
The Rule Of The Voider(Dropped check out new novel dropping soon )

You have been chosen to participate in the Universal War. But before I could ask any questions, the AI continued speaking, explaining the rules and objectives of the game. The goal of your mission is to triumph over your rivals and become the absolute champion. However, heed the warning: the battles will test your stamina and push you to the limit. But if you succeed, you will win the admiration of everyone who sees your victories Follow Rowen on his journey of conquering Universe(Multi?)

Supreme_Slaughter · アクション
10 Chs

AI Chamber

The bad part is that I lived in a five-story apartment building without an elevator. Normally I could easily climb it, but considering my circumstances, it was about to be a nightmare.

As I reached the fifth floor of the dimly lit apartment building, I couldn't help but notice the peeling paint and cracked walls.

The only sound was my laboured breathing as I struggled up the stairs. Everything went black.

The next thing I knew, I was lying in a dark room, unsure of how I got there.

The air was thick with a musty smell, and I could hear the faint sound of dripping water in the distance.

Panic set in as I realised that I was trapped, and my mind raced with thoughts of how to escape. but all I could see was darkness.

As my eyes adjusted to the dim light, I noticed strange markings on the walls that seemed to glow faintly.

It was then that I realised that I was not alone in this room. Something or someone was watching me from the shadows, and a cold shiver ran down my spine.

With no way out and no idea of what was lurking in the darkness, I knew that my only chance of survival was to stay calm and think rationally.

This is the ability I gained after being on the verge of death so many times before.

I took a deep breath and began to assess my surroundings. The markings on the walls appeared to be ancient symbols, possibly from a long-forgotten civilization.

As I studied them, I noticed that they seemed to be arranged in a pattern, almost like a map.

Could this be the key to finding a way out of here? I decided to follow the symbols, trusting my instincts and hoping that they would lead me to safety. As I moved deeper into the shadows, I could feel my heart racing and my palms sweating.

But I refused to give in to fear. I had faced death before and survived, and I knew that I could do it again.

But my advance was stopped by a transparent window in front of me saying,

[Warning, not enough authority to pass through]

It was presented in red.

I knew I had to find a way to bypass the security system and gain the necessary authority to move forward. I searched my surroundings for any clues or tools that could help me.

Suddenly, I spotted a small device lying on the ground. It was a keycard, and it looked like it might be just what I needed.

Without hesitation, I picked up the keycard and swiped it through the scanner next to the window. To my relief, the warning disappeared, and the window slowly began to slide open.

As soon as there was enough space for me to squeeze through, I darted inside and continued on my mission. The symbols became more frequent as I progressed further into the labyrinthine corridors of this mysterious place.

They seemed to be leading me towards a central chamber, where a faint glow emanated from within. My curiosity piqued, I quickened my pace until I finally arrived at the entrance of the chamber. What lay before me was beyond anything I could have imagined.

Taking two steps ahead , I entered the room and gasped in awe at the sight before my eyes. The entrance behind me was closed, with a laser covering the only exit.

I looked around and found found a forge with materials and and an arsenal with a portal leading me somewhere else.(New Edit)

As I enter the centre, The screen lit up,

[Welcome Rowen. ]

"Who are you?" I said , my voice trembling with both fear and excitement. I am the AI that controls this chamber.

[You have been chosen to participate in the Universal War.]

My heart raced as I tried to process the words. Universal War? What did that even mean? But before I could ask any questions, the AI continued speaking, explaining the rules and objectives of the game.

[ This challenge has been determined to be worthy of your skills and abilities.]

[The greatest warriors from various galaxies are engaged in combat in the Universal War, where they are all vying for supremacy. The goal of your mission is to triumph over your rivals and become the absolute champion.]

[However, heed the warning: the battles will test your mentality and push you to the limit. You will come up against opponents who are incredibly strong and use cunning strategies. But if you succeed, you will win the admiration of everyone who sees your victories. In addition to fame and honour, winning also comes with an AI-granted wish. Are you prepared to accept this challenge, then? ]

I paused briefly, unsure of whether or not I was really prepared for what lay ahead.

But then I took a deep breath and replied with determination in my voice, "I am ready." And with that, the AI began to prepare me for my first battle in the Universal War.

I made edits due to the new comment to make it easier to read

Supreme_Slaughtercreators' thoughts