
Chapter 1

Narrator's Pov

The early morning rays of the sun streaming in through the window brings hope for a brighter tomorrow, the feeling of a new day brings a sense of a fresh start to do something different, something better but for those that have experienced pain, sorrow, betrayal know that this is just a trick of the mind, there is no such thing as a new day only another day to be reminded of the misery one is going through, the pain experienced every day which has now become part of one's life, a permanent reminder that the memories that hunt us won't go away just because it's a new day this is one of those things that keep most of us sane from going over the edge from becoming that monster that wants to come out and make everyone else experience the pain, sorrow that has become a permanent part of our life.

Ryan's Pov

As I open my eyes for the first three seconds after putting off my alarm, I don't remember who I am I just have a feeling of peace, a feeling of pure freedom then it all comes crashing back the memories that will hunt me for the rest of my life no friends, no family *sigh* just another normal day in my life. I pull off my covers and step down from the bed looking round my room I go into my bathroom and have a quick bath I don't want to be late to school for the third time this week. I wear a black shirt with a black skinny jeans something that fits my mood pick up my bag and I go downstairs I am greeted by Martha

"Morning Ryan" Martha says

"Morning" I reply

"How was your night?"

"The usual"

"Were the nightmares that bad I could hear you screaming all the way from my room"


"You know you can always talk to me right"

"Yeah I know, thanks a lot I really appreciate your help"

"You are welcome start going to school you don't want to get there late"

Martha is the beautiful damsel who took me in after I lost it all she keeps trying to bring happiness to my heart but I know that is something that may never be achieved.

It still feels like yesterday when all this pain became a permanent part of my life, when the sorrow turned me to a being devoid of joy, happiness, love sometimes I feel like I am insane but actually pretending to be sane, well whatever I can't start feeling sorry for myself after blocking my emotions for so long to go over the edge at this time will show that am a coward, one who can't face his fear.

*Flashback-6 months ago*

I loved my family so much, I could die for them, my 18th birthday, for some weird reason my dad keeps on calling it coming-of-age. I don't know why but I couldn't care less about all that I had my sister, my dad, my mum what else did I need.

Staring out the window on that beautiful night, I called my best friend to tell him what was going on, he made me promise to call him on my way back home,

"Bro, what's up?"

"Am cool bro"

"So, are you on your way back home?"

"Yeah, I am I had a great time where my family took me to"

"Ok, cool see you soon"

"Yeah, later"

After the call, I remember having a sense of dread, like something really bad was about to happen but I ignored it like what could have gone wrong on my birthday, oh how I wish I listened, oh how I wish I didn't ignore the feeling. Out of nowhere these cars just passed us at a very high speed and blocked our car, the tires of our car came to a screeching halt, then about 15 guys came out of the other cars they then told us to get down from our car. My dad stood in front of us in a protective way, but I knew that this will end In a very bad way, they bound us together and made us kneel down I didn't even understand what was going on, they took my dad and made him kneel down in front of us, one of the guys came out holding a gun in his hands. Lo and behold, it was my best friend.

I was shocked, I didn't want to believe that he was the one that brought these men to us, I couldn't even comprehend the fact that my best friend of 4 years could betray me, I looked at him with so much pain in my eyes and all he did was laugh. He grabbed my dad's head in his hands and shot him straight through the brain, at the sound of the gunshot I was crying so much my shirt was getting soaked and all my "best friend" did was laugh. He took my mum shot her the same way he did to my dad, he then took my sister and killed her also, I remember thinking it was all over until he told one of his boys to get an axe I thought it was my turn to die, but I was so wrong, I wish I had died that night, he then began to hack at my dad's neck I can still recall the thump of the axe as it hit his neck.

He did this for them all and in one night I lost it all, he placed the head of my family directly in my face. As I looked at their lifeless eyes, something in me snapped, I could feel a rising darkness in me. I looked at all the men that carried out this horrible deed and I lost it.

3rd Person Pov

With eyes filled with anger Ryan looked at the men who had committed these horrible deed and began to laugh, the men looked at him like he was crazy, they didn't know he laughed at the betrayal, laughed at the pain, laughed at the sorrow, laughed at how he has lost everything and then all of a sudden he stopped and with a speed that surpasses all human limits he leapt unto the first attacker, he bit straight into his neck ripping out his throat, he then went to the next man, gripped his head and put his hand into his eye and the hand came out the back of the man's head. He killed all the men with each kill more brutal than the last, he did all this in less than 5 seconds until he came to the last man which was his best friend who had betrayed him.

There was so much fear in him that he began to pee himself, Ryan just looked at him and gave him this maniacal smile, the friend kept saying he didn't mean all what he did that it wasn't his fault that it was an order, Ryan asked him "by who?", the friend said "death". He then told him "but I, am DEATH" and in a swift motion he grabbed his friend's gun and stabbed his friend in the head with it and looking at all the blood around him Ryan let out an ear-piercing scream.

*word count - 1250 words, please comment and vote. Peace out*