
The runaway daughter of Duke with her hero brothers and sisters

Yuna, escaping with her fellow siblings because of the black curse, and now, those siblings turn out to be the hero that will save the world from the evil god "That being said, I am Yuna, your eldest sister, and I will not let any of you die!"

muhammad_azmee · ファンタジー
16 Chs

Chapter 4: Strange request

There's no school today, and that means all, Charlotte has a free time today. She's the youngest among us after all, currently at the age of 12 years old.

I am currently 20 years old, while Rean and Llyod is 17, Elise at 16 and Farhah at 15. Farhah just graduated from the local school and she's still trying to figure out about her future. She can take all the times that she wanted, and I won't mind it one bit. As long as I am still breathing, I will wholeheartedly support each one of them in any way possible

Rean is trying to become an adventure just like me, and is currently forming a party with his friends. They're still weak and I'll occasionally train them all, alongside other new faces. As for Elise, she's interested in becoming a teacher, and is currently trying to devote herself in higher education level. Her entrance exam will be one year from now on, and yet, she did not miss out on her study. While I am proud of her choice, I couldn't help but feel a little sad. She could just ask me to cover her expenses such as utensils and books, but no, she wanted to become independent as soon as possible. Sad, but proud at the same time

(Is this what they're calling Empty nest syndrome?) [Yuna]

The feeling most parents felt when their child grew up, leave their houses, and thus, making the house feel large and empty. This void feeling... Now I'm scared

"Big sis? Something wrong? " [Charlotte]

"Charlotte... Just remember that your big sis will always love you!" [Yuna]

"Huh?" [Charlotte]

She's blushing, and confused at the same time from my sudden remarks. She just nods her head a few times while trying to figure out the reason for my sudden emotional outburst

As we make our way to the adventure guild, we continue to talk, mainly about water and ice magic. Since we both have the same affinity for this element, our conversation mainly revolves around the way to manipulate water and ice into our advantages in a sticky situation.

"My my, what do we have here, our Lady-ship Yuna and Charlotte! It's been a while! " [Mira]

"Hi there Miss Mira!" [Charlotte]

Charlotte wave her hand and start running toward Mira's direction. I scold her a bit, as her action causes those around her to take extra precautions, as to not collide with her

"Boo! My Lady-ship, let Charlotte have some fun! " [Mira]

"Boo!" [Charlotte]

I simply glare at Charlotte for her sudden boo, for which Mira immediately retorts with her usual remark about how strict I am with my etiquette.

Since they're now happily talking about how strict I am, I simply walk toward the request board, simply scanning my eyes toward the well put and organized request board. There are several requests that caught my attention, but I don't think I wanted to take any requests that requires me to be far away from home. At least not now, after what happened this morning

(How about this simple request. A good breather and I can definitely collect other rare herb while I am at it, plus, I can bring Charlotte to the field. It will be good for her lung) [Yuna]

A simple herb gathering request, but sadly, I am over qualified for it. Guess it can't be helped.

"Then how about this request? You can still bring Charlotte with you, albeit a bit dangerous" [Mira]

As if dissecting my mind, Mira hand over a strange request to me

""A devil sighting??"" [Yuna, Charlotte]

Both Charlotte and I can't help but question the strange request