
The Second Chances of Thomas Rath

You know the drill, truck-chan meets person; person meets deity; deity conscripts person for some existential threat to the multiverse; person asks for too much, wait, that’s interesting, I wonder what consequences that may have.

Gurder_Guile · ゲーム
19 Chs

Ch 14:

Sandstorm arrives back from doing her thing to see Shirone worried.

"You didn't destroy a universe this time... thank goodness." Shirone says

"I reject your reality and substitute it with my own. I destroyed it by complete accident. Anyway let's see where you messed up." Sandstorm says before staring off into nothing.

"..." Shirone

"Pfft. Hahahaha!" Sandstorm ends up breaking out laughing.

"This is actually extremely funny! You ended up creating several Thomases, one for each power he wished for. They aren't complete copies of him and may have a few key important things missing." Sandstorm says finding this extremely entertaining.

"What about the Thomas I talked to? Is he even the original one?" Shirone asks

"Yes, he is the most original one." Sandstorm says somewhat cryptically cause she's enjoying this.

"What are his powers?" Shirone asks

"Plot armor and a few other minor things that don't seem to matter?" Sandstorm says thinking about it.

"Great! Okay, I need to go tell him before he does something stupid trying to trigger his powers." Shirone says disappearing from her spot.

"This is going to be entertaining, hey Lisa! We got another interesting person to watch! "Sandstorm shouts


15. Thomas (the second)

If any were out that night they would have heard many crashes through the trees as a giant monstrosity of a human stumbles through the undergrowth.

Unable to control his impulses, his spikes were on full display still as he followed the scent of the cure.


'We are close!'


Thomas mumbles to himself as he takes his last bite of pig-thigh he had left. The pig was not by any means filling, but it definitely helped to make existing more bearable on his search for the cure.

Finally, Thomas had reached the edge of these woods.

Closing his eyes he could pinpoint the smell exactly, it was coming from a nearby house on the outskirts.

With a low, instinctive, growl Thomas set his mind to the hunt to come. He was going to probably have to kill whatever this scent was, be it human or not. Thomas did not have many memories but one thing he was sure of, he hadn't killed a person before.

The house was only about 10 yards away now, and Thomas could make out movement through a window. Creeping up, Thomas peered over the window sill and sniffed to see who or what was inside. Surprisingly, there was only a human inside. And not just any human, this one seemed like he didn't belong, his clothing was of another world that Thomas had yet to see, at least he thinks this world is the only one he's seen.

The man was sitting at a desk, poring over some books (disgusting, you can't even eat those) and scribbling something in a notebook off to one side. In a corner of his desk lied a glowing turquoise jewel. Thomas closed his eyes and sniffed again, no, the jewel was not the cure, the man is, but he could definitely tell that it was a powerful object, but oddly it didn't radiate danger, Nergy-senses would pick that up.

Either way Thomas had a perfect method to get this inquisitive man vulnerably close. Shifting back into a bush, Thomas let out an audible, rumbling growl only a dragon could make.

As expected, the man dropped his quill and looked towards his window. However, completely unexpectedly the man bit straight into his own wrist, hard from the looks of it, before walking over to the window. He slid up the window and looked out.


Thomas flared his spikes as he pounced. Springing off the ground he generated a surprising amount of force, but Nergy-senses helped him control his angle enough to land on the man. Well, provided he didn't dodge to the side like he did.

Thomas crashed through the window and tumbled into the wall.

Wasting no time, the man grabbed Thomas's hand and clapped something around his wrist.

Thomas roared, and yanked the manacle with all of his newfound might.

But somehow the man remained sturdy and Thomas flew around him in a 180 degree semicircle back into the wall. It was like that man weighed more than a mountain!

The man then magically morphed the manacle on Thomas's hand (which apparently is connected to his bitten wrist Thomas can see now) to include another manacle for Thomas's other hand. Then the man yanked downward.

An tsunami might as well have forced Thomas's hands and body down as the man formed some sort of anchor in the floor.

"Thomas, what the hell happened to you?"

Enraged that he could be at such a disadvantage Thomas roared.

"I don't even know who you are! What the hell is wrong with you? I'm hungry! I MUST EAT!"

The man recoiled back a tiny bit from the spit that Thomas flung at him momentarily before fashioning a muzzle out of the blood-red manacles. Fastening this on, Thomas's head felt like a lead weight was tied on.

"Hmm, interesting, did you go to the bar earlier?"

Thomas snorted and yanked at his chains from side to side.

"My bad."

The man opened a hole in the muzzle.

Thomas, now coming to terms with being beaten started to clam down.

"I have no idea what bar you talk of, I need food!"

"Hmmmm, this is most interesting, I'll have to mention this to him later."

Thomas growled, he did not like being ignored.

The man waved a hand at some bothersome thought and returned to looking at Thomas.

"I'm guessing from the fact that you tried to eat me out of all people you require meat, and by proxy, blood. Am I right?"

Thomas nodded vigorously.

"Well then, I may actually be able to help you."

The man grabbed the manacle chains and pulled them closer to himself, and by proxy, Thomas as well.

'This man must have the strength of a god!'

The man pointed a finger at Thomas's snout

"But you are going to have to help me, alright?"

Thomas sighed a dragon-sigh.

'How humiliating!'

"Fine, but only if you can fix this hunger truly."

The man clapped his hands together delightedly.

"Perfect! Now, first things first, there's a certain man I need found, who resides out in the ruins."