
Chapter 27 - The everyday bloody beginning (2)

—" So the weak point is the head..." — in the silence of the classroom, Saeko's words were very clearly audible.

—" It seems that way." — I nodded. —" But that's it, there's no time to hang around here. "— I went to the exit of the classroom, and the girls followed me ... and not only.

— "You killed her." — Takashi muttered softly. "— M-maybe she needed help or..." — there was a sound as if someone was prescribed a savory slap in the face ... it was Rei who charged him, apparently after Koichi she got a taste.

—" Shut up, what kind of fool are you? You saw her appearance, she was obviously ill and could have killed us if it wasn't for Felix. Why were you standing still when this… Did it attack me, and then Felix?" — with a clear claim, she turned to a childhood friend.

— "Khm, you protect him as if he's your husband" — Saya quipped, apparently trying to let off steam and distract from what is happening.

— "They're still coming. "— said Hisashi, Takashi's friend, who also went with us. In addition to them, the same puffy guy who I saved from the fate of being devoured by an infected figure skater also went with us.

— "Let's hide in this classroom." — Rei said with obvious fear in her voice, pointing to the office closest to us. It was a class of needleworkers, that is, there were various boards and…

— "Nail gun!" — Puffy cried out, for which he received a portion of a scathing look from Saya ." — S-sorry." — he pressed his head into his shoulders... and began to collect nails in his pockets.

—" This is... this is some kind of sur." — said Saya. —" Felix, what was that?" — if she looked at puffy and the other guys with some kind of disgust, then she turned to me normally, even though she looked very tense. Apparently, our communication still affected her attitude towards me.

—" Infected... maybe someone like a zombie? I'm not sure myself, but let's consider it a rabies virus and if you get bitten..." — I didn't finish, but everyone understood what I was hinting at.

—"What... zombie? You ...". — I closed the pink-haired girl's mouth and when silence was established in the classroom, we heard the screams of people from the next office.

—" Damn... the driver is standing still." — I said, looking at my phone and checking the location of the driver's car by GPS, usually this is how I checked where he was. — "Apparently something happened…"

—" What should we do?" — Rei asked an important question.

—" I think... I think we need to run away from school." — Takashi suggested, and his friend nodded at it.

— "Takashi... are you a fool?" Saya asked. — "Forget it, it was a rhetorical question, because you are definitely a fool. We have already met several of these... infected in the corridor, so I also saw them on the street, which means that there may be more of them outside the academy. Where are we going to run? And how long can we run away on our own two feet?" — she said to him irritably, as if to some child.

— "But the idea is sound good, and I was hoping for the driver of our family... but he still hasn't moved. "—I said, continuing to look at the phone. —" But Saya is right, walking is not an option... my house is on the edge of the city. Saeko's house is also not close, as well as Saya's house…"

— "Mine too." — Hisashi said.

—"Sis, where is your sword?" — I asked my sister, and she immediately reached into her backpack and took it out, and then pressed the button.

— "Whoa... where did you get this? "— asked puffy, who had already lined the nail gun with pieces of wood and tied it with tape, creating something that looked like an automaton from the outside. In general, if there were any newspapers or anything else here, we could try to tie our hands... but we don't have much time to try to get out of here.

— "Felix gave it to us. "— my sister said with some pride. — "Rei, where's your spear?"

— "Yes... a spear". — the girl started to open her backpack... it's just that after school today we were all going to go sparring at the Kendo club, so it's not surprising that everyone has weapons with them. Of course, we don't train with real weapons that often, but today was just such a day.

—" Guys, I would advise you to find a weapon here." — I said to the two guys. — "There's a lot of stuff here... that kid over there has already created a suitable weapon for himself." — I nodded in the direction of the chubby, who was even embarrassed by such words. — By the way, what's your name?

— "Oh, I'm Hiarno Koto, a second-grade student. "— he introduced himself and even stood up straight, as if he was going to salute.

—" I…"

— "I know you... about you... um. I don't think anyone at school didn't know about you... "— he was embarrassed again.

— "Okay, I'll try to contact my relatives and I advise you to do the same." — I told the others and contacted my father. He picked up the phone and said that everything was fine with them, since all this happened when they were in the mansion. Roman has not yet returned from the airport, but he is already rushing home with Alex and Cassandra at all times. After explaining the situation with the driver to them, I said that we would try to take a bus and arrive as soon as possible.

— "Dad doesn't take the phone". — said a worried Rei, who tried to call her father and it didn't work out. — "W-what if he... "— without letting these thoughts develop, I wrapped the girl in a warm embrace...it's good that Komuro and his friend are now looking for weapons in the classroom and don't see that I'm hugging Rei here, not that it bothers me, but there's no need to inflame the situation even more.

— "It's all right, your father is a policeman and smart enough not to fall under the distribution of infected. Have you tried calling your mother?"

— "No." — she shook her head and, without looking up from my side, began to dial the desired number. — "Mom? It's good that I got through to you, otherwise I was starting to worry a lot... is everything okay with Dad? This is..." — the girl began to explain about the infected and that you need to hide and run to my estate ... but she said that she would help her husband at the station, as many people call them and shout for help.

— "I found a long stick with nails... but I'm not sure that we need all this... maybe... maybe everything will get better? " — Hisashi said uncertainly.

— "Rei contacted her mother, she is now at the police station, and half of the squad has already been disabled due to bites... these smart guys tried to calm the infected without using weapons, maximum handcuffs. And in the process, many were bitten, and after about forty minutes they attacked their colleagues ... in general, everything is very bad and if you think that someone can help us, then I have to upset you." — I told him.

— "Forty minutes? It's fast..." — Saya said excitedly. The only one who wasn't worried was Saeko, who I would say was looking forward to it.

— "Does everyone have some kind of weapon?" — I measured everyone with a glance. And it just so happened that I became the unspoken leader of the group.... however, this is logical. My sister is always behind me, as well as Rei. Saeko also nods and listens to me attentively, which is not surprising. I've been teaching Takashi for a while and he sees me as a senior, despite all our differences, the same applies to his friend. Koto is generally a complexed chubby, no offense to him, so he follows me without bickering. Saya may be embarrassed, but she is used to me and recognizes me deep inside herself.

— "We need to go to the exit, but first we'll go to the medical office, and then with Shizuka we will think about where to get transport."

—"A nurse?" — Komuro asked.

—" Yes, we have known her for a long time." — without the bandage, I could feel everything on the other side of the door without any problems, so... — "There is no one in the corridor. "— I opened the door and went out into the corridor, and the others followed me. We had to walk a dozen meters…

— "No! Ahp... "— we saw how three infected attacked an already bitten girl and one of them sank his teeth right into her cheek, tearing it out with a slurp.

— "So we will have to fight our way through." — Busujima muttered softly when one of the creatures stared at the squeaking Takagi, who simply could not stand such a sight and screamed. Saeko tore her skirt so that nothing would hinder her movements and put her hand on the handle of the katana.

— "Ahr!" — the infected moved in our direction.

—" Get ready and don't let yourself get bitten." — I said and prepared to fight for my life. How I don't like all this...
