance encounter in an elevator with the said person twists his heart and he is left trying to understand this burning need he feels for Skylar while unknowingly being burdened by a big secret. Amelia Heartstone is always cloaked in shadow and mystery. However, certain things in Amelia's life she's tried really hard to keep hidden the most come to light after a chance return in the form of her own reunion with someone assembles deep cracks in her walls and throws everything into wild chaos. What will happen when all three clash and the secrets are revealed? What would you do if you found out who you are, has been a lie your entire life? Follow Skylar, Kade and Amelia on their journey of finding love just as they are ripped out of love's grasp and thrown into a world of complete chaos...

JessTheMess101 · 若者
15 Chs

Elevator Trap

Skylars POV

I woke up this morning feeling refreshed, and insanely focused on what I wanted to do today. Today, I was going to go get a flatbed truck, and I was also going to look for a new job. I didn't want to have to commute as much as that sounds selfish.

But I had talked to my now old boss and she said, I didn't have to put in my two weeks, oddly she understood.

I had to walk around the town, and honestly, it's changed so much but not so much I couldn't recognize the way to one of the biggest buildings in the town. I don't know what the name of it is, but I knew my parents used to come here all the time to get new cars, I knew they had a variety of vehicles, we bought a van here once.

I walked inside and made my way all the way to the front desk and approached a young woman with blonde hair and red glasses, "How can I help you, ma'am?" She asked.

I smiled politely, "Hi, yes. Where do I go to rent a flatbed truck?" I asked, and grimaced. I've never asked to rent a truck before. It felt odd.

The woman smiled at me, shining her purely whites, "Oh yes, right over-"

"It's okay Lucy. I got this one." A voice interjected and I almost dropped right then and there on the ground, that voice, will be the death of me.

I spun around and am met with Kade's dark eyes, "Kade?" I gasp slightly but enough for him to hear.

"Hello, Skye. Welcome to one of the buildings I own." Kade proclaims proudly and reaches his arms out.

My heart drops to my feet, but I plaster on a smile, "O-oh. You own this building? A place to buy vehicles? Aren't you like in charge of a police building of sorts?" I stammer out but lift my chin up defiantly.

"Sir." The young woman behind the front desk acknowledges him, but doesn't let her eyes linger and she casts her eyes downward quickly.

"Thank you, Lucy, but I will direct Ms. Carter on where to go," Kade says and motions with his head to the side, for me to follow him.

I sigh heavily and contemplate on just ditching this place, running right out the door, before I took one step forwards and decide against running. I decided to follow Kade, into a conjoining building, that had many different kinds of massive trucks.

"I own just about every big company in this town Skye, it all ties into my own inherited company, maybe one day I'll sit down and explain it to you," Kade says behind his shoulder.

I nod even though he can't see me, and clear my throat quickening my pace to keep up with him, "I need a flatbed truck, so I can transfer a piece of my property from Willowstown to Cherrysville." I stated and was surprised when Kade started leading me into an elevator.

"Um, I just want a truck," I said and started to slow my pace.

"Yes, but since you're dealing with me, we'll need to do paperwork, and that's all the way up in my office," Kade says simply, and he smirks.

The smirk doesn't go unnoticed by me, and it makes my heartbeat pick up speed, "Can't you bring it down here, and I can fill it ou-"

"Nope." Kade says, popping the 'p'.

I groaned internally and silently go into the elevator, making sure to keep my distance, he is still a stranger to me, but because two nights ago, I did something that changed how I felt about him, I needed to be careful.

Granted, I had no idea what happened, a lot of it was stuffy and confusing, mostly blurry, but I do remember getting off, and still being on the phone with Kade. Knowing he heard me, was embarrassing and it still is, to some degree. But I have been able to think about it, and somehow I'm not so embarrassed about it, as I was before.

It doesn't bother me, and it confused me sort of, but now the reason is as clear as day to me. Feeling very aware of how close he is to me. I want to do it again. I want to touch myself and have Kade listen.

I didn't understand why. I didn't know him. Not really. I knew a little bit of what was going on in his life, but not enough to even befriend him. Feeling this way towards him, confused me.

I guess he picked up on the silence because he became stiff, "What?" He asks and in the tiny elevator, his voice booms out.

I jump slightly, "Um, n-nothing." I say and mentally scold myself for letting my voice let out a little tremble. I look up at the elevator numbers 3-4-5. Slowly the numbers were going up and I shifted uncomfortably.

"How many floors do we have to go?" I asked, nervous as hell.

"About fifteen or so more left to go. Why?" Kade asks and leans forwards to look at my face.

He lets out a chuckle and my eyes immediately flit to meet his, a glint shining in his eyes, "What, are you afraid I'm going to bring up what happened the other night?" Kade asks so bluntly I'm momentarily taken aback by it.

I stare at him, dumbfounded, and then scramble to defend myself somehow, "I didn't know you were on the damn call still!" I exclaimed and turned to face him once again in my outburst.

Kade leaned closer and smirked, "Or did you?" He asked and I knew he was baiting me, I could feel it.

But I couldn't stop myself, I took a step forwards and put my finger in his face, "Kade Bennet! Do not and I mean it. Do Not-" I went to say 'Do not ever suggest that!' but I was cut off.

Kade had swiped my finger away from his face, abruptly leaned forwards and gripped my left arm, swung me around so my back was up against the elevator wall, and pushed himself flush up against me and I let out a gasp.

Kade captured the gasp in a kiss and that's all it took for all sense to fly out the elevator door and my hands were in Kade's hair before I knew what I was doing.

Kade growled lowly in his chest and grabbed at my arms to hold them on either side of my body, pressing himself against me. I whined and let out a moan feeling him pushing up against me, creating such physical attraction between us, it could light the building on fire.

I have never felt this burning pleasure before, Kades lips are all over my neck, on my chest and back up to my lips, not seeming to get enough of me.

I couldn't get enough of him either, as my legs opened and I could feel Kade pressing even closer to me, I let out another breathless whimper losing myself all over again in the fiery sensations Kade was provoking out of me.

I feel the elevator jerk and hear the doors. Kade and I peeled apart from one another just in time. As the doors opened Kade and I just stood there for a split moment, staring at one another and then the moment was broken when somebody came in wheeling a large cart.

Kade cleared his throat and fixed his clothes, avoiding my eyes, "Okay, Ms. Carter. If you go to the left, all the way down the hall and on your right at the last door, go inside and I'll be right in with your paperwork." Kade didn't even wait for me to reply, he just abruptly walked out of the elevator and walked the complete opposite way he told me to go.

It stung. Of course, it stung. An unknown feeling came over me, and I kissed Kade. Man, I did more than that, I felt him. Up against me. Our cores meet and briefly connect through clothing.

My eyebrows came together in concentration, I tried to ignore the feeling of rejection and knew he probably had a momentary lapse of judgment. I tried to ignore the feeling of need, of want. To be back in his arms, where I felt the most delicious of feelings.

But, I knew I had to back off from now on before I made anything worse. Perhaps it was a very bad idea to get back in touch with Kade. Possibly this was the worst idea I've ever had. Coming back. I should have just stayed home.

With very heavy shoulders, I slink my way to Kade's office and wait for him to return, while I try to ignore the insisting throbbing down at my most sensitive areas. So, much for new beginnings and here's to fresh wounds!