
The Secret of Cherrysville ~ Book 1 of Changing Tides

Skylar Carter moves back to her old hometown after growing up in a dark and violent environment, only to be met with a handsome not-so stranger and a dark family secret that will tear her sense of reality to shreds. Kade Bennet is CEO of Bennet Car and Rental Services and although he is reserved to most people, he is the complete opposite with Amelia. his fiance. But when someone that he never thought he would see again comes back into his life and a chance encounter in an elevator with the said person twists his heart and he is left trying to understand this burning need he feels for Skylar while unknowingly being burdened by a big secret. Amelia Heartstone is always cloaked in shadow and mystery. However, certain things in Amelia's life she's tried really hard to keep hidden the most come to light after a chance return in the form of her own reunion with someone assembles deep cracks in her walls and throws everything into wild chaos. What will happen when all three clash and the secrets are revealed? What would you do if you found out who you are, has been a lie your entire life? Follow Skylar, Kade and Amelia on their journey of finding love just as they are ripped out of love's grasp and thrown into a world of complete chaos...

JessTheMess101 · 若者
15 Chs

A Willows Wail

Skylar's POV

I whimpered, burying my face in my blanket, trying to dull the yelling and slamming and the shattering of many things being slammed against every object you could think of in my parent's room.

My mother was switching from angry and defensive, to crying hysterically trying to calm my dad down.

"What happened! For you to turn out this way? Is it what we did?" My mom yelled and I could hear my dad mumble something back before a loud crash sounded.

I clamped my lips tightly before I could let out a whimper, my hands shook violently as I sweep a lock of my hair out of my eyes, it's been years since we've lived in Willowstown, a town my dad wanted us to move to a while back.

"You did it. You did all of it and I just went with it. Life on the...Always hidi..!" A loud shatter sounds from down the hall and this time I let out a small yelp, as glass flies into the doorframe, under my door.

I blinked and tears cascaded down my cheeks my mother and father have never always fought this bad, my nights never used to be spent like this.

Let me backtrack a little bit before I tell you anymore, my name is Skye, and I once was happy, but I am no longer, we last met when I was eleven and now I am just about twenty-three, my birthday is just shy of two weeks, and I have been living in Willowstown for almost twelve years.

We moved here when I was eleven and no, my home life was never this bad, my mother and father were happy and in love, and then something changed, one day dad just snapped and started off verbally abusing my mother, berating her, and then he would slap her some nights, while others I would hear all sorts of slamming and crying coming from my parent's bedroom.

I don't ever remember my father laying a hand on my mother before that, he would have rather cut his own arm off, I don't know exactly what happened to change him, and I never dared to ask. My mother has always told me not to, so I never asked anything that would get me in trouble.

I didn't move right out when I turned eighteen, because of my mother. I wanted to protect her, and I knew my dad wouldn't hurt her directly in front of me, over the years he has been secret about only fighting when I would be 'asleep' but now, he doesn't care because he knows I know, but he fights with her anyway. He's not a big guy either, he's about 5′6 and a fairly small man, not in shape but not big either. My mother, on the other hand, is a 5′3 woman, and very skinny, even after having me.

I have a job, but since it is Friday, I have my three days off plus my weekend off, I have like a week off-well almost a week until they call me back in, and I'll be too drunk to go in and I'm loving it because it's paid time off as well. I am a waitress at a small diner in town and I love working there, Allie Mae works there as well, but only on weekdays, never weekends.

Tonight they are fighting for no reason. Whenever they fight, they get vague about something that happened to them before they had me. I don't know, they use words like; "Find us", and "Him." all the time, I have no idea what they did but I never wanted to ask.

I clamped my hands over my ears to hopefully stop the yelling and crashing, 'I'm surprised the neighbors haven't called the police I thought as I tip-toed so quietly out of bed.

I tried my best to avoid creaking the floorboards as I took out a backpack, and grabbed my pillow, my blanket, and my iPhone out of my bedroom. I slinked down the stairs and into the kitchen.

I open up the cabinet of liquor and took out a bottle of whiskey and vodka, I very quietly put them down into the bag and wrapped the bottles separately as to not clink them together. I then quietly walked to the cupboards above the kitchen sink and grabbed a small red solo cup and put it in my bag.

I then grabbed a flashlight and walked out the backdoor, and slowly shut the door until I heard the click, so as to not alert the neighbor's dog, who always barked loudly whenever even a tiny insect roamed anywhere where it could see any living creature.

I breathed a fast sigh of relief when I heard my parent's voices getting louder and I knew I had just gotten out in time, as they seemed to have entered the kitchen, and I raced across the backyard.

I ran half crouched all the way until I got to the steps, a big smile bloomed over my face as I glanced up at the treehouse I built.

Yes, you read that correctly. I built it. Some kids had dads to build them tree houses, mine was too busy at his job he had taken when we moved here. So I taught myself how to build a basic tree house about ten feet above the ground. A small ladder I put because I didn't feel like nailing boards to the tree for steps.

I grabbed the bar above me and hoisted myself up, I sighed as I climbed up the ladder steps and pushed up the door. It didn't take much force and I forgot that, as it moved quickly, it swung open and I winced as it made a loud thud, I smiled softly once I entered my small but cozy treehouse. It was decorated just like my own bedroom.

A bed, with a special comforter, sat in the middle, it was of the Milkyway, the purple and bright swirls filled the front of the bed. My old pictures of my childhood adorned the wall. My lamp wireless that ran on batteries hung on the wall beside the bed, just above it slightly, and a fan wireless as well sat beside the bed on the floor.

A small layer of dust formed on the lamp and fan, but it still smelled like the air freshener I hung up last year of pineapples and strawberries, I ended up installing a working window, a rolling one that goes out then back in, but it hasn't been opened since I came up here last, it feels like its been years, but really I was just in it last year. I also got smart and made a system, two buckets for the bathroom, and toilet paper.

I built a wall, just separating the very small two toilet systems I have going, and yes every time I'm done with the treehouse, I empty the buckets and clean them out, they hadn't been used since the last time cleaning them.

I sighed heavily as I heave myself into the room, and looked down at the ground briefly before quickly grabbing the door and shutting it, and locking it. I wanted to build myself a treehouse to escape life inside the house, but I knew I wouldn't be safe with no lock on the door, so I drilled a lock on the door, a padlock that only I have the key for.

You should have seen the look on my parent's faces upon seeing the treehouse and seeing the lock, they worried they wouldn't be able to reach me following an emergency, and I reassured them that I could fold in the window thanks to a nifty video I watched on Youtube, and I could just jump down, now being five feet tall, I could fit through the window still and make the jump with no problems.

I walked over to the bed and sat down, just thinking. I hoped things didn't escalate any further than furniture throwing, but I was completely done with being the middle man, I stayed to protect my mom, but to also convince her to lead a better life; leave him.

But she was always so convinced he would change and be the way he used to be. She would get more and more hopeful every time he berated her, but he just got worse and worse.

I sighed frustratedly and gripped my phone, and dialed my friend's number, she picked up on the second ring, "What's up babe?" her voice breathless and a male voice echoes behind her.

My eyes opened wide and I sat up alert, "Allie Mae. Are you with someone right now?" I demanded.

Allie Mae lets out a laugh, "Girl, I've been with someone for hours." She giggles at the end.

I let out my own laugh, and shuffle my feet on the floor, "I'm sorry I interrupted you, Allie." I sighed and my voice thickened heavily with emotion.

As soon as I let any emotion into my voice, Allie Mae's line goes silent for a moment, then I hear her rustling and know shes probably sitting up or getting up to pace wherever she was.

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" She demanded.

I sighed and knew she would know something was up, as I almost never just call her Allie, it has always been Allie Mae, since I moved here, she has been my one and only friend, and I'm okay with that.

Allie Mae was blessed with a small frame, with a cute button nose and big bright blue eyes, with naturally dark brown hair, she was a well known popular girl all throughout school, and even now years after, her beauty shines so brightly, but her heart always shone even more than her looks, she had the biggest heart I've ever seen somebody posses.

She always helped out when somebody needed help, she always complimented somebody on something every day, and she always says hi to people, I always told her she was too nice, but she would always retort she could have been a snob to me as well when I needed a friend, so I learned to shut my mouth and let her be her.

"They're fighting again." That was all I said before my voice broke at the end of my sentence and I cracked, I started sobbing heavily and tears immediately filled my vision. The hand that held my phone to my ear shook, and the hand holding me up caved and I fell on the bed, my face covered in the small square pillow that was still on the bed.

"I'm so done with this life Allie, I'm so tired of being in the middle of everything." I cried even harder and I struggled to hear Allie Mae over my cries.

"Do you need me to come over? Where are you right now? Do you want to come over here?" I could hear Allie Mae shuffling louder and I knew she would be searching for clothes to put on to come and get me in, she is just that selfless. I love her so much.

I let out a small laugh over my cries, "No I'm in the treehouse. I just wanted to call you and hear your voice again. I needed to, I was going to break all alone and I just needed to at least know you were there sort of."

Allie Mae snorted a laugh, "Of course, I would be there. Now let me be there physically. I'll be there in five okay?"

"No, I'm okay now. I just needed to let that out." I sniffled and wiped my nose with the back of my hand.

Allie Mae groaned, "Are you sure Twix? I can come over, I don't care what is happening, you'd know I'd drop everything for you in a heartbeat. You're my number one, you always will be." I smiled upon hearing the nickname she named for me. On the first day of school, at lunch, I sat next to her and of course, I had no money so I couldn't buy myself lunch.

So what did she do? She told me I could have the pick of her lunch tray. I took a Twix bar she had brought her own self, and ever since then, she would bring me a Twix bar every lunch we had together. Up until we graduated, yes we stayed best friends all throughout our young adulthood to now adulthood.

"Yes, I'm sure Allie Mae." I nodded my head even though she couldn't see me.

"Well alright then. But I need you to promise me to leave. You need to leave Twix, you need to leave that house. The environment, and these problems you face every day. It is not worth it, you are just tearing yourself down. If your mother isn't smart enough to leave that is her fault. Not yours. You shouldn't pay for her mistakes, not anymore." Allie Mae said not harshly, but very firmly and I know she is fed up with my parent's behavior.

As she trusted me the first day, so I never hid the truth from her when my parents started fighting, I would run over to her house, literally run. And now that I have a phone, I call her whenever I can. Always leaning on her, but she has always leaned on me as well.

But still, her words did sting and I winced slightly, "I know Allie Mae. Thank you, I love you." I said softly.

"I love you too Twix. Call me in the morning, we'll meet up and talk." She said and hung up.

I sighed once again alone with my thoughts, my tears mostly dried up by now and I leaned over to unzip my bag, I took out the vodka and whiskey and solo cup. I poured both a little in the cup and tipped it back taking the first cup down quickly. Wanting the warm buzz to fly through my veins, making me forget about the fighting probably still going on.

I opened my phone up and put it on a music app, I put on a random soft song and laid back, just staring at the ceiling and sipping my second cup of liquor, happy I was old enough to legally drink in my treehouse when I was younger I couldn't wait for the day, but I didn't want the first time to be this way.

I shook my head as I poured myself a third cup, and let another small but fleeting tear roll down my cheek, as I took out my phone and hazily pulled up his number. Kade.

I haven't talked to him since I moved, but his mom gave my mom his number, and she gave it to me to save, I've had this iCloud since before we moved, and so I saved it a long time ago. I haven't thought of him in a long time, but tonight for some reason. I think of him.

I almost dropped my phone as my hand shot out and picked up my cup from the floor and downed more of the vodka and whiskey. My hand hovered over the call button, debating on whether or not I should.

I decided not to call him, but my hands typed of their own accord:

To: 1+269-4958-


I hit send before I giggled like a little kid and clicked my phone closed, not really expecting an answer, and poured more of the vodka and whiskey, by now this would be my fourth drink, and I dared pour myself another one.

I gripped the phone tightly, scared to shit as it suddenly vibrated and dinged, my eyes wide opened I just stared a the ceiling before looking down slowly and reading the message on my screen

From: 1+269-4958-


To: 1+269-4958-

How are you?

I typed on Kade's contact and put his name in so it would show up as that, instead of a random number.

From: Kade-

I'm hosting a dinner party right now

I gulped and my heart pounded as I typed my reply, wondering and trying to picture what a dinner party that Kade would host would look like.

From Old Bestfriend-

Ooh, isn't that just fancy?

From Kade-You haven't changed one bit :)

To Kade-

What do you mean?

From: Kade-

You were always a smartass

To: Kade-

Am not!

I smile and let out a carefree laugh and I bit my bottom lip, enjoying the playful banter we had going on, it was just like old times, Kade would tease me or bother me about something and then we would go back and forth.

From: Kade-

Exactly what I mean. I gotta go Skye, but we can talk later.

I put away my phone but not before resuming the music, suddenly irked and feeling weird, I couldn't get the memory of the kiss he gave me, my very own first kiss when we were so young, and I groaned.

I picked up my cup, in hopes, I could forget the memory and sipped the rest of it down, before grabbing my blanket and cuddling up to my pillow. Whilst the music still plays barely audible but just enough to help me fall fast asleep.

This is the pain of the Willow.

Willowstown is my cry, my wail.

I am not happy here anymore.

This is the Willows Wail; My memories and pain.