
The second son of the fallen Royal is reincarnated

In a world where one's value is determined by their status, Raven was born in the deepest parts of the lawless city. Raised in an orphanage along with other kids, he trained to be a knight of a low rank Nobel family and rose upon the ranks and made it to captain at the age of 27, ten years later a war broke out and house Silver was destroyed. As his mind was slowly fading away, he couldn't help but think what would life been like for him if he was born as a nobleman himself, "would I be corrupted by greed? Or would I uphold the values of my home like the prideful master of house Silver?"

Victor_Progress · ファンタジー
13 Chs

A showing of strength

The whole arena goes silent.


What just happened?


I thought he never held a sword until a few months back, what was that Swordmanship?


The winner, Raven Nightingale. Now let's continue within 10 minutes. All Contenders go to the waiting room.

Raven walks past Roan, Rachel and Amilia, as he walks you can tell that he managed to put fear into their hearts with his display of power.


Marques, contact the "shadow" we placed in Joshua's house and ask if Raven really hasn't held a sword at all up until last year.


If he did, what's next?


Public execution, not only upon Raven but upon his whole family as well. Our family rules aren't one's to be taken lightly.


Understood, your highness.


Raven Nightingale, if it's true you never had any form of training until last year, this can only mean one thing, my older brother and his wife made a monster of a child.

Back in the waiting room, Raven is approached by his parents.


Ray, I'm glad your okay.(hugs him)


You had us worried when you challenged James to a dual, don't ever do anything like that again.


Mother, father, I promise i won't. I just couldn't stand it when he started bad mouthing you, I'm sorry.


It's okay, honey, I'm used to it. I knew exactly what I was getting into when I married your father.


Father, I heard that you had your core broken as a punishment for marrying mother. Is it true?


Yes, it's true.


Who broke your core, was it the patriarch?


No, it was my younger brother actually, the captain of the black eagle's, Marques Nightingale. Even though he did it, I don't hold it against him, he was only doing what is expected of him.


I do have a question, don't you want it back?


I don't follow.


Don't you want your ability to fight back?


Don't be ridiculous, of course I want it back. But there hasn't been a way to recover from a broken core before.


I'll make a way and when I do,I'll give you your honour back, father.

At that moment Joshua realised that there were no lies in his sons words, even though he deemed it impossible he can't help but feel happy that his son cares so much for him.


I'll be waiting, Ray.


You guys should go to your sits, the second round is about to begin.


We'll be going, Good luck Ray and sorry for what I said a few days ago.


It's alright, father. I understand.


Sometimes i feel like your too matured for a 13yr old. I look forward to you winning first place. Well, good bye.

Raven walks towards the arena once more, there he finds the other three waiting for him. The patriarch sits down once more and announces the second round as a four way match as james is unable to participate qnd that they will be judged based on thier performance and the person who obtains the first rank would receive anything they require from the patriarch, as long as it's in his capabilities. 

The match begins and the other three all charge at Raven.


Ohh? This is unusual but not expected, the display of power he shown earlier put the others on high alert. However I didn't expect them to work together in attacking him like this.

Raven casually blocks thier attacks, keeping a safe distance between him and them.


This is unusual, Amalia, Roan. I thought you two were the son and daughter of Eren and Marques, two figures hailed as the strongest of our family history, but to think you have such little confidence in your parents teachings that you'd attack me together, no less align with someone you look down on cause she's from the distant family branch, how pathetic.


Shut up, what gives you the right to lecture us, huh? You're nothing more but a half ass Nightingale with commoner blood, your whole existence its a shame to this family.


Perhaps you didn't hear me earlier, I am Raven Nightingale, son of Joshua and Erica Nightingale. Who cares if she's a commoner? I'll show you the difference in our strengths.


Oh no, he's getting ready to attack. 


Rachel, Roan and I are going to take him out, cover us while we do.


Right, let's go. Sword art, flame of commandment

(A flame covers Roan's sword and he charges in for the final attack)


Sword art, winds of the fallen.

(A strong gust covers her sword and she charges in as well)


Fine, lets do this.Secret technique number 1, internal meteor thrust.

Both parties clash and a smoke screen is created, Rachel attacks Raven from the back with her own version of "winds of the fallen" thinking she hit her target but all she hit was an after image of Raven, when the dust settles she realizes that both Amalia and Roan have been defeated.


No way, those two were defeated? That's impossible.



Raven attacks Rachel from the back but at the same time holding back his attacks.


This pressure his giving, it's like a predator toying with his food. Is this truly the gap in our strength?


I'd advice you to surrender, you held on much longer than the rest, if you quit now nobody would think poorly of you.


He's right, but if I do that I would bring shame to my sister, she's known as the strongest female captain in history, if I give up now, I'd just continue being the weak little sister who hides behind her. No, I've made up my mind, I'll fight till the end, it's my duty to get stronger on my own.

Rachel grabs her sword with both hands and charges in with her attack.


Sword art, Winds of the fallen, second form. (The sword is surrounded by a strong gust but unlike the first, this gust wing is moving at a higher speed, bigger and seems more dangerous.)


Rachel Heartfelt. I'll remember that name. Secret swords art, internal meteor thrust.

Without even clashing, Raven manages to hit her in the stomach, sending her flying. With that Raven wins round 2, leaving everyone in shock once more. What stood infront of them wasn't just a boy, but a powerful monster ready to feast on whoever provokes it.


Winner, Raven Nightingale. Now Raven, what would you ask for.

As Raven is about to talk an angry patron shouts that Raven cheated, they say no one should be this good with the sword if this is indeed his first time in a proper duel and request his execution.


Now, I know how you feel, but I have requested Sir Marques to look into it. Should it be found that Raven has indeed been practicing with the sword before his 12th birthday, he along with his parents, and attendants shall all be executed.


However, if it happens that I am innocent?


If it happens you are innocent, you get to keep your life. Isn't that enough?


No, as I am wrongfully accused, I request that the person accusing me gets punished instead. Death would be too cruel so i think a small fine for defamation of character, I think 2 million gold coins should be enough.

Patron Male 3:

What nonsense is this? I won't pay nothing to you.


A fine seems merciful enough for nearly whiping out my whole Bloodline, don't you think, your majesty?


Fine, I'll allow it. 

Marques returns from his call with the shadow placed at Ravens home.


I've returned, Raven Nightingale, you are accused of breaking our families secret laws, as punishment you and and your family are to be if they turn out to be true.

Gaurds arrive and hold him down, as well as other guards bringing in his parents.


However, if the accusation is indeed false, count Willson would have to pay you a fine of 2million gold coins for " defamation of character". I've contacted people within your family estate and all of them have declared that you have not indeed held a sword until you turned 12 a year ago, which can only mean two things,first count Willson has to pay the fine and second, you are a genius. For you to not only master the sword in a short time without having a proper teacher but to also create your own swordmanship, and manifesting your aura to green as well. Joshua and Erica, although we have our differences, congratulations on having given birth to a child like him.


No way, this gotta be a lie, right?


My father doesn't give away false praise like this. This must be real, Raven Nightingale, just what are you?


That filthy commoner, how can this be?

Racheal:(in awe)

Wow, this guy is amazing. Although his two years younger than all of us here, it's no doubt his strong. To even get acknowledged by the captain of the black eagle's, that something even his own squad members rarely get.

At that very moment, that's when all of them decided that from this day onward Raven would become their rival.


Now that that's taken care of, Raven, what's your request?


I request that my father is given the title of Baron

Crowd is in shock.


And why would I do that? Your father can't even fight to begin with, how will he defend his land if he is given that title?


You are mistaken, the title is only his to hold for me until I am of legal age to take it for myself. As for defending the land, well let me worry about that.

Everyone in the crowd is shocked at how he could casually speak to the patriarch of the family. Other belived that with that statement he just signed his own death wish.


Perhaps you must have forgotten who you are talking to, I am the patriarch oh house Nightingale, and you think just because you won a fight with a few kids your age you can request something like this? 

The aura Eren unleashes make a few people in the arena faint. He looks directly at Raven and a few seconds later after seeing Raven isnt shaken he burst out a laugh.


You truly are my brother's child. I like that look in your eyes. Alright, from this moment onwards the land that was taken from your father after he married your mother is back in his care, and also the title of Baron. Go rest, you've earned it.

With that the ceremony concludes, on his way to the estate,Eren is questioned by Marques for his actions.


Marques, when I look at that boy do you know what I see?




Exactly, that boy might just be the bridge we need in this kingdom. Being of both Royal and commoner blood that boy might unite our people. Currently a Civil War might break out between us and the commoners, even if we have the military power, do you honestly believe that our soldiers would take orders to kill thier own families?


Thats rich coming from you, you were about to execute your own brother and nephew if you found out he was training before the right age.


That's different, Joshua chose to break our family law, as a result he lost his status and was regarded as the lowest rank of the indirect lineage.


Don't forget before he married Ericka, Joshua was the strength behind the kingdom. He's one of the few to reach a level of white rank at the age of 25 in our family history. Even if we are held as the strongest now, we both know if he hadn't married her 20yrs back he'd be the family head and not you.


I know that, sometimes I wish he was the head. He was always more suited for the leading role. Anyway, have you captains chose wich kids you'll take into their squads?


Yes, Fiona has taken a like into Amalia, as well as her younget sister for her last minute show or courage. Maxwell has shown interest in Roan. X Drake has shown interest in James.


And you?




No need to act so surprised, I just asked who you had your eyes on?


I'd be lying if I said I didn't have my eye on Raven.




Something tells me he doesn't care. If anything his the type who'd chose his own captain.


You noticed too? I can tell you this, two years from now when he turns 15 and is of legal age to join the squads, that boy is going to make a big splash. You might want to start training your subordinates or they are going to feel more inferior when he arrives.


Noted, I'll inform the other captains as well.

You know, "They" won't agree to this.


It doesn't matter, it's my choice and besides that brat put me in positin that if I declined it would've made my words seem weak. I wonder what type of future he'll bring to the kingdom, but I can say he'll be at the center of it for a long time.