
Chapter 13: Harassment.

I've spent a year in this village which means I'm 6 now, and im also being harassed by the villagers now. By 'harass' I mean in broad daylight they try to kill me.



Someone tried to stab me with a sword, and sadly I can't kill him. It's not because I'm afraid, it's because they're obviously gonna do something to make me take the blame, so I instead dodged the sword by a tiny margin and then kicked his 'son'.


Seems like he passed out. I pickpocketed his fainted body and stole his money, it seems he had 340 Ria. This may be late but this is this world's currency:

One copper coin is ten Ria.

A silver coin is one hundred Ria.

A large silver coin is a thousand Ria.

A gold coin is ten thousand Ria.

A large gold coin is one hundred thousand Ria.

And a white gold coin is one million Ria.

One copper coin can buy a cup of water, five coppers could get you a shabby inn, a silver could get you a shabby inn with food, and a large silver could get you a decent inn with good food. I got 340 Ria from this guy and adding the previous attacker's money to my piggy bank I have exactly 1,230 Ria, in other words I have 1 large silver, two normal silvers and three copper coins. This seems a little profitable. This is my savings over 8 months of being attacked by the way.

"...If Ryuuto went into this world instead he would probably challenge the attackers head on, and save people like a brainless idiot. Only good things he actually had were his cheerfulness and his tournament-level martial arts...."(Zail)

As I reminisced about one of my trustworthy friends I heard a rustle noise, in the bush near me. I took the attacker's sword and made a stance to prepare myself for any approaching dangers, I then headed slowly to the rustling. What I saw was--

"*Boing* *Boing*"(???)

--A slime. The slime headed towards me and stopped, it then formed a tentacle and reached out it's hand towards me slowly. It's as if--

"--It wants to be my friend"(Zail)

When I said that the slime jumped as if it was agreeing with me. It slowly reached a hand out as if to verify a friendship, however I didn't care and just stabbed it with the sword.

[[System: You have defeated the world boss 'Slime Of Bewitching (Rank C+)'



<<Law Of Equivalent Exchange Lv.65>>

<<Temperature Resistance Lv.25>>

<<Solidify Liquid Lv.89>>

<<Sword Arts Lv.16>>

<<Archery Lv.15>>

<<Axe Arts Lv.20>>

<<Deceive Lv.50>>

<<Automatic MP Regeneration Lv.35>>


Slime Conqueror

Truth Seeking Wiseman


[[Class :<<Samurai Level: 53>> has increased to <<Samurai Level: 54>>]]

[[Skill: <<Intuition Lv.12>> has increased to <<Intuition Lv.13>>]]

[[Level: You have levelled up.]]

[[Skill: <<Prodigy Lv.87>> has activated!]]

[[Level: You have levelled even further due to skill <<Prodigy Lv.87>>]]

[[Level: You have levelled up.]]

[[Skill: <<Prodigy Lv.87>> has increased to <<Prodigy Lv.90>>]]

[[Skill: <<Law Of Equivalent Exchange Lv.65>> has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Temperature Resistance Lv.25>> has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Solidify Liquid Lv.89 has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Sword Arts Lv.14>> has increased even further due to skill <<Sword Arts Lv.16>>]]

[[Skill: <<Sword Arts Lv.14>> has increased to <<Sword Arts Lv.30>>]]

[[Skill: <<Archery Lv.15>> has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Axe Arts Lv.20>> has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Deceive Lv.50>> has been obtained!]]

[[Skill: <<Automatic MP Regeneration Lv.35>> has been obtained!]]

[[Title: <<Slime Conqueror>> has been obtained!]]

[[Title: <<Truth-Seeking Wiseman>> has been obtained!]]

[[Title: <<The Man Who Knocks On Death's Door>> has been obtained!]]

At that moment I decided from my very being that I will never trust slimes in my life. Those novels I read that were saying that slimes were a peaceful species is bullshit, they're on par with a fucking wyvern. In fact I bet that was a reincarnated slime, no chance a normal slime could achieve world boss class. I don't wanna accept reality.

I headed back in town after accepting reality, with a basket full of herbs. As usual I was being harassed by a rain of stones. I used their harassment as a fuel for my future, and instead decided to dodge their stones as usual. Some citizens decided to verbally harass me because I was dodging all their stones.

"Damn it! Get hit already!"(Citizen 1)

"Hell no!"(Zail)

"You monster!"(Citizen 2)

"Three things! One, I haven't done anything to be called a monster! Two, when are you gonna stop throwing stones! And three, from my perspective you're all the monsters!"(Zail)

"Get out of the village!"(Citizen 3)

"Oh, believe me when I say I would if I could! After all who likes people who discriminate against other race's features, its not like this country was made so there can be a safe haven for ALL races or anything!"(Zail)


After I exclaimed that the citizens stopped throwing stones with a bitter look. The reason for this is because the elves here in the past were only used as slaves, slavery was abolished in this country 50 years ago and also the average lifespan of an elf is a few hundred years, thus they must have experienced slavery or being 'on the run' as some would put it.

I could visibly see some elves biting their tongues and some humans looking down. I headed to my adopted father's house and put the wooden stick in a barrel, and dug up a box and put my loot from today's batch of attacker's valuables inside and then burried it again, then I took the herbs into the house with me.

When I entered the house I was greeted with a wooden mug to the face.


"Oi you little shit, how dare you not come here sooner! Pour me some more booze."(Gald)

Gald scolded me and told the prostitutes near him to pour him some more alcohol, in one sentence.

"Get your disgusting face out of my way before I rip those ears off you."(Gald)

I said nothing and headed into my room. My room consists of a haystack for a bed and a window, it feels like a prison without bars. I can't even leave for three reasons. One, I don't have the necessary skills. Two, there is no town or village for miles. Three, the danger levels of the monsters are way too high.

I inwardly sigh at the three reasons and sleep.