
Chapter 14 - The everyday truth

On the one hand, there are three adult guys, and one of them is quite a big build under one meter ninety, and on the other two teenagers of thirteen years old. A lot of thoughts immediately came into my head, and all are not very good. I haven't had a real fight yet, that is, a fight where you can really get hurt and die, and judging by their faces, they can beat to death.

I have long considered myself someone special ... and apparently life again presents a gift and a blow to the throat, so as not to get conceited once again. I was trained to fight, I spent a lot of effort, but there are three of them and they are older, that is, physically stronger ... although I'm not sure with the latter, the master still noticed my uncharacteristic physical strength for age and build. I could try to run... but something inside me is against running from small bugs, and Saeko is unlikely to run away. These three have already bypassed us and squeezed us in a triangle, continuing to laugh.

— "The gray-haired one's gone, ah!" — said the tall one and stepped towards me in the strike zone. My breathing became uneven due to excitement, I began to hear and feel the heartbeat in my ears. A moment and everything around seems to slow down. I pull my leg back a little for a kick, stand up in a stance that I have known for a long time and hit sharply. In my perception, my fist moved somehow too slowly, perhaps it seems to me because of excitement. It is excitement and... anticipation, something inside me has been waiting for an exit for a long time and has now received it.

— "What the... "— only the tall thug said, as he received a blow in the chest. My fist seemed to have fallen into something hard and soft at the same time, I felt something crack under it... it crunched hard and, apparently, it was his chest. I didn't expect such a result myself, but it was as if he was blown away by a battering ram. He flew two meters, smacked on the asphalt, turned over and stopped moving.

— "Izu, no! I will avenge my friend!" — shouted another and took out a knife, the situation is getting worse. But Saeko immediately rushed at him and with the first blow of the bokken knocked the cold weapon out of his hands, and then literally began to hammer him. But the third one froze and began to frantically get something... and this something turned out to be a gun. The blood seemed to freeze in my veins for a second, I just realized that I was somehow unable to dodge a bullet and if I didn't have time to do anything, then a hole might appear in my body that shouldn't be there. This guy pulled the bolt and pointed a gun at me, fear was splashing in his eyes until recently, and now you can see gloating there. Here he squeezes the trigger, but his gun jerks sharply to the side and there is a ringing sound of a shot.

— " ... "— this punk looked at his hand with incomprehension, and at that moment I already got close to him and hit him in the stomach, then I twisted his hand and forcefully slammed his face into the asphalt.

— "Saeko..." — I called the girl, who was now looking at her bloody hands and bokken. And before that, it was clear that she liked beating this guy, she liked how he screamed and begged her to stop. The girl seemed to freeze and looked at me with fear.

— "D-on't... don't look at me. "— She turned away and there was panic in her voice. Saeko gasped several times. — "I don't know... I... please don't look."

— "Saeko, what are you doing"? — all the opponents were neutralized, so I wasn't worried anymore. — "Are you all right?"

— "Yes" —. She nodded, still not turning to me. — "Shot… are you okay?"

— "Yes, he missed. "— I lied... because some strange stuff happened that still needs to be sorted out. — "Hmm, you really beat him up. "— I said and noticed how the girl shuddered all over. — "Are you worried about the blood? "— I suggested and sighed, hugged Busujima from behind to support her. — "Don't worry, everything will be fine."

— "You... aren't you afraid of me?" — she asked, turning to face me. There was blood on her face, so I wiped it off with my sleeve.

— "So as not to spoil such beauty". — I explained my actions. — "And no, I'm not afraid, why should I be afraid of you? You were defending yourself…"

— "I continued to beat him in cold blood even when it wasn't necessary. "— she said and watched my reaction closely. —"And... I liked it." — she said as if she had dived into an ice hole. — "This has already happened ... even before your arrival, a rapist attacked me and I ... I beat him with a bokken and I liked it, I liked to feel ... "— I did not let her finish and just pressed her to my chest.

— "You make it sound like it's a tragedy. "— I snorted, and the girl tried to break away, but I didn't let her and waited until she calmed down. — Then you were attacked and now we are attacked, so you did everything right. I would castrate these bastards altogether. I confessed. The girl seemed to freeze, so I gently pulled away to check on her... and she was crying. Tears were streaming from her eyes, and they were clearly not tears of grief. — "Saeko, I'm your friend, do you understand? I don't have too many friends to throw around. We almost immediately found a common language with you, and I like spending time with you, so don't think that the fact that you beat up some bastard will spoil my opinion of you. I think you are a very charming person who has her own view of the world and who, if desired, can slap the offender in the face. "— I grinned and continued to give her well-deserved compliments.

The skirmish took place in a residential area, so many people heard it, it is not surprising that the police soon arrived. While I was consoling Saeko that she was not a monster, but just a little special person, and I set myself and my "hacks" as an example, one car drove up and a policeman quickly jumped out of it, holding his hand on a service pistol attached to his leg. But when he saw the two of us and the bodies lying there, he took his hands off the weapon.

— "Kids, what happened here? We got a call to the police station and reported shots fired from this area." — he asked and, looking at the bodies, immediately contacted the dispatcher and called an ambulance through them.

— "The usual situation somewhere in the Bronx, but here I did not expect this in any way." — I said to the policeman. — "We were attacked while we were walking around here. These three... rudely asked me to leave and leave Saeko alone and, according to their words and appearance, it was not difficult to guess what they wanted to do."

— "Ugh." — he spat after getting a better look at the face of one of the lying bodies. —" I am familiar with these fuc... personalities, they sat in our precinct several times for fights and, in general, it doesn't matter. You're Busujima Saeko, right? I know your father." — the policeman said, and it is clear from him that he has absolutely nothing against us. —" Great you them…"

—" I studied hand-to-hand combat with Busujima Kent and he called me his equal when we graduated and now I am studying with his brother, Saeko's father. Therefore, we somehow managed. "— I told a more or less true story.

—" Yes, this one is beaten very badly ...". — he sat down next to the one who was beaten by Saeko. Squinting at her bokken, he asked. — "Can I take it for the investigation?" — he pointed to the weapon and the girl nodded, put it on the ground. —" Thank you, I appreciate it. What can I say... I'm glad that everything is fine with you kids. What's your name? "— he looked at me already.

— "Vaddergov Felix." — I said.

— "A familiar surname... they were unlucky." — with a little pity flashing in his eyes, he looked at the beaten ones.

— "Okay, then let's call your parents. If anything, my name is Tadashi Miyamoto. "— he gave his name.

— "Miyamoto? Are you Rai's father by any chance?"

— "Ah, I see you know my daughter." — he smiled a little. —" Yes, it's me."

— "My sister studies with her in the same class and we often walk with our company, so she told me about her parents. So... what about them? "— I looked at the punk.

— Most likely they will not get away with it anymore, after all, they already had a record, so they are still the same personalities. Hmm, this one is breathing very weakly..." — he crouched down next to the one I hit first.

— "Maybe I hit too hard because of the adrenaline." — I confessed.

— "Don't worry, if anything, there should be cameras on the side, so no one will show you anything. But a couple of conversations will have to go through, I'm sorry."

My father came from my side and hearing the story in his eyes it was clear that these punks would not get out of prison. However, Isao, Saeko's father, had the same look. They brought us to the police station where they asked a couple of questions and let us go, after all, it was already evening and they were not going to show us anything, so it was pointless to keep us. My sister, as soon as she found out about what had happened, was very angry at all sorts of bandits and the police, who overlooked such a dangerous element of society. And at night she sneaked into my room again and snuggled up to me, calming herself rather than me. After all, Alicia, after being angry, realized that I could have died and... burst into tears, so I had to hug my sister and promise that everything would be fine with me.
