
A New World

In the realm of our dreams, where imagination dances with reality, there lies a longing shared by many—a yearning for adventure beyond the confines of our mundane existence. It is within this yearning that our story begins, where the fabric of reality is torn asunder, and our protagonist finds himself thrust into the heart of an extraordinary journey.

First POV

"Where... where am I?" A groggy, youthful voice echoed in the air.

Slowly, he opened his eyes, greeted by unfamiliar surroundings.

"Where... is this?" The boy attempted to sit up, but overwhelming fatigue weighed him down. With great effort, he rose from the bed.

Before him lay a rather luxurious bedroom, adorned with intricate decorations, and a grand bed at its center.

confusion visible in the boys eyes as he began to recall the situation that he was currently facing. Suddenly a huge Influx of memories came in the mind of young boy

The boy's name is Vergil Winchester, the noble son of Baron William Winchester and Martha Winchester. His father holds the title of Baron in the Kingdom of Ardentia, a vast empire ruled by the Imperial House of Adrentia, known for its long and ancient history.

The Empire encompasses diverse regions, each with its own unique resources and landscapes. Vergil's father's barony lies in a border region of the empire, characterized by its scarcity of natural resources except for a small mine. However, this mine holds significant importance as it is the primary source of income for the barony.

The mine is rich in mana stones, a type of stone highly coveted by magicians. In this world, magic and swordsmanship coexist, each harnessing a different form of energy. Mana, derived from the blue star, fuels the spells and abilities of magicians, while prana, also known as aura, empowers swordsmen in their combat

Each of the magicians and swordsman are divided into many Levels. The Magicians can be divided into Tier 1 to Tier 12 

Tier 0 (Apprentice Mage)

Tier 1 - Tier 3 (Junior Mage)

Tier 4 - Tier 6 (High Mage)

Tier 7 - Tier 9 (Grandmaster Mage)

Tier 10 - Tier 12 (Legendary Mage)

Each Tier is further divided into Initial Intermediate Advanced levels.

As for swordsman the are also divided into 12 stars instead of tiers

0 star (apprentice swordsman)

1star - 3 stars (Junior Swordsman

4 stars - 6 stars (High Swordsman) 

7 stars - 9 stars (Grandmaster Swordsman)

10 stars - 12 stars (Legendary Swordsman)

Each Star is further divided into Initial Intermediate Advanced levels.

At the age of 12 in this world, individuals typically awaken as either magicians or swordsmen, each displaying varying levels of aptitude. Over the years, numerous methods have been developed to measure a person's affinity for a particular element or property. These assessments reveal the unique talents possessed by each individual, which correspond to their potential future levels of mastery.

Vergil, our protagonist, awakened as a magician at the age of 12, showcasing a rare talent for the space element—a gift possessed by only one in a million. However, despite this exceptional ability, Vergil faced an unusual challenge: he was unable to absorb mana from the air. As a result, at the age of 14, while most children would have already progressed to the level of a junior mage, Vergil remained at Tier 0, struggling to harness his latent powers.

Vergil POV

"Uhh... My head... what a cliché situation," Vergil mused, his mind swimming with fragmented memories.

"So, basically, this boy collapsed under a lot of pressure, allowing my memories to awaken," he said to himself as he attempted to rise, shakily making his way toward the mirror.

In the mirror, Vergil saw a young, handsome boy with a pale complexion, adorned with lush silver hair tinged with hints of purple. His eyes, a captivating gem-like violet, gazed back at him. Despite his striking appearance, Vergil noted the slight thinness of his body, likely a result of neglecting his health.

"Well, this body is slightly weak, but still very handsome... But in this world without power, what's the use of this appearance? What a troublesome situation," Vergil pondered, his reflection staring back at him from the mirror.

"From this day forward, I am Vergil Winchester," he declared, a newfound clarity settling in his mind.

"But still, what should be done about my situation?" Vergil mused, contemplating his inability to absorb mana.

Seated cross-legged on the bed, Vergil began to focus, sensing the ambient energy in the air. He could discern two distinct types of energies, likely mana and prana. With determination, he attempted to absorb mana, but to his frustration, it seemed to vanish inside his body without any effect.

He tried continuously but still no effect it has no effect on his body whatsoever just at the same time a knock was heard on the door

Third person POV

A soft knock echoed through the room, drawing Vergil out of his meditation.

"Knock, knock."

"Who is it?" Vergil inquired, his voice betraying a hint of curiosity as he emerged from his contemplative state.

"Young Master Vergil, it's me, May," came the response from behind the door, identifying the maid who attended to his needs.

"Come in," Vergil granted permission, awaiting her entrance.

The door swung open, revealing May, a mature woman dressed in the traditional attire of a maid, her long black hair contrasting with the black and white shades of her clothing. As her eyes fell upon Vergil, a faint furrow creased her brow.

"Young Master, what are you doing out of bed? You know your condition hasn't been well," she scolded gently, concern evident in her voice.

"I am fine, May, just feeling a little cramped... What brings you here?" Vergil responded, attempting to downplay any worries May might have had.

May approached Vergil, bowing respectfully before addressing him.

"Young Master, it's dinner time. The Master and Madam are waiting for you at the dining hall," she informed him with a gentle tone.

Vergil raised an eyebrow, feeling a twinge of nervousness at the prospect of dining with his new parents. Nevertheless, he nodded in acknowledgment and slowly rose from the bed.

With May's assistance, Vergil changed his clothes, feeling a bit awkward at the intimacy of the moment. However, as time passed, he grew accustomed to the routine, donning a decent suit that befitted the occasion. With a deep breath, he mentally prepared himself to join his newfound parents for dinner in this unfamiliar world.


Hello there, readers. Thank you for embarking on this journey into a magical world with Vergil. As a new author penning my first book, I humbly request your feedback and support. Your comments and likes mean the world to me. They inspire me to keep refining this story, aiming to make it even better with each chapter.

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