
The Rise of the Dark Lord

Benjamin is hunted by the same dream every night. He's always in the dark without a physical body. Little does he know the real darkness is approaching his world at an alarming rate. Can he and his friends stop this approaching darkness and save their world. For the sake of my wellbeing, I hope that do. (Please comment on what needs improving)

Crazy_wild_gamer · ファンタジー
50 Chs

Strange Visitors

Benjamin and Corey had just finished evacuating the high school when they heard an explosion behind them. Quickly snapping around they saw.

Nothing. Turning back around they found Isaiah running towards them.

They stopped him and Benjamin asked," Isaiah where are you heading and where's Xavier." "Xavier's evacuating the primary school," Isaiah quickly replied. "I'm heading down to my lab to find something to seal that crack before anything else can get through," he continued.

Isaiah then continued running off to his lab. "Weird ass," Benjamin murmured. Turning to Corey he asked, "What's next?" Corey replied, "I don't know." While they contemplated their next move, the space around them began to twist and distort.

It fractured into pieces before their very eyes. They looked around confused. Through one of the fractals stepped out a figure in a blue-gray coat.

It was Jackie. She stepped smiling in an eerie fashion.

Benjamin looked dumbfounded, but somehow, he knew it wasn't her. She spoke in a calm tone, "Benjamin, Corey." She then proceeded to lunge at Benjamin and, in one swift motion, knock him out cold.

She picked up Benjamin's limp body and threw it up where it was picked up by a tractor beam. As Benjamin's body was being lifted, Corey shook himself out of his stupor.

He opened a portal that brought Benjamin's body back to ground level. Seeing this, Jackie then threw hundreds of glass fragments at Corey that cut him up. Corey created two clones of himself and yelled, "Attack formation!" The three of them flanked Jackie and lunged.

She dispatched them with one fluid motion. She caught Corey by the neck and hurled him into the high school. Corey tried to get up.

Before he could, however, Jackie slapped him through the remainder of the school where he crashed into a tree and didn't get back up. Jackie said to herself, "And to think Lord Beezlebub thought you were a threat."

    Velena walked towards the military installment in Paxville. On the way there they noticed a red fleshy growth on a plant near the edge of the road. Upon reaching the military installment, they found that no one was there. "We need to move on to the next town," Jackie urged.

"Yeah," Velena responded. In the shadows, in the corner of the room, something moved.

The Kitsune following Jackie suddenly turned spikey, as though reacting to some kind of danger. Seeing this Velena readied her ax.

Out of the shadows stepped a person. Except, it wasn't quite human. It was a red rubbery-looking being that had taken on the crude form of a human. The second it saw them witness deformed eye however, it lunged forward.

Jackie immediately cut it down with her weapon. Instead of dying,g however, it simply split into two which both screamed and lunged for them.

They were holding these two off when fifteen more stepped out of the shadows. They were quickly overwhelmed. Velena yelled, "Run!!!" as loud as he could. But it was too late.

Before either of them could make a move the creatures were on them. Velena tried to control them but found that he couldn't.

What the heck?!? He thought. But he was cut off halfway through when one of the creatures hit her in the gut.

He was launched outside and onto the roof. Jackie tried to follow but was knocked away, her head slamming into a light pole where she crumpled to the ground and moved no more.

The ball of liquid following her splashed to the ground. Velena, seeing this, was enraged. He summoned his strength and summoned a vine to knock the monsters back.

However, she found that the vine was infected with the red substance. In an instant, It knocked her away from where she hit the ground and didn't get back up. From a distant hilltop, a figure clad in a gray robe smiled and talked into a comm.

"I've neutralized two of them and secured the city's perimeter." "I'll be heading to the rendezvous point." The figure gazed down at their foe one last time before turning to join the others.

    Xavier was running back to the high school when he saw the carnage before him. Jackie hadn't moved at all. She stood there, smiling.

Her head turned 180 degrees towards Xavier and said, "Don't you love seeing realities burn?" Xavier didn't know what to think. Behind Jackie however, Isaiah was rising from his lab.

Creeping towards Jackie he sent a wave of antimatter towards Jackie. The second it touched her a huge amount of energy was released and she disappeared.

Isaiah ran over to Xavier and asked, "What the heck was that thing?" "No idea," Xavier replied. They ran over to Corey and Benjamin checking their pulses. "They're still alive," Isaiah said, relieved. "The good news is, I have the device to seal the crack," he continued.

Someone was listening to them, however. A figure dressed in a red cloak stepped into the light. It said, "Sorry pal, but no one is stopping this invasion." With a snap of its fingers, the technology Isaiah had been carrying was annihilated.

The resulting blast blew both Isaiah and Xavier back. Isaiah, furious, blasted antimatter at the figure. The figure absorbed every blast. It then sent a massive blast of antimatter at Isaiah. Isaiah was able to hold his ground but before he could do anything the figure appeared behind him, punching him in the back.

Isaiah then lost his bearings taking the entire brunt of the blast. The figure then threw him up and punched him in the gut sending him flying through the air. He crashed through the trees in the forest knocking them out of the way. The cloaked figure then appeared above him blasting him into the ground with an energy blast.

All Xavier could do was watch in horror. He then strengthened his resolve and strategically placed several barriers to stand on so he could reach the figure. The figure saw this and teleported behind Xavier. "Nothing personal, kid," it said with a grin. Xavier was blasted to the ground. The figure spat on the ground and muttered, "Pathetic," before flying off.

    Miles usually didn't hang around for a very long time. He was on his way home when he saw the machine coming through the crack in the sky.

He was running when he saw several meteors fall to the ground. While running he calmed himself down by thinking about how everyone else could handle the situation.

That was until he was stopped by the figure in the orange cloak. "My name is Alphaeus," he said. "I hate to be a bother, but I think you should turn around," he continued.

Miles replied, "What's going on here, tell me!" Alphaeus smiled. "All you need to do is turn around and we can forget about all this," he said. Miles scanned Alphaeus. Realizing that his powers were similar to Evan's, he prepared for a fight. All he needed to do was touch him. Miles lunged and Alphaeus dodged.

But something was wrong. Miles had moved forward instantly. Alphaeus was behind Miles. Before Miles could react Alphaeus had punched him in the gut, knocking him back several yards. Miles grinned. He suddenly stopped time.

He then lunged for Alphaeus but he parried Mile's attack with his sword. Of course, he can move in stopped time, Miles thought.

He was running out of time. But before he could rethink his strategy Alphaeus lunged forward striking Miles in the leg with his sword. Alphaeus then flipped Miles up and kicked him in the gut. Miles was sent flying but was able to regain his footing.

Unfortunately, this didn't help him. Alphaeus moved swiftly and punched Miles in the temple, knocking him out instantly. "I'm glad you didn't leave," Alphaeus chirped. "That was a lot more fun than what those other two gave me."

Alphaeus realized that Miles was out cold. He kicked over his body and set down a charge. "I hope you survive at least," He said. He then walked away with a little skip in his step.