
The Rise of the White Vixen!

The noises of Hound City rang out in the stale air, the clouds of pollution covering up the blue moonlight. Mouse’s voice echoed in my ear, my white fox’s mask covering my pale face. A jet black taxi rushed past me, my ruby ponytail dancing in the aftermath. Adjusting my black miniskirt, the public stage for execution loomed in front of me. “I am so happy you are rescuing my brother.” Mouse blubbered happily in my ear, my eyes rolling. “I can’t believe they pinned another murder on him. Poor Sage.”  Pulling the hood of my black armored jacket over my black fox ears. My inky black tail twitched irritably, the crowd cheering as Sage was dragged out. My former partner's pale green hair cascaded down his back, his sage colored eyes hidden by his bangs. Yellowed rags dangled off of his slender but muscular body, fresh bruises dotting his skin.  Leaping onto a lamp post, my fingers pressed the ear piece deeper into my ear.

Yvette_Francaise · SF
36 Chs

Chapter Thirty: Home Sweet Home


Every part of me wanted to impregnate her, my mating time off. Almost every free minute we had was spent with my cock inside of her, the feeling becoming too addicting at times. Pinning her to the wall, she held up her skirt for me. Taking my cock out of my shorts, she chewed on her lips. My heart skipped a beat, her beauty stealing me away for a moment. Sliding into her, my hand covered her mouth. Every wild buck made her moan into my hand, her dripping turning into a flood. Perhaps this was why dating wasn't permitted. Fucking like she was going to get pregnant made it all so much fun to me, every touch tempting me. Digging her claws into the wall, her tail began to wag. Tugging on the furry thing, her moans grew louder. Spinning me underneath her, her legs curled around my waist. Using her incredible core strength, our hips danced together. Our companions were fast approaching, our speed picking up. Holding her hips down, my hot seed filled her up. Dropping her legs, she covered me while I was putting my cock away. Fixing her hair, Venomera was doing the same. Rattler stupid look matched mine, his hand running through his hair. Acknowledging what just happened with us, his grin grew wider. Arty couldn't stop playing with the hem of her skirt, a deep scarlet coloring her cheeks. So freaking adorable, I thought to myself. Fishing around her boots, she pulled out a small map. Searching around once more, a pencil spun in her fingers. Circling the coordinates, she glanced up at me. Coughing out her embarrassment, none of us were composed.

"Now that some steam has been let out, which route do we take?" She inquired with her real smile, her tail still wagging. "I am counting on you Sage. You used to sneak off all of the time." Pride swelled in my eyes, her request turning me off more. Pinning her ears back, all eyes fell on me. Shuddering from the pressure, I finally understood what she felt twenty four seven. Taking the map from her, all of them were perilous, the short route not being worth it this time. Drawing a line, Venomera raised her left hand. The petite girl trembled in her spot, Arty's energy making it impossible for her to make a suggestion.

"We can go underground while you take the area upstairs. Once you get there, there is a metal door in the back of the farm." She hissed cautiously, Arty's eyes filling with doubt. "It's there. That is how I escaped. Trust me. After that we can free them together. You run on your bike in the opposite direction while Rattler takes them to your magical village. Is that a plan?" Gritting my teeth, her plan was going to kill us. Arty let out a long irritated sigh, her eyebrows twitching irritably. Rattler stepped forward, tossing her a golden coin. Rolling it in her palm, it was the last currency. Bewilderment rounded her eyes, the coin dancing between our fingers. Flashing him a crooked grin, a silent conversation seemed to pass between them. Clearing his throat, he made his point clear.

"Now you owe me money. You have to trust that I will come back for that." He grinned anxiously, Arty pocketing the coin. "Please do this. Those are our friends and they have been through Hell as is." Letting out a strained fine, she cupped her mouth. Coughing up blood, her bruise had flared up. Pushing past the pain, she lifted up her shirt. A fresh bruise had been made over it, silent tears streamed down her cheeks. Venomera moved the rock, Arty climbing onto my bike. When did that happen, fear showed in her expression. Climbing on after her, she sat in front of me. Come to think of it, the kick to her nose sent a wave of power coursing through her body. It was strong enough to knock out her power, so that would explain the new bruise. Starting my bike, she held onto my handles as we rumbled onto the road. Typing in the coordinates, she let me change it as I should. Sitting in awkward silence, new bruises were forming all her skin. Concern dimmed my eyes, a determined expression kept the pain away from her mind. Lowering her mask, she let Mouse update her periodically on the headset to keep it all away. Lowering her hand to her stomach, it must really be killing her. Skidding to a stop in front of a farm, former gang members worked among robots. A knock on the metal door stole my attention, Arty limping over. Opening it, Rattler and Venomera let themselves out. Closing it behind them, they watched their friends working in the field. A fed up Arty tore a hole in the electric fence, the shocks not affecting her. Whistling sharply, the various gang members stood straight up. Standing there dumbly, her patience was wearing thin.

"Now is your escape. Take them to the town, Rattler. Go now!" She commanded with a snarl on her lips, the survivors running under the fence and into the tunnels. Fishing around her boots, she pulled out a miniature welding gun. Waiting for their footsteps to disappear on the other side, she welded the door shut. The hot metal dripped onto the ground, Arty mumbling under her breath.The White Guards stood across from us, her hands spinning her staff over her head. Storm clouds brewed over her head, heavy rain soaking the top of our heads. Digging a hole underneath her, she waited patiently for the hole to fill up. The first one ran up to her, his foot landing in the water, the end of her staff meeting the surface. Electricity jolted his body, a swift swing landed in the next one's chest. Coughing up blood, the damage was growing worse. Flipping to the bike, she knew that she had met her limit. Calling me over, I had one thing to do. Aiming my gun for the metal sign over their heads, each bullet destroyed their support. The metal groaned as it crashed on top of them, my boots splashing through the mud. Pushing the center button, my tires switched to mud tires. Peeling off down the long muddy road, their bikes were stuck in place. Hunched over in pain, she clutched her chest. Riding off into the distance, we rode until the morning sun came over the lush green land. Too tired to drive anymore, I needed rest and Arty needed medical attention. Riding my bike into the forest, a sigh of relief came upon me at the first sight of a cave. A demonic bear paced back and forth, the majestic beast stepping aside for the bike. The engine died down, a worn Arty walking over to the black furred mammal. Kissing it on the head, it licked her cheek. Sliding down the wall, her first words struggled to come out.

"She placed all of her power in that kick. No wonder I am having a hard time." She wheezed, coughing up blood. "I am pretty sure that she broke my ribs again. That ice pack vest would be handy right now. I am going to sleep." Passing out, I shifted around my saddlebags. Pulling out the new medical kit from Wolfston, an ice pack belt rested in my palm. Sitting up Arty, the belt automatically wrapped itself around her stomach. If something reeked like Arty, this certainly did. Pulling out a strong painkiller, I popped it into her mouth. Swallowing it, her sleep became more peaceful. The bear grunted in my face, his snout tickling my cheek. Why was he so intent on getting my attention? On top of that, it bemused me that every demonic animal loved her.

"I can't play now, big fellow. I need to rest for a bit. My hands are sore from holding the handles." I explained gently, his head shaking. Pointing to a fluffy bed, he huffed once more. Laying down cautiously, exhaustion hung heavily on my eyelids. Sweet slumber soon stole me away.

The smell of fish cooking woke me up, the pale moonlight bathed the cave. Sitting up slowly, Arty was cooking a couple of sizable fish. A new patch of black and blue covered her eyes, my heart sinking. Glancing at the front of the cave, the bear chewed on a fresh fish. Munching on some fresh berries, her loving gaze fell on me. A tender blush painted my cheeks, her beauty stole every ounce of breath I had. Underneath the bruises, her gentle nature radiated off of her. One could say that her gorgeousness was effortless, the bear snorting snapping me back to reality.

"I see you woke up. It is okay. I did so just a couple of hours ago." She chirped cheerfully, flashing me her real smile. "I can't wait to get home to take a long bath. How about you? How is your meal, Mr. Bear? I hope I caught a big enough one." Roaring with a smile, the bear padded over. Wandering over to the fire, it felt nice. Shivering in front of the flames, I took off my jacket. Placing it over her, she rested her head on my shoulder. Placing my fish on a rock, she slid it over to me. This reminded me of our family camping trip one summer break after she became the chief.

A slumbering mouse slept on her cot, a seventeen year old Arty laid her head on my scrawny chest. The flames highlighted her beauty, my heart skipping a beat the moment she climbed on top of me. A bit of liquor coursed through her veins, granting her the bravery of bold actions. Cupping my face, her lips pressed against mine hungrily. Time stopped, scarlet burning her cheeks. Rubbing her hands on my chest, a sly grin danced across her lips. Wagging her tail, she guided my hands to her ample breasts. Blushing a deep red, these moments were the ones that made me adore her more.

"Squeeze them for me. Squeeze them hard." She begged adorably, forcing me to. "I am in heat and I need someone to touch me. Please touch me all over. All they said is that you can't penetrate me. Touch me." A fever burned on her cheeks, clammy sweat drenched her skin. Her ears pinned back, my hand rubbing her flat stomach. Did she remember this memory that I was lost in?

"I wish I could put something in here." I admitted sheepishly, her head turning away. "I want to marry you and have a family." Her laughter twinkled in the air, her hand waving that notion away as she hovered over my face. Playing with her tail, she paused for a second. Her words shattered my heart, all of us were orphans in that program.

"You must be joking. No one wants me that way. Can you do me a favor?" She begged with big eyes, stroking her tail. "No one has to know but I need you to get me to cum so I can sleep tonight." Sitting down on my face, my lips wrapped around her swollen clit. Sucking faster each time, her moans became louder and louder. Every cell in me wanted to impregnate her but that would have meant trouble for us both. Holding her by her child bearing hips, she couldn't stop bucking them wildly. Fingers snapping interrupted the moment, reality hitting me in the face.

A concerned Arty stared at me, her fish having been licked clean. Holding her stomach, a loud grumble embarrassed her. Sliding my fish over, she needed the calories more than me. Devouring the fish, she had been so hot that day. The bear grunted to her, her head nodding. Struggling to her feet, she reached out for me. Embracing my waist with all of her love, crimson painted my cheeks. Many nights were spent the same way after that day, no one cluing in until she was arrested. The endless sea of memories of sleeping next to each other since we were little kids played in my mind, the tenderness of her warmth carrying me through the pain.

"We have to go. He said the guards are finally gone." She commented with a bright smile, her thighs rubbing together. "You do know that I can see where your mind thinks at all times. Would you like to do that when we get home? If I am being honest, I was a little drunk the first time. After that, it was all because it felt so freaking amazing. You became the king of foreplay in my mind." Grinning nervously, she pulled me on. How could she not see the beauty of her personality that captivated everyone? Starting my bike, we peeled into the trees. The mud tires made the wet sludge easy to drive through, our bunker a mere ten minutes away. Pulling up, she helped me hide my bike. Pinning me to the wall, her lips kissed mine roughly, her fangs bit my lips. Drinking a bit of my blood, she gulped down with a dreamy expression. Releasing me from her kiss, she moaned lustfully the moment my lips kissed hers hungrily. Running my hands down on her body, my fingers danced up her legs. Sliding my fingers in, the tips of my fingers swirled around her swollen clit. Arching her body towards me, I lifted up her leg. Picking her up, I placed her on the counter. She was so light, her weight was dropping again. What was wrong with her health? Why wasn't she eating?

"Are you eating enough?" I inquired cautiously, her face falling. "Are you okay?" Shrugging her shoulders, she leapt out of my grasp. Opening the hatchet, she climbed down. She wasn't going to avoid the question that easily, the hatchet locking behind me. Rushing in to get our twins, my arms wrapped around her waist. Yanking her back, she folded over my arms. So light, she was so light. When was she going to stop being so stubborn, damn it!

"What does it matter to you!" She snapped hotly, trying to pry off my fingers. "I am eating enough, I keep throwing up." Letting her go, she leaned against the wall. Rubbing the back of her neck, her hand rested on her flat stomach. Her eyes narrowed in my direction, a fever burned on her cheek. The truth rested on the tip of her tongue, a bomb of words stunning me.

"I might be approaching my fucking heat again. I think dying reset it." She mumbled under her breath, twiddling her thumbs. "I didn't want to tell you but you are having issues too. Your sex drive is well beyond mine. I am seven months away but it is giving me hell this time. I am so freaking scared that it will happen sooner." Sobbing into her palms, her ears pinned back. That was a telltale sign that she was stressed. So what if she could be pregnant at any moment, my trembling finger lifting up her chin. Pecking her lips sweetly, her hands dropped to her side. Her wet eyes refused to meet mine, my hands cupping her face. Shaking like a leaf, her fear was unwarranted.

"I don't care when it happens. I will always love you. What are you ashamed about?" I comforted her warmly, clutching her close to my chest. "You don't need to worry with me. I told you I wanted a big family." Mouse cleared her throat, the twins reaching for us. Scooping them up, it hurt to know that Arty was going to get sicker over time. Playing with our kids, my eyes kept falling on her flat stomach. Wolfston pulled me to the side, dragging me to her room. Sitting me down on the cot, a snarl twitched on her lips. Her temper matched Arty's, every desire to fight her burned inside of me.

"I keep smelling a heat coming on Arty. How?" She demanded boldly, her ears pinning back. "I need to know h-" Arty pushed the door open, her eyes flitting between the two of us. Clearing her throat, the twins were playing with her hair. An stern gaze shut any argument down before it began, the day was wearing on her face.

"I died, remember. I recall upon reading those files that the body restarts. Does that make any sense to you?" She explained calmly, wiping the sweat off of her brow. "I am a few months away from all of that madness. I will be fine. I don't care about waiting to have sex this time. I plan on injecting myself with the proper potions to make it happen overnight. I am not going through that hell again. Get going on those and store them in the fridge. That is an order." Exiting the room briskly, our bedroom door slammed shut. Pulling out a couple of formulas, an apologetic smile curled on my lips.

"Take care of her for me. She is looking a little thin." Wolfston growled through gritted teeth, her slender hands pushing me out. "Normally I would say refrain from sexual activity but that isn't going to work this time. The reaper in her is canceling the current problem of having to wait. Be careful." Hovering in the doorway, her worried filled eyes met mine. Not saying anything, her fingers threatened to crush the doorknob. Closing it gingerly, that was my cue to go. Wandering down the hall, Sunny skidded in front of me. Holding her hands behind her back, her arms wrapped around my waist. What brought this on?

"Thank you for training my brother." She blurted out oddly, tears soaking my tank top. "I never said anything until now because you looked so broken. Now that I know he is okay I can relax." Letting me go, my distracted expression must have caught her attention. Not meaning to be dick to her, guilt dimmed my eyes. None of that was my intention, her bangs hiding her eyes.

"Are you okay?" She asked shyly, messing with the hem of her sweatshirt. "You look like you saw a ghost." Snapping back to reality, I massaged the bridge of my nose. Sucking a big breath of musty air, my eyes fell on her eager shining eyes. Internal shock paralyzed my brain at the fact that they all cared about me too.

"Do you remember how Arty died for a few seconds?" I began with a slight frown, her hands crossing. "It restarted everything and it isn't going so well for her. She said her heat is seven months away but I think it is a hell of a lot closer. I am ready for more kids but I don't know if she is. Part of me is wondering if the reaper part of her is speeding things up. Help me out by cheering her up whenever you can. You know, like how she used to when you were a small child. Don't tell Mouse quite yet. Can you do that for me?" Stepping into our room, her arm was draped over the twins. Snores echoed in the air, two snake masks lay by her hands. Neon green diamonds glittered in the light, violet diamonds stole my eyes. Taking the masks, I would do these for her so she can get some rest. Placing the neon green diamonds into the first mask, the process was relaxing. Finishing it up, she still slumbered on the other side of me. Arty could use the rest, her next night bound to be dripping in insomnia. Working on the female one, the process seemed even easier. The door opened, Rattler came in a light green uniform, Venomera wore her violet skirt and sweatshirt with pride. Tossing me Mouse's mask, he sat down on the other side of us. Disappointment dimmed his eyes at the sight of me working on something while she slumbered away.

"I had wanted to thank her for everything." He breathed bitterly, rolling his eyes. "I suppose she should get some sleep before she can't." Wondering what he meant by that, I was halfway done with her mask. Setting it to the side, Arty stirred awake. Rubbing her eyes, she rested her hands on her knees. So much for that, I growled to myself.

"Oh good, you made it back." She sighed thankfully, smiling brightly in his direction. "The uniforms look lovely. Are they comfortable? They are lined with the lightest but strongest armor." Rattler's lips parted to speak, horror rounded his eyes at the sight of her bruises. Waving her hands around, this was her attempt to calm him down.

"I am sorry about all of those." He apologized profusely, handing over her cleaned sweatshirt. "Is there anything I can do for you?" Shrugging her shoulders, their friendship was evident. Arty only acted like that when she liked someone, the openness of her shoulders reminding me of her relationship with Alfred or Tatty. Chuckling lightly to herself, she winced in pain. To her, he was another kid that she had helped. Her gentleness came naturally to her, her heart of gold caring for everyone. The vibe here seemed a bit more than that, almost like they were always meant to be friends.

"I am fine. Mink siphoned her power into that one kick. I will heal in a couple of weeks. Unfortunately since she dealt with the pain, I can't heal it with magic." She promised him warmly, holding the sweatshirt to her chest. "I only care if you are okay, especially you, Veny. Did you get something to eat?" Picking up Veny's mask, I began to place the diamonds in their holes. Finishing up in record time, I set it to the side. Veny walked onto the bed, her hands pressing hers together. Seeing how gentle everyone was with her reminded me of how much they all admired her from her police chief days.

"I think you will be fine when you get pregnant again." She assured her with a quiet grin, the two of them sharing a moment. "I remember how the great police chief helped my people escape to the Badlands. We spoke legends about you. My parents adored you. Thank you for your help." Tears of joy welled up in Arty's eyes, Veny pulling out a stuffed violet snake from her pocket.

"I kept it, hoping to meet my hero one day. Anyone else would have tossed us in jail but not you. You gave us all a second chance." She continued earnestly, wiping away Arty's tears. "At the same time it is nice to see that you are human as the rest of us. You are more than I hoped you could ever be. Keep it up." The door flew open, Tatty flew over them all. Knocking Veny out of the way, her arms curled around Arty's neck. Veny took the hint, Rattler helping her off the bed. Comforting Tatty, her bat ears bounced with excitement. Chatting pleasantly, I knew everything was going to be okay. Pressing my palms together, I prayed to our Lord to continue helping us out.