
The Revenge of Rana يؤيؤن ㅛㄴㅎㄴㅓㄷㅗㅑㅇㅓ

Mature Content 21+. Please be wise! Kirana must swallow bitterness when Adrian, her fiancé, betrays her love. Adrian married another woman while she was pregnant. Not only did Adrian betray him, but Adrian's family cheated and seized Kirana's family-owned company. Kirana's father even died because he could not accept that reality. Not quite there, the mother even suffered from depression. Kirana was desperate. Her world collapsed until someone came to lead him to get back up and prepare to demand revenge. However, can Kirana settle her revenge? When love comes back, it grows even wilder.

Yuanda9 · 都市
24 Chs

20. Fly Together

Zayn turned to Kirana, who was looking at him, "You want me to sleep with you?"

"Eh ... I mean, you won't be comfortable sleeping on that short sofa. We can share a bed. This bed is expansive," Kirana replied, slightly embarrassed, afraid that Zayn would think differently with her good intentions.

"It's okay. I sleep here. This is enough for me," said Zayn, patting the sofa.

"I'm afraid your body will hurt because you must continue curling up while you sleep. That's fine if you don't want to," said Kirana. She adjusted the pillow and prepared to take a blanket to cover her body from the cold.

But a moment later, Zayn jumped on the bed and said, "The air is cold. We can't possibly split this blanket in two. Let's sleep together!" he said, pulling the blanket that Kirana was holding.

Kirana stared blankly at Zayn, who was beside her. "O-oh yes," she said. She lay down next to Zayn, who had already laid down first. "Have a good night's sleep!" said Kirana.

"Hmm... Have a good night's sleep!" Zayn said, closing his eyes.

The atmosphere became silent. Kirana could not close her eyes. She still feels guilty remembering what she had done with Adrian. She does not deny that she enjoyed the intimate relationship.

Kirana's stomach suddenly felt sore from hunger. She just realized she hadn't eaten since this afternoon. But it's very late at night, she thought.

The sound heard the sound of Kirana's stomach in a quiet room. She attempted to close her eyes to get rid of her hunger.

"Are you hungry?" Zayn asked, glancing at Kirana. The woman did not answer.

Zayn asked again, "If you're hungry, let's find something to eat. There are still plenty of places to eat outside! Or do you want me to order something for you?"

"This must be because my baby is starving! This baby doesn't understand if it's late at night," Kirana said with embarrassment.

Zayn smiled as he pushed the blanket away, then got up, "So what do you want to eat? I'll order for you."

"Fried rice is enough," Kirana replied.

"Only that?" Zayn asked again, followed by Kirana's nod.

It only took about twenty-five minutes for the order to arrive. Adrian ordered fried rice and a glass of warm milk for Kirana. Kirana ate so voraciously that Zayn, who saw Kirana eat, was a little worried that Kirana would choke.

"How long have you not eaten?" Zayn asked.

"The last time I ate was during break time at work," Kirana replied, continuing to chew her food. Zayn couldn't help but think of Adrian, who took Kirana without feeding her.

After finishing her meal, Kirana immediately fell asleep soundly. Zayn looked at Kirana before he fell asleep. His hand rubbed Kirana's hair, covered part of the woman's face, then covered Kirana with the blanket.

All night, Sintia was confused by her husband's attitude, plus until the morning, there was no sign of her husband coming home. She decided to go to Adrian's office to meet him. Maybe Adrian went straight to the office, thought Sintia.

By noon, Adrian had just arrived at the office. At some point, his face looked bruised, becoming the center of attention for several employees who happened to pass by him. However, Adrian wasn't concerned about their strange stares. He opened his cell phone to call Kirana.

He entered his room without realizing the presence of Sintia, who was already in Adrian's room. Not getting a response from Kirana, Adrian cursed harshly, "Damn, Zayn! Where did you take Kirana?"

Sintia, who was already sitting behind the work, said. "Kirana?"

Adrian looked surprised, not expecting that Sintia was already there, and heard his curse.

"Did you not come home last night because you were busy looking for that woman?" asked Sintia, getting up to approach Adrian. "And what's with your face? Did you fight that man named Zayn for that damn woman?" continued Sintia in a rising tone.

Adrian didn't answer his wife's question. Instead, he sat down on the sofa, "What are you doing here?"

"I wanted to meet you and ask. Why didn't you pick up my phone last night and didn't come home?"

Adrian was confused about what to answer. There was no way he could tell Sintia the truth. "I was just drinking at the club with some friends there, then there was a dispute with some rioters at the club," said Adrian.

"Don't lie, Adrian! Then why were you looking for your ex-fiancé?"

"I'm looking for her because he's alone now. After what happened to her mother, it's just a feeling of concern for a friend."

"You care so much for her. You still love her, Adrian?" asked Sintia with a sharp look at her husband.

"If I love her, I can't marry you, Sintia. It's enough. You ask too many questions like a journalist!"

Even though Sintia doesn't fully believe what Adrian says, she attempts to suppress her ego to make her relationship with Adrian better. "Okay, I won't ask again. Tonight I'll be waiting for you at home!" said Sintia, then left her husband.

Kirana didn't come to work today. She still hadn't returned to Jakarta. Zayn decided to take a walk to enjoy the scenery around Bogor and invited Kirana to try paragliding at a tea plantation.

Kirana had never tried a pretty extreme sport, and this, of course, refused, "No, Adrian, you just. I will wait for you here."

"Come on, Kirana, at least you have to try this once in your life. It will feel different when you are on top, and you don't need to be afraid because we can do it together," said Zayn.

"I don't want, Zayn," Kirana still refused.

"Okay, if you don't want to, let's go down and find a place to eat!" Zayn said, turning around to get down. Kirana feels guilty, knowing that Zayn wants to fly by paragliding.

"Okay, let's go! I want to do it if I am with you."

"Are you sure? I'm not forcing you," Zayn reassured.

"You said I should try it, didn't you? Let's try it!" Kirana confidently, even though there is a feeling of fear.

Finally, they boarded the paragliding sport. Since Zayn is experienced and skilled in this sport, he doesn't need a pilot so Kirana can be in front, and Zayn is the pilot. Zayn patiently told Kirana what to do when they were about to take off after understanding that they finally flew at an altitude of 1300 meters above sea level.

Kirana was scared at first and closed her eyes. However, while flying, she slowly opened her eyes. Seeing the green expanse below, Kirana was amazed and could forget all the problems and worries within her.

"This is wonderful, isn't it?" Zayn asked Kirana with a little shout.

"Yeah, it's amazing. I didn't know it would be so much fun."

However, after circling for ten minutes, Kirana felt a slight shake, "What's this, Zayn?" Kirana asked worriedly.

"O-ow, we're in trouble, Kirana."

Kirana, of course, panicked by Zayn's answer, they were still at a high altitude, and the place where they landed was still far away.

"What's the matter, Zayn? I'm scared!" asked Kirana frantically.