
Chapter 27: Tio.

"Tio. I ask you again, are you sure you want to leave the village and go out to investigate by yourself? You know more than anyone else what the beings outside are like, don't you?" a voice worthy of a serious-looking man echoed in the room.

"Yes, grandfather. I've already decided on this on my own. I'm sure I'll be able to find what I'm looking for on the outside." Affirmed the girl called Tio with a firm expression.

"But, princess! We can't let you go out into the outside world alone! Please, princess. Let one of us accompany you-".

"That's enough." The man who turned out to be Tio's grandfather interrupted the middle-aged man who had bluish hair.

"But boss!"

"I, too, am concerned for my granddaughter's safety" spoke the girl's grandfather, and before the blue-haired man or any other being present could complain, he continued, "I know my granddaughter well. She is a noble and kind princess, but above all, she is a wise Dragoness. She is not one to be easily fooled by people. Besides, like a grandfather's job, all I can do is respect her decisions."

The man ignored the others present who could not find words to refute him and, turned to his granddaughter. It was amazing how he went from a regal man to an old man whose face was filled with a kind and loving smile as he looked at his granddaughter.

"Tio. I understand your feeling of responsibility for going to investigate and find the source of power that had been unleashed on this world. But I want you to know that your safety is more important than anything. You stay safe and make your parents happy, okay?"

"Grandfather... By the pride of a Dragon man, I can say with certainty that I will fulfill my purposes." Tio nodded as her golden eyes shone with determination.

Her grandfather only let out a sigh and nodded.

"Very well," the old man paused for a moment and looked at the other men seated at the table inside the room.

"One of us had a duty to leave in a few months to investigate the heroes who set foot on this world, however, something unforeseen happened yesterday, so we have no choice but to speed up the investigation process. With all this, Tio has decided to go out to investigate on her own, any complaints about that?". Explained the man in a stern voice as his gaze swept over the figure of everyone present.

"We have no complaints, boss!" they uttered in unison.

What a joke! They knew very well that the boss they were referring to was not asking for their opinion, he was simply stating facts that could not be excused. After all, Tio's grandfather had said earlier that no one had a chance to complain about his granddaughter's decision.

Seeing that no one had said anything to complain about, the old man nodded with satisfaction and looked at his granddaughter again.

"The preparations for your departure are ready. We just need to clear things up with the public, and you'll be free."

Tio sketched a nice smile as she nodded to her grandfather.

"I thank you, Grandpa," she paused for a moment and looked at the faces of everyone present: "Also to you, who have always dedicated your time to me. I will do my best to find a way until our long-awaited moment arrives."

After a few chats, everyone left the rooms, except for the beautiful girl who was seated.

She looked up at the ceiling of the room and clenched her small fists tightly, causing her knuckles to thunder against each other.

"Dragons never stop until they achieve their goals..."


Inside the castle where the banquet was held earlier, everyone was rooted in their same positions, except for three beings; two beautiful girls and a cute little bunny on top of one of them.

A few seconds ago, the terrifying pressure along with the trembling of the world had disappeared as if nothing had happened.

So it was only natural that a sepulchral silence settled inside the room, where only the sound of the small cracks in the walls still rang out.

Yue looked impatiently to the far east, where she had sensed Nader's aura growing at an astronomical rate. She wasn't worried about his safety, after all, to her, Nader was an existence that could not be defeated by his enemies.

But still, she couldn't stop her little heart from growing anxious. She longed to see her beloved near her again as he caressed her. As for the little insecurity and fear she felt that Nader would abandon her, it had already faded completely.

After all, wasn't she doubting Nader's love for her when she thought like that? Therefore, her determination was firm.

While Yue still maintained that majestic aura that surrounded her since she was queen and could make anyone feel inferior to her, this had not affected Shizuku, who at all times watched her silently.

So she could easily glimpse the worry and anxiety in the eyes of the stoic girl before her.

With a small smile, Shizuku took a step closer and placed her hand on Yue's small shoulder, causing Yue to turn and look at her as if to say, "What do you want?"

"You love him very much, don't you? I'm glad he had someone like you who cares deeply about him" she paused and looked to where Nader had disappeared.

Even though Shizuku had only met her a few minutes ago, it was enough to observe her. Just by observing Yue's behavior and the way Yue had difficulty expressing herself, Shizuku concluded that Yue had a past full of thorns, a past similar to Nader's.

"You know, when I first came to this world and saw him, I thought how pitiful he looked. He looked like nothing more than an empty shell that desperately needed someone to fill his insides. However, when I saw him again, being this day, that depressing aura surrounding him had completely disappeared. Which meant that he had been able to find the person he needed in his life."

Yue just looked at her silently, not letting out any words. However, inwardly, she was slightly surprised that Shizuku was actually concerned about Nader.

Although she was a little jealous that another girl had taken notice of Nader, it didn't take away from the fact that she was glad that her beloved had another person who sincerely cared about his well-being.

This was something she, more than anyone else in the world, wished for from the bottom of her heart. She wished for Nader to be surrounded by people who would bring her happiness and love, just as Nader filled her with happiness and love every day.

For that very reason, she suppressed the jealousy in her heart and looked into Shizuku's eyes.

"Mmm... Shizuku, don't think that by telling me that, I'm going to let you be with Nader...".


Shizuku tilted her head slightly, confused, not knowing where the incomprehensible words that had come out of Yue's mouth had come from.

She had simply said that she was happy for Nader that he had a girl like Yue accompanying him, but here was Yue, saying words to her that made no sense to her at all.

This was because Shizuku could be considered someone a bit dense on the subject of love, or rather, she often tried to hide her true feelings under a mask of seriousness, so she couldn't instantly pick up on Yue's word.

However, she couldn't go far to look for the true meaning when suddenly a blurry silhouette materialized about ten meters away from where they were standing.

The eyes of the two girls were naturally drawn to the newly emerged figure. It was a handsome young man with a charming smile plastered on his face as he stared at them with his crescent-shaped eyes.

On the other hand, while the two girls thought he was a beautiful angel-like being, the people who were still under Yue's pressure thought Nader looked like the devil himself, obviously, not everyone thought so.

"Nader!" Yue's eyes shone with pure happiness as she started running towards Nader with her arm outstretched towards him.

She didn't mind her friend's shout as she fell backward, only to stop between Shizuku's two smooth mountains.

Both Shizuku and Yuki stood rigid with fear, almost as if they had forgotten how to move.

The first was for fear that the little white ball buried inside her breasts would be scared away from her by any movement she provoked. While the other out of fear that Shizuku would suddenly pounce on her.

As the two pairs of eyes fixed firmly on each other, Nader watched the girl whose stoic face was extremely cute and the pink hearts floating above her head only increased Nader's desire to squeeze her tightly in his embrace.

At this, Nader let out a giggle and teleported in front of her before grabbing her around the waist and having her wrap her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist.

She looked at him for a few seconds before burying her face in Nader's neck, which held her by her small buttocks.

"You took long enough..." she murmured and kissed his white neck as she left some hickey marks on him.

"Oh, have you missed me so much that you didn't realize it's only been a few minutes?"

Yue retracted her face and looked straight into Nader's eyes, and without caring about the gaze of the audience, she said, "Nader.... kiss me."

"Mm? Why would I do that?" Nader lightly teased her with a smile on his face.

And before Yue grumbled, Nader crushed her soft, firm lips with his as he invaded her small mouth in search of Yue's sticky tongue.

Yue, starved for attention, purred in bliss with wide eyes, watching her being kissed by the most perfect work. Her small hands found themselves combing through Nader's white hair before curiously touching the golden diamond-shaped symbol carved into her beloved's forehead.

Leaving her curiosity for another time, she immersed herself completely in the pleasure of the kiss. The sound of her moist lips traveled and reached the ears of everyone present, making them extremely uncomfortable.


The sudden, feigned dry cough, brought the two lovebirds out of their little worlds before their gazes landed on the familiar figure.

"Hi, Shizuku, how have you been?" Nader greeted her with a carefree smile.

"I can't really complain, things are flowing pretty well." She replied with a shrug as she walked towards them.

Her cheeks had a slight reddish tinge to them, which, with her serious expression, greatly increased her charm to anyone who saw her. As for Yuki...

She was letting out pitiful squeals in Shizuku's arms. Her little head was buried inside the two meat marshmallows.

"Oh, really...?" asked Nader with a raised eyebrow.

Every time his gaze landed on those present, it made their bodies shudder. However, in that brief moment, he was able to realize a few things.

"So that happened..." muttered Nader as he set the golden vampire down. Her cheeks were slightly puffed out in a cute pout.

When Shizuku arrived in front of him, she looked at him shyly before turning her face to the side and muttering, "Nader, can you help me deactivate this barrier?".

Nader held back the laughter that almost escaped his mouth at seeing her act like this and nodded towards her, "Concentrate on the necklace. That way, your mental strength will enter it and deactivate it."

Shizuku nodded in realization and closed her eyes to try to deactivate the barrier.

Meanwhile, Nader stroked Yue's head and looked at the King and the heroes before saying, "I have a couple of things to take care of. Wait for me for a few minutes, and we can go."

Which girl do you want to join his harem, Tio Klarus or Shea?

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