
The Regressed Me : Little Miss Doesn't Want To Be A Scapegoat Anymore

[Warning : Mature Contents] Megha was an extraordinary genius and Martial arts Master of one of few powerful force in the whole Blazing meter continent she was the kind who born with a silver spoon and everything arranged for her future. Her father was a powerful and revered leader of Longevity Sect and as one of a few seed Dicsiple and heiress to the sect she can just wave her hand and things could be done. She, who basked in the praise and envy of the mass and hailed as a heroine and raising star unexpectedly find her life turned upside down in most unexpected way. For what cause? Her beloved father who was her biggest support dissappered without any lead her sect which has been her home for all those years chased her out. Chased out and hunted down by unknown forces she understands she was schemed against and their was definitely some conspiracy going on as both her enemies and Allies targeting her. Battered and bitterheart she fought day and night for the slim chance of everyday survival she determined clear her name and prove her innocence to no avail run to end of the world. When she cornered and at the end of her pitiful life and faced her grievous end at the hand of some no name canon fodder she was extremely unwilling and heart full of hatred just like that her miserable life come to an end. 'Hmm! why am I here, shouldn't I wake up in Netherworld' she looked at her surroundings with bewilderedment 'How come I wake up here.... and wasn't that statue shattered back in the fight' She carefully observed the place with wariness 'If I'm not mistaken this place was under the watch and constantly patrol by local forces' her eyes widen in panic as her understanding set in but all she could see was beautiful landscape. Her youthful and exquisite face and was stark contrast to the haunted glint in her eyes but all she could see and here was excited chirps of a colorful spirit bird ' Was this dream... they say when people die miserable death their soul sought out their happy memories is that it? ' She frowned lightly but her placid look gone in that instant as her eyes widen in horror "No!..." 'This can't be.... how could this be an- is this some kind of nightmare in netherworld?' she gasped. ___ ___ ___ ___ Megha accidentally find out a dark secret about one of her childhood friend and secret crush, she was extremely shocked and agitated not only that she also unintentionally find few truths about her family allies and finally able connect some dots slowly unravel the mystery surround her previous life death. As a person experience untold hardships and betrayals she vowed to take a different approach make her own path as she intend to ruin the life of her enemies and the force hiding in the shadow ' I will spare no one for their sin ' "Baang" with a loud sound the door of the house slammed open the youth in the house flinched away from the sudden sound "M-megha what are you doing here?" the youth stuttered in shock and panic. Her face was extremely cold she stalked into the room her eyes never left him, the youth subconsciously started to back off soon his retreat halted by the wall behind him. "W-what are you d-doing here in this hour" his eyes shifted from side to side as if he looking for a way to escape. Nothing escaped her eyes, her eyes were like hawks throughly scrutinizing him her expression was severe the look was nonchalant. HIs crimson hair stick to his forehead and Scarlet eyes widen and shaking as if he understand something he tried to persuade her in weak voice "Y-you shouldn't.... Don't d-do this plea-se" he was hyperventilating "Did you u-understand the reper-rcussions?" She sneered at him " Do you think I'm afraid of this threats 'little lamb'... haha! How amusing" she cackled she took out a dagger... [A/N: This is my second work for WSA 2023 so please support me and wish in this ardorus journey, for more. details please check Author Note Thank you so much, ❤U]

raven_lord017 · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Unusual Enquiry, Unknown Assaliant, Uproar In The Sect (Part 1)

Megha looked outside her carriage window,  when she heard the driver called out to inform her they had arrived, a regal looking Manor soon appeared in her sight, it was one of the few grand looking Manor in the entirety of the longevity sect.

It wasn't wrong to say this Manor had many happy and inseparable memories of her childhood in both life 'her safe haven' at one point, It could be said she was mostly grown up here regardless of owning her own estate nearby.

Even though she had given her own estate to live, she was still a child at that time, so Megha often came here to seek warmth and solace from her uncle and aunt's place. 

 It's true she was a little intimidated by her own father compared to her own estate or that of her father's. She liked to live with her Aunt and Uncle's place the most at least whenever she could.

If Vanni doesn't willing to live with her at Peach Blossom, she didn't doubt that Megha couldn't stand to live such a lonely life like the sound called transcended experts back then, no matter how much she loved her estate she couldn't endure the simple and plain, monotonous life at that time.

The carriage slowed down and came to a stop,  a little distance away from the front porch. She got out of the carriage by herself upon seeing her aunt had been waiting for her on top of the stairs. Megha wore a simple dress In green and her face covered by a veil . She carefully climbed over the stairs.

"Aunt! " 

Megha's face broke into a grin as she discarded the veil in her face, as she ran into her arms, gave her aunt a light hug and beamed when she got a peck on her forehead, she reached out, took her aunt's hand in her grasp then curiously looked around for something or someone.

As if to answer her unasked questions her aunt explained with a smile " Your cousin was little tired today, Already eat his meal and now soundly sleeping in his room currently" 

 ' Afraid you would bully him if you were to see him ' Megha looked at her aunt with narrowed eyes as she took the statement to a different meaning.

Megha's face turned into scowl immediately, and complained " What is the meaning of this!? " She sounded upset " I can't believe you let him sleep out this early just like that, not to mention This was when I, his beautiful, elegant, lovely cousin visiting his house "

" Aren't you overly strict with this etiquette and manners but you allowed him to do as he pleased, I can't believe it! " Megha's tone and expression become whiny and childish at the near the end of her fiery demands.

Her aunt merely laughed " Well, What can I do, your cousin does have valid point, weren't you bullying him whenever you two meet-"

Megha vehemently interjected " Aunt, I can't believe you bought his nonsense? When did I ever bully my precious little cousin, How could anyone have the heart to do that to our chubby rice bun? Don't slander me could it be you were jealous of our wonderful relationship "

"- It's true both of his cheeks were, little red and swollen, how can I, his mother, let him suffer like this?" Madhu rolled her eyes at her interruption.

Megha's face showed a wee bit of guilt and when she saw her standing with her son side and going to give her one of her signature lectures, Megha immediately planned her next course of action and she acted decisively.

" Hmph, I know you would side with him, I'll go and ask uncle for justice on my behalf" with that she ran into the Manor, her aunt shook her head smilingly then followed her into the manor with a shout " Megha slow down, will you? Don't run around like a child you are going to fall down hey!"

Megha eat with her Uncle and Aunt, the table filled with most of her favorite, this is what she would call a sumptuous dinner, she neither wait for them to start nor pretending to be elegant she eagerly put foods on her plate before Methodically started to eat first some Thinai Puttu and then Nei Puttu in her plate, with few fruits slices in between it's taste are heavenly,  increased her appetite to another level.

She  skillfully cut down screwed lamb and what looked like grilled ducks to her plate, in megha's hand the knife was lethal and elegant  and she glanced at her aunt furtively and wondered whether this was made out of those deceitful tricolor Swans or she was just imagining things.

' I did told her how aggressive and ungrateful those fellows were, could it be....I know she was very protective of me ' she immediately teared up a leg piece of duck look alike they were tender and juicy ' Maybe... just Maybe she really felt indignant for me and decided to catch those arrogant fellows and Specially cook them nicely for me to sooth the grievance I suffered other hand ' 

Megha's thoughts ran wild when she thought of such a possibility her eyes lit up like night pearls " Thank you aunt, you are the best! " Overjoyed, took a few bites and couldn't help but look at her aunt doubtfully. ' Was I wrong in my assumption?  But it doesn't have any special taste like I expected them to .... its taste is good but then my aunt's cooking was always praise worthy to begin with. Hmm, was I the one over-thinking things ?'

Megha mused in self doubts as she absentmindedly poured herself a cup of hot Paruthi Paal , it's not like she doesn't eat any spiritual beast in her life she literally lived off them when she hid in the serenity mountain range outside of empire.

They tend to have more tasty and rich taste and have more qi and nutrition in their flesh than livestalks or ferocious beasts in general. If they are properly cooked then it's not impossible to preserve most of its qi in the meat.

She cast a glance at her uncle who also eating the meat his expression was normal, she furrowed her brow didn't dare to ask her aunt about her doubts, she didn't want put her aunt in a situation what if they were really tricolor Swans sect prohibited anyone to capture them ' Well they are barely qualified to called spiritual beasts, it was because my aunt skills were great it's hard to differentiate even if she cooked one '

She consoled herself with such dubious claims 'I'll ask aunt when we were alone' and decided she turned her attention to other things as she ate to her heart's content.

She was glad they wouldn't force her to follow with her usual pace of diet, this was also another reason why she often visit them,  she couldn't help but feel her Uncle starred at her with slight inquisitive eyes this was the kind of look he would have when she done something out of bound or suspicious.

Megha played it like she doesn't show or feel any guilt or remorse, and act oblivious to his suspicious gaze, her aunt cooking helping her feigning her enjoyment while eating, she would even throw sweet smiles at both of them now and then her plan was much simple, which was whatever it was make him  second guess she would handle the rest when he enquire her later.

She didn't understand what she did around this period of time, she didn't remember doing anything to make her uncle look at her with  disapproving gaze she silently speculated to herself but couldn't pinpoint anything that made her doting uncle look at her with suspicion and disapproval ' Well...  I just act my part first '


She decided to throw such unnecessary thoughts to the back of her mind and focus on feasting her aunt's delicious foods. She couldn't help but click her tongue at the snacks the maids placed in front of her, after she ate her fill.  Her stomach is so full but she still wants to take at least one bite on a few more snacks they are appetizing.

Her uncle chuckled at her antics while her aunt who was trying to suppress her own laughter while trying to look severe at the same time, sure enough she chided Megha " Should I still have to punish you and treat you like five year old,  Act with more grace, where did you learn such a unladylike behavior... what will others think of us!?"

"Aunt, Uncle, please forgive your Little Cloud, I was wrong and wouldn't behave like that in front of you" she said with a solemn tone but she handpicked up a piece of Adai and stuffed it into her mouth. 

Her aunt become little angry  "You-"

" Aunt, your cooking is the best!!" she exclaimed, stuffed another piece then looked at the remaining dishes with little resentful expression as her Aunt and Uncle became speechless. 

They turned to look at one another slowly sizing up each other warily before suddenly smiling and shaking their heads with a small smile on their lips.

They both loved their niece enough to protect her from each other's scolding, when they looked at one another cautiously both could see what other thoughts were, they both felt a little embarrassed and helpless at their own mother's behavior.

" Yeah... take one more bite and this time, I'll make sure you eat grasses and fruits for at least two weeks for all meals "Madhu abruptly warned her strictly once she quickly suppressed her own embarrassment.

When Megha noticed the unyielding tone she knew she was pushing her luck, she abruptly stopped herself from reaching out for another bite, both adults face now severe immediately Megha shrunk her neck subconsciously took back her hand with rueful look.

A light bulb went off in Megha's head as she reluctantly getting up and her aunt's next words put her in more awkward spot, " Sweety you go and have some talk with your uncle for few minutes, aunt will clean the table "

' Damn it, she is doing this again! Megha grumbled to herself. She always had this suspicion her aunt could read her mind when she was a child, now with Megha's meticulous control of her actions and expression she could wonder how she got caught.

She wasn't a heavy eater or something, she was just an appreciator who liked to taste delicacy. The reason why she gobbled down unlike her usual style was due to her daily arduous training of martial artists at an early stage needing to consume nutrition for their body.

In her previous life she was a casual practitioner of martial arts and often took pills for nutrition but this time around before she succeeded in acquiring a poisonous physique she had to be careful with taking medicine so she eats heartily these days.

Her aunt and uncle probably know about her training, as they weren't surprised by her appetite and it's not like she will gain weight with her innate physique and training. Why should she let her stomach suffer?

Her aunt shot Megha hot glare Megha sighed then a few maids came up from outside and started to clean up the table. She took another glance at snacks before obediently following her uncle to the foyer.

Megha looked across the tea table at her uncle who was pouring hot tea into two cups with a thoughtful look on his face. She decided to ask the urgent matter first before her uncle started to berate her. She had a feeling her uncle really had something In his hand.

" Uncle, can I ask you something? " she probed, as she managed to get his attention.

Taman looked at her with curiosity and nodded, he offered her one cup of tea " What is it? " his tone had a tinge of curiosity.

Megha took a sip as she carefully observed his expression and noticed he kind of looked distracted from what she could tell, but she didn't mull it over and asked him immediately" Was something bothering, uncle, is it anything to do with your trip to seven palaces meeting this time so suddenly?"

The foyer turned silent, it was only now she noticed her aunt wasn't back yet, she reckon her aunt purposely left the two of them have some privacy to talk ' Hmm, could it be.. don't tell me uncle arranged something with her aunt, .....is he angry because I do something but what the hell did I even do at this time possibly? I took grand uncle's spirit pellets but even he let me off the hook.... I don't think my uncle got upset over that! '

"Oh! Why do you think it has something to do with that hmm?" Taman looked at her with little amusement and curiosity "And... little cloud when did you start to show interest regarding Sect politics huh? " he teased he didn't immediately answer but probed her instead.

She furrowed her brows, she now sure of it something is definitely off with this situation, usually he would have started with all sort of complains about the seven palaces especially leader of Divine pearl island Master if he father force him to have deal with them but 'This is sooo... unlike him'

Megha knew she had to tread carefully as her expression was always a little lost, " Well...  I never saw uncle go to any meetings this far, and it still felt kind of weird not having uncle around.... You didn't visit me either" she added that for a good measure.

Her expression turned teasing " You are one of the sects protecting the guardian right?  so I was kind of curious what this is all about .... anyway Father wouldn't have told me, even if I dared to ask him would he?" She played the sympathy card without any shame. 

Megha paused and looked thoughtfully at her uncle for a second before cautiously asking him "Could it be that matters were a kind of secret that was not to be shared with anyone, is it like that Uncle? " 

Taman had understanding face, had slight guilt could be seen in his eyes, He shake his head " it's not like that, Uncle asked you a question because you seem very interested besides there is nothing worth mentioning about the social called 'meeting' What could possibly few old fogies going to talk about every two years hmm? Secrets? pfft please don't ever associate something like that with them." he said in a distasteful tone.

" I was bored to death, Had it not been for you I would have never agreed to something like this, there was no way I'll waste my precious time on something this meaningless does it even have any benefits bunch of losers' ' he ranted, dissed them vehemently.

Megha is pleased when her uncle comes back to his usual self and the suspicion seems lessened a little by the way. She never liked that annoying bunch anyway " Then does uncle go and visit divine pearl island. Is that why you didn't come back and see me? "

Megha was ruthlessly changed the topic she want, her uncle face darkened at the mention of certain someone 'Sorry uncle, little cloud made you upset but I promise for today inconvenience I personally send off that person to netherworld with his daughter'

Taman looked little dumbfounded and snorted " Little cloud, why would you think I would go as far as visiting that hypocrite's place, you don't have to take everything your father saying into face value it's not that he was wrong but he refused to see certain things" he lectured her looking somewhat agitated and frustrated as if the mere mention of 'This hypocrite' has unsettled him. 

Megha dramatically gasped and her eyes were wide as if she couldn't believe her uncle accused her father's close friend as a hypocrite.

Taman sneered seeing her shocked expression " I guess, your father might have talked a good lot about his 'friend' and convinced you about this fellow's  good heart, My Brother sometimes really..... sigh! forget it" he shook his head " Your uncle and that fellow wasn't on good terms never would be, Now do you really believe I would ever waste my time to visit him? " he threw a rhetorical question.

" Your uncle went to visit an old friend of mine who had some business with him. That hypocrite could never measure up to  who I called friends,  what a joke haha! ... visit ...that " 

Megha seeing her uncle wasn't in the pleasant mood he skillfully threw the blame on her father " Sorry, uncle I have made you angry I... I heard my father planning to visit him if he has some time " 

' Father, your daughter little cloud is unfilial and deceitful, please forgive her so have I ' she didn't hesitate to use her father's name in fact he never mentioned it to her but it could be said him bring up that b**** was the start of Megha's downfall so it wasn't wrong she resented her father and his principles to a certain degree.

Megha sighed in relief ' I shouldn't have doubted my uncle, sigh! I got upset over nothing . She felt a little guilty when she remembered she didn't bring Vaani with her for dinner. Her mind was a little occupied and felt dealing with shy big sister was troubling so she just left a note to inform where she was going.

' Poor Vaani, I have to make up with her later.  hmm, she wouldn't be angry with me right?'