

A redundant child cast away by his parents because of his special features gets favoured by fate and get saved by a swordsman. The boy grew up to be a strong young boy and everything seemed blissful until the one day fate decided to take turn once more leading to the death of his adopted father and mother and also leading to his capture. After his capture, he finds himself in a game of death by the general where he unlocks his dragon powers rooted inside.

Omidiora_James · ファンタジー
27 Chs

Chapter 24

Hiro, his eyes wide with terror, looked up at the dragon, its colossal form looming over him like a mountain of red-scaled flesh and sinew. The creature's massive head, wreathed in the flickering light of the fire within its throat, hung suspended over Hiro, its reptilian eyes glittering with a predatory intelligence.

The dragon's powerful claws, sharpened to the lethal points, were all pointed towards Hiro. The dragon, its head titled downward, fixed Hiro in its deadly gaze, its eyes boring into the human with cold, unfathomable intensity. The creature's body, poised with a stillness that belled its immense strength, seemed to radiate an ancient, primal power as if the very fabric of time and space bent at its command.

The heat from the dragon's body washed over Hiro in waves, the air shimmering with the unbearable heat. Fear like icy fingers, gripped Hiro's heart, his body quaking with the overwhelming dread of facing an ancient force of nature. His eyes, wide and staring, darting around, searching for a way to escape the dragon's presence, but there was no escape from the dragon's wrath.

Hiro's breath came in ragged gasps, his face pale and clammy, beads of sweat clinging to his forehead, his lips trembling with unspoken pleas of mercy. Hiro, a small, helpless thing in the shadow of the dragon's power, felt his body go numb as if preparing for the end.

'' Pathetic,'' the dragon hissed, its voice a rasping, guttural rumble. Its voice is a cacophony, its deep rumbling tones echoing through the emptiness of the void like the thunder of an ancient storm. Each syllable was heavy with a primal resonance that reverberated through the air, as if the dragon's voice were not mere sound, but a physical force, thrumming with power. The dragon's words were punctuated with the crackle of the fire within its throat, the flames lending a searing heat to its speech that seemed to sear the very air itself.

'' Where has your bravery fled to?'' the dragon mocked, its voice dripping with contempt. '' A moment ago, you stood before me, bold and unafraid, yet now you cower like a frightened pup. Is this how weak your soul is? no wonder my soul has refused to merge with yours.'' The dragon's laughter, a sound like the grinding of boulders against one another, filled the atmosphere, mocking Hiro's fear with its deafening resonance.

As the dragon's mocking laughter subsided, the expression on its reptilian face hardened, its gaze once more turning cold and cruel. Its serpentine lips curled back, revealing sharpened fangs that glinted with a ferocious hunger, the fire within its throat burning brighter, the flames in a deadly chorus. Its eyes, pools of red fury, bore into Hiro's soul, a predatory intent evident in their savage light.

'' I have not merged you, you pathetic human,'' the dragon continues, its voice  low and menacing, '' because your soul is too weak.'' The creature's eyes narrowed, its voice rumbling, causing the void to shake. '' You are not worthy of my presence,'' the dragon continued, its words slicing through the air like blades. '' Your spirit is flawed, your courage feeble, your heart riddled with fear. You are not fit to be a vessel for my power.''

The dragon's expression twisted into a malicious grin, its voice oozing with malice and delight. '' Oh, don't worry about it. I am okay with sharing your weak body for now, but just know, I will get rid of you soon.'' The creature's words were like poison in Hiro's ears, the icy chill of dread creeping down his spine. '' When the time is right, I will purge your pitiful essence from this vessel, and you will be nothing more than a forgotten whisper in the darkness.''

The dragon's laughter, cold and cruel, echoed through the chamber, mocking Hiro's despair. The dragon sneered once again, its expression one of arrogant disdain. '' The war is of no concern to you, Ikarus and I have clashed for countless centuries, and each time I have emerged victorious. Our battles are ancient and eternal, and your insignificant presence will have no bearing on their outcome.''

The dragon's words were like a blade through Hiro's heart, each syllable a devastating blow to his fragile hope.'' You are but a passenger in this conflict, and when the time, I will discard you like the worthless baggage that you are. With a final, disdainful glance at Hiro, the dragon turned, the shadows falling over its massive form like a shroud. it stretched its colossal body across the vast emptiness. Its powerful muscles tensing and relaxing as it settled into its resting position.

The silence that followed was thick with tension, the dragon's presence a palpable force in the void, its malevolent gaze fixed upon Hiro even in slumber. Hiro, frozen in place by fear and uncertainty, could only watch as the dragon retreated back into its sleep, the world around him an ever-shifting maze of shadows and flames.

Hiro stood motionless, his body rigid with fear, his eyes fixed upon the dragon's slumbering form. The darkness seemed to press around him, its embrace cold and suffocating as if to swallow him whole. His breath came in shallow gasps, his heart racing in his chest like a caged beast, his thoughts careening around his mind like a panicked bird. Hiro's fear was like a coiling serpent within his mind, its fang sunk deep into his psyche, pumping its venomous terror into his veins. His body trembled, his hands clenched into fists, his eyes darting around.

The dragon's words echoed in his mind, its promise of destruction a looming specter that threatened to crush him beneath its weight. His chest heaved with every breath, the air in the void thin and bitter as if it were devoid of life and hope. Hiro's terror-filled reverie was interrupted by a low, rumbling voice, the dragon's slumbering form stirring as its eyes opened, the red and radiant glow of red scales piercing the darkness.

'' You may leave now,'' the dragon intoned, its voice a chilling mix of command and dismissal. Then the dragon's mouth opened wide, the flames within rolling and dancing with sudden, furious life. A torrent of fire erupted forth, engulfing Hiro in a blazing inferno of heat and destruction, the roar of the flames drowning out all thought and reason. In an instant, the dreamscape was engulfed in flames, the dragon's wrath consuming all that Hiro could see, his vision consumed by the agonizing, fiery torment. And then, like a wave receding from the shore, the flames subsided, the dragon's voice fading into silence.

Hiro's body tensed, every fiber of his being attuned to the agony of his burning flesh, yet, to his shock and belief, he felt no pain. Instead, the world around him seemed to shimmer and distort, the flames melting into a swirling, kaleidoscopic whirlpool of color and sound. And then, with a suddenness that caught him completely off guard. Hiro opened his eyes, the warmth of his bedroom surrounding him, the sunlight streaming through the open window.