
The Rise of Quetzalcoatl

Check out my other novels - |Arpious of the Planes| |My Ares System| |Warlock of Wisdom: My Odin System| -- Same Universe - |Arpious of the Planes| ------------------------------------------------------------------- 3/21/25, in other words, it was March the 21st, 2025. Humanities technology advanced exponentially throughout the years. The only thing that they hadn't focused on for a while was space. The endless abyss that they call space was still unknown to them. Once they colonized their solar system, they thought it wasn't enough. They sent a search party out of their solar system but soon lost contact. Not long after, Earth lost contact with all of the other planets. Then a huge earthquake shook the earth itself and then portals opened up around the world. Soon monsters came out ravaging and flattening cities. Only a brave group of humans entered the portals which they then found multiple discoveries on the other side. They found stones that gave them different abilities and monsters a different world with a boss that lets them exit the portal, which was soon called dungeons. Those 6 friends were then later on called the 6 Primordial Braves. With the news of this, countries all over the world sent in people to retrieve stones, and then they would crush them, granting them abilities. They would then go back in to retrieve more and hand them out to the public. 500 years passed... This isn't the story of a hero. It's the story of a weak girl who was ridiculed and bullied every day because of her low status. And due to her cowardly nature, she was unable to fight back, making more people pick on her. While she was laying in an alleyway, with bruises and cuts all over her body, she saw a green, semi-see-through panel that appeared in front of her. It was like a notification you would see in the VR games from 400 years back. The green panel had a black text that said... [Would you like to become an Ancient Being?] ------------------------------------------------------------------- !Spoiler Below! . . . At the beginning of the novel, there will be a lot of going back and forth between the MC's personality. Plus, most of the problems, in the beginning, will be centered around herself. Also, at the beginning of the novel, there is an act of short and sweet revenge that lingers just a bit longer through the story, but this novel is not revenge-based. The Yuri aspect won't be as heavily used compared to my first novel. The girlfriend is mainly used to help the MC get through the mental box and distorted feelings that the MC has to suffer through at the beginning of the novel. You might dislike the characters that I made Lucy's friends, but I promise you'll change your mind later on. I think... Okay, that should be it! Phew... that was tiring. Time to drink my fourth cup of coffee today... ------------------------------------------------------------------- 500 Power Stones by the weekend = 1 extra chapter 750 Power Stones by the weekend = 2 extra chapters -- Twitter - @equuipwebnovel Discord - equuip#6686 -- paypal.me/AuthorEquuip Any money you send will help me hire people to create new covers for my novels. -- Cover is not mine. If the owner wants it removed, plz contact me through discord (Rarely check twitter). Source- https://www.deviantart.com/aoiogataartist/journal/Aoi-Ogata-PAYPAL-Commission-OPEN-828543085

equuip · ファンタジー
657 Chs

Trust Issues

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[5 XP gained]


"*sigh* I need food and a change of clothes. Maybe I should get some pajamas,"

I turn around and see the portal gone, so I snap my fingers causing the skeleton snakes to disappear including the ones wrapped around my body.


[HP: 28/28 MP: 28/28 SP: 13/13] - Average

When I checked my status I saw that my MP had returned when I un-summoned the skeleton snakes.

That's convenient.

Since I was starving, I make my way to a restaurant soaked from head to toe while avoiding anybody who looked like they could be from my school.

I also pulled out my bank phone from my inventory and checked the amount of money and saw 698,500 US dollars. I didn't have as big a reaction as last time since I already calculated the amount I would receive. You just add another 0 at the end of the amount of gold you have.

"Should I buy Transaction Gold? I feel like gold wouldn't be worth it if I can run another dungeon about 3-4 more times and have enough for black," I mutter to myself while seeing a fancy restaurant in the distance.

If it was a fancy restaurant they should have receptionists that use an ability related to wind. They hired these types of power users since on rainy days, some people come in soaked from head to toe, which they then use the wind to help dry them off.

I finish pushing my way through the revolving door and saw a massive grand restaurant. Everything was made from gold while chandeliers made from diamonds hung from the ceiling.

"Excuse me ma'am but would you like me to dry you off?" asks one of the receptionists.

It was a tall handsome man with straight black hair. He was wearing a luxurious tuxedo that fit him perfectly.

"Yes please,"

He holds out his hand and a powerful gust drys my clothes instantly.

"Are you waiting for your mom and dad?" he asks me.

"I'll just have a table for 1," I say, ignoring his question.

"A-as you wish," the receptionist replies, thinking that he hit a sensitive spot… which he did.

I've barely gotten over my mother's death and won't be able to until I kill James. I was barely suppressing my bloodlust from leaking out.

I took a deep breath in and out allowing myself to calm down as I waited for a table. Many of the rich men and women were staring at me in disgust due to my clothing. All of them were wearing fancy jewelry with grand dresses and suits that flaunted their wealth.

I ignored them of course until a waiter came to take me to a table.

He gestured for me to sit down at a table next to the window. I sat down on one of the chairs as he hands me a menu.

"I'll take the wagyu steak with… fires, potatoes, and a salad. Just get me water and cola for my drink," I say while handing the menu back to him.

"A-are you sure you can afford it," stutters the waiter, with a fake smile.


"Why the fuck would I order something I can't pay for," I say annoyed.

I'm never coming to a fancy restaurant again. Maybe if I changed into fancy clothes, but these current clothes are much more comfortable.

The waiter quickly bows apologetically before scampering off. The customers that looked at me with disgust, quickly snapped their heads away as they felt an unknown pressure claw at their shoulders.

"Just hover your bank phone over the tablet and press 'yes'," says the waiter.

I complied and pressed yes, paying for the 245 dollars worth of food. I was currently stuffed to the brim and wanted to get some pajamas before going to sleep.

"Please come again dear customer," says the waiter as I leave the restaurant.

I was currently in the pajama section in the same clothing store that I bought my current clothes in. None of them looked comfortable besides some of the onesies that I saw. They were cute and the material they were made of, was pretty high quality as well.

The rain outside calmed down so I was only slightly wet from the drizzle.

I made up my mind and decided to pick the penguin, cat, and dolphin. I placed them on the counter and paid for them. It was about 20 dollars per onesie which seems… pretty good if you go off of the design and materials.

The cashier proceeds to fold them up nicely before slipping them into the same bag as before. I happily received it and practically skipped my way out of the store. I was excited since I never had the chance to sleep in comfortable pajamas.

I soon arrived at my apartment which was about a 20-minute walk from my school.

I ignored the receptionists who bowed towards me as I walked into the elevator. I opened up my inventory but did it inside the pocket of my hoodie so it looked like I pulled my key card from my pocket.

I looked out the glass backside of the elevator, which let you see the entirety of New York… or at least the wealthy part.

I gazed at the starry sky which seemed to reflect the number of lights that were still on below me.

"No wonder it's called the 'city that never sleeps',"

It was a long ass ride up due to the number of floors in the apartment. It even stopped once to let, what looked to be a businessman in. I just stepped to the side and closed my eyes until I arrived at my floor.


I opened my eyes once I heard the elevator stop and stepped out, ignoring the businessman who seemed to be in a rush for something.

The maids and butlers all bowed towards me as I scanned my keycard and entered my room. The ceramic door shut behind me and I could hear it click, notifying me of its locking. I placed the bag on the coffee table and took out the penguin onesie.

I took off all my clothes and threw them to the corner of the room. Then I walked to the bathroom bare naked and saw how massive the bathroom was. It was about double the size of my previous bedroom. I opened up the curved glass door for the shower and turned on the hot water. Even when I turned it up, it was barely lukewarm. I just concluded it was due to my skill and decided not to complain about the apartment complex.

It felt nice to take a shower. I rarely got to take a shower at home and when I did it was with mom. She would always help wash my hair since I always came home with dirt in my hair from getting knocked down to the ground so many times.

Reminiscing about my mom I felt tears well up in my eyes but tried to shake them away. I'm trying to move on but that will only be fully possible once I kill, no… slaughter James.

I'm going to school tomorrow and I need to decide if I want to show my abilities, part of my abilities, or none. The best bet would be to hide it for now since nobody has ever heard of a power stone that grants rainbow flames.

Necromancy was already a thing but it was very rare. I heard most of the dungeon runners that use it are getting old and senile. Nobody has found another one related to necromancy for a long time so I should keep silent about this skill as well.

Friends for support is impossible. I have severe trust issues that won't allow me to get close to anybody. If I end up getting "close" to somebody, I will be monitoring them at all times for me to be slightly relaxed. Paranoia fills my mind of getting backstabbed, which happened every time.

The friends I made either started getting bullied so they gave me up in return for their safety or bullies will pretend to be my friend and once I get comfortable and happy, they crush that feeling instantly. They happily watched me fall into despair every time they beat me down.

I was clenching my fist so hard that blood started to drip down into the drain.


"Anybody who threatens my life or safety will die," I mutter while slowly unclenching my fist.

I start to scrub myself with soap until I smelled nice and left my skin completely spotless. It was much smoother and a bit paler than before. My hair had also become much silkier and whiter.

To sum it up, my body was close to that of a model, if you exclude my assets.

I finished washing all the soap off my body and turned off the water. A towel was already hanging on the wall so I picked it up and started drying myself off. At least I wasn't cold once I stepped out of the shower.

Once I finished drying myself, I saw some skincare products displayed neatly on the sink, but I felt like I didn't need anything besides the lotion. I carefully applied the milky lotion on my skin and then changed into my penguin onesie.

Before I walked up to my bedroom, I threw my clothes into the washer that was right in front of the bathroom. It had an unlimited supply of cleaning liquid that it draws from a tank at the bottom of the apartment, so I didn't have to pour anything in. I just had to select the amount of washing it needed.

I picked the normal setting and let it run. Once it was done, it would automatically set itself to dryer mode. Your clothes would then be fresh and clean by the time you wake up.

Once I pressed the run button, I turned off all the lights and walked upstairs into my massive bedroom. It was fully decked out with plants, technology, and of course the massive king-sized bed in the middle of the room.

I set my alarm for 6 in the morning since my first period starts at 9. I then crawled into bed and wrapped myself in the warm blankets after turning off the lights.

"The apartment pulls the required amount from my Transaction account so that isn't a problem. Now I just need to get a normal phone, some more clothes, look at the rewards from the dungeon, and… kill James. I need a plan but *yawn* I'm too sleepy. This bed is too… warm…" I whisper before falling asleep.

I'm sleepy as well... time to take a nap...

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