
News Bearer

"Yes. You can do it.. Come on, Jeannie!" Del cheered as Jeannie tried to walk slowly. Due to being in a coma and the weakness before that, Jeannie had been sapped of her physical strength and started to have trouble walking. As expected the doctors had already foreseen this and planned out her diet as well as therapy. And after the first day, where she had fallen face first, sprawled on the carpeted floor after refusing therapy, she had been doing pretty well. 

After all a foul mouth was allowed when you were in pain.. But the doctor had not been happy with her and had complained! Complained to Christopher! It wasn't as if she was cursing them, those big mouths. But now, Blasie and Delaney were witness to her struggles and she dare not curse in front of her kid! 

Blaise clapped cheerfully next to Del as he watched her take another step without any support and she felt her heart soften. Blaise was a sweet kid and he called her mum.
