
The Regressed Me : Little Miss Doesn't Want To Be A Scapegoat Anymore

[Warning : Mature Contents] Megha was an extraordinary genius and Martial arts Master of one of few powerful force in the whole Blazing meter continent she was the kind who born with a silver spoon and everything arranged for her future. Her father was a powerful and revered leader of Longevity Sect and as one of a few seed Dicsiple and heiress to the sect she can just wave her hand and things could be done. She, who basked in the praise and envy of the mass and hailed as a heroine and raising star unexpectedly find her life turned upside down in most unexpected way. For what cause? Her beloved father who was her biggest support dissappered without any lead her sect which has been her home for all those years chased her out. Chased out and hunted down by unknown forces she understands she was schemed against and their was definitely some conspiracy going on as both her enemies and Allies targeting her. Battered and bitterheart she fought day and night for the slim chance of everyday survival she determined clear her name and prove her innocence to no avail run to end of the world. When she cornered and at the end of her pitiful life and faced her grievous end at the hand of some no name canon fodder she was extremely unwilling and heart full of hatred just like that her miserable life come to an end. 'Hmm! why am I here, shouldn't I wake up in Netherworld' she looked at her surroundings with bewilderedment 'How come I wake up here.... and wasn't that statue shattered back in the fight' She carefully observed the place with wariness 'If I'm not mistaken this place was under the watch and constantly patrol by local forces' her eyes widen in panic as her understanding set in but all she could see was beautiful landscape. Her youthful and exquisite face and was stark contrast to the haunted glint in her eyes but all she could see and here was excited chirps of a colorful spirit bird ' Was this dream... they say when people die miserable death their soul sought out their happy memories is that it? ' She frowned lightly but her placid look gone in that instant as her eyes widen in horror "No!..." 'This can't be.... how could this be an- is this some kind of nightmare in netherworld?' she gasped. ___ ___ ___ ___ Megha accidentally find out a dark secret about one of her childhood friend and secret crush, she was extremely shocked and agitated not only that she also unintentionally find few truths about her family allies and finally able connect some dots slowly unravel the mystery surround her previous life death. As a person experience untold hardships and betrayals she vowed to take a different approach make her own path as she intend to ruin the life of her enemies and the force hiding in the shadow ' I will spare no one for their sin ' "Baang" with a loud sound the door of the house slammed open the youth in the house flinched away from the sudden sound "M-megha what are you doing here?" the youth stuttered in shock and panic. Her face was extremely cold she stalked into the room her eyes never left him, the youth subconsciously started to back off soon his retreat halted by the wall behind him. "W-what are you d-doing here in this hour" his eyes shifted from side to side as if he looking for a way to escape. Nothing escaped her eyes, her eyes were like hawks throughly scrutinizing him her expression was severe the look was nonchalant. HIs crimson hair stick to his forehead and Scarlet eyes widen and shaking as if he understand something he tried to persuade her in weak voice "Y-you shouldn't.... Don't d-do this plea-se" he was hyperventilating "Did you u-understand the reper-rcussions?" She sneered at him " Do you think I'm afraid of this threats 'little lamb'... haha! How amusing" she cackled she took out a dagger... [A/N: This is my second work for WSA 2023 so please support me and wish in this ardorus journey, for more. details please check Author Note Thank you so much, ❤U]

raven_lord017 · ファンタジー
47 Chs

Complicated Reasons, Defending Honor, Parting Words

Vaani becomes speechless as they both return home, ' I can't freaking believe she just pulled such a stunt!' Vanni's thoughts were kind of chaotic as she glanced at Megha who was nonchalantly walking in front of her.

Vaani becomes completely shocked although she knows she didn't do this as an act of spite Maya or Sudar rather let Sudar understand something.

Although she completely doubted whether it's going to improve their relationship or make it worse, it wasn't done out of malice, but Vaani had to admit even she was a little appalled by the approach.

Vaani had a headache when she thought about the consequences and the music she would receive from Megha's father and aunt. Vaani really hoped this didn't reach their ears very soon if possible never.

Though Vaani currently speculated the chances were only half and half as she somewhat knew about Sudar  and Maya's character she didn't think they would complain to elders about what happened here. 

The former was a stubborn and thin skinned girl who cared a great deal about her reputation in the sect; there is no way she would reveal the mess.

As for later Sudar, the character was more similar to Megha than anyone she knew, so it was least likely that she would complain to her grandfather about what happened.

Vaani had some speculation Maya would try her best to suppress any news about the fight from what she can tell, not to mention Maya seemed very impressed by Megha Vaani could already tell from the way changes in her behavior and how she treated Megha before they separated.

'Sigh! I honestly thought Maya became offended by Megha's unyielding attitude and decisiveness. Whatever this is good as well at least Sudar wouldn't dare to pester them for some time.'

' But how come Megha's strength increased this much, I don't think she used pills like usual then it really might have been her own efforts...The hell when did refining vital blood become this easy? Vaani doubted herself  as she subtly nodded her head in disbelief. 

Well this whole incident gave her a bittersweet feeling she really wasn't happy with what happened here at all but when Megha claimed  this was for Sudar's own good Vaani became glad they wouldn't be at each other's throats. 

At least she can tell Megha wasn't going to bully Sudar because she now surpasses the latter after all it's not like the four of them were to have deep enmity with one another.

Two person share great grandfather 

All four of them not considered friends or having any strong bonds, but the bond was there the four of them could be considered playmates though she and Maya were considered little old to consider the term playmate compared to Maya who was three years old enough Vaani could easily fit with these two. 

The truth was Maya acted like a babysitter more than anything else, kind of a leading figure between the four people to look up to and admire such a role necessary because unlike Vaani who wasn't easy to provoke Megha and Sudar were always odd with each other.

Just like today they are against each other because of likes and dislikes from a young age, as they grow older the differences grow as well, they stop getting involved with each other's business.

That was because Megha was more of a loner and idle lady type while Sudar was hard working, outspoken and easily flared up. Can you imagine the suffering when she got to know her childhood playmate who was lazy and had no goal or desire for martial arts and did her dedicated hard work.

From when they started to practice at the age of twelve their differences in lifestyle, Vision, character both of them found to be an opposing end of straw,  So they really ended up opposing each other.

' I guess she really changed a lot! '


"I refuse "Maya Intervened and leveled a glare at the other three present, Vaani and Sudar flinched from the glare on the other hand Megha nonchalantly looked back.

Megha frowned as she looked at Maya, Vanni's heart skipped a beat, she knew about Megha's character and didn't need to guess how she was going to react.

She can be quite a handful when she got upset with something, it wasn't going to be the first time she acted rude to Maya who now all but used to her behavior but this time it was different if they fought here not to mention the girls in the Sudar group were here as well.

" Why is that? You aren't going to say she can do whatever she wants, are you? "Her tone was neutral but a little sharp.

Maya looked at her few seconds with narrowed eyes then she turned to Sudar " You aren't going to fight got it?" it's clear she wouldn't allow this as she declared her decision pressured Sudar enough let her understand what's good for everyone.

Sudar looked very hesitant but she nodded her head to Maya  " I'm not in the mood to fight you so get lost! "

Before she could sigh in relief Megha's cold voice startled everyone " Not so fast airhead, I have a way, it's even more simple" Megha smiled pleasantly " Then I, Megha daughter of honorable grandmaster unwavering sword and The heiress of the longevity sect challenge Sudar a talented genius of inner sect for a duel "

Everyone turned silent Maya, Vaani, and the girls widened their eyes like popping their eyes out.  Maya and even Vaani got a little irritated by Megha's stubbornness although she wouldn't scold Megha here, she will do so once they return home.

" Megha, have you gone mad? You are issuing an official challenge on your whim. This is how you were going to throw tantrums, why the hell are you even doing this?" Maya yelled in frustration.

"Can't we just.... Don't think for a second I wouldn't teach you a lesson,  if you kept doing something this foolish I surely will!" Maya glared at her.

"Stop with this foolishness this instant, Vaani bring her back home I'll come and see you girls later " she instructed Vaani.

"Sudar, girls let's get going" Maya gestured to the girls to walk out first.


"WHAT!" three of them Exclaimed in unison 

"I said Nope! " Megha said with a smirk.

"YOU! " Maya shaking in anger.

"Senior sister Maya, don't be unreasonable like her. Why are you trying to suppress me? May I  know why you are doing this? What's in it for you?" Megha spoke in a calm tone and stated " Shouldn't you be standing on my side? "

The three of them are stunned. What does she mean by unreasonable and what's with her claim standing by her side? Was she even hearing what she was saying?

" It's okay you felt conflicted to abandon your little sister but that doesn't mean you can take back my rights alright... if you insist this little one had no choice but fight with you as well but know that I will not back off! "

Vaani became scared when she noticed Maya's face was flushed and several veins throbbing on her face in pentagon up anger. 

Vaani pulled Megha's sleeves discreetly " Little cloud what are you doing? did you not notice you were riling up big sister Maya... she might really end up beat you black and blue... apologize to her" 

Megha raised her eyebrows in amusement as she carefully sized up Vaani and everyone.

" So What you are saying is if she was supported by big sister Maya I, should keep quiet, acted like an obedient dog like nothing happened, Is that what you wanted to say? "

When Maya was about to ask something Megha interjected and asked Megha directly " You aren't going to put up with that act of ignorance are you?"

Maya took a deep breath from screaming her lungs out "Speak" Vaani shuddered as she realize the anger in that single word *Gulp! * ' She really look like she was ready to beat us up'

" She not only picks fights with me all year around and keeps throwing insults at me whenever she pleases, especially in front of her inner sect disciples. Did you notice she, also boldly implying disrespectful things about sect leader Megha glared at Sudar.

"Senior sister I don't have to tell you the repercussions of saying such a thing right?Wasn't this considered an act of betrayal? " Megha exaggerated things with a severe face " May I ask from which eyes did she see my father using his position to spoil me, wasn't she implying he was an unworthy person to be sect leader? " 

"I think everyone here knows why my father called it an unwavering sword and I adored my father dearly. I, his only daughter, had no choice but to challenge her to defend my father's honor. This includes whoever defended her stance as well as be ready for consequences."

Vaani's eyes widened in understanding it was only now did she carefully recall what was said, it was kind of disrespectful to sect leader Maya's face turned ugly even  after becoming aware of this and panicked.

Sudar body trembled she become wide eyed shaking her head from left to right in crazy denial as she muttering something and started to vehemently insist against Megha's ridiculous claims " I'm not implying anything like that, I would never imply anything by what I said earlier"

Sudar grasped Maya's hand like a viser " Big sister you know me right, was I ever speak Ill of anyone....aside from this wicked schemer have I ever scolded anyone behind their back" there were already tears brimming in her eyes.

Vaani became speechless as she watched Sudar outright admitting about her faulty behavior of scolding Megha behind her back and from the looks of it,  like it was nothing at all but scared about something else.

Vaani clearly knows what's going on here, she couldn't help but shake her head, there was no way Sudar would get punished by something like this, there was a reason why she wasn't afraid of challenging Megha for duel here and daringly provoke her without any reservation.

They were from the same family, second cousins to be precise they shared the same great grandparents and Sudar being a parentless girl brought up by her grandfather who was a grand uncle to Megha.

Both Thuruva and Tamman treated her like one of their children, that's how they both became playmates hoping they treated each other as a sister but their character was too difficult to get along with and the adults stopped pushing it. 

Vaani even knew Thuruva treated Sudar more warmly then Megha as if sugar was his daughter as well this kindled strong sense of jealousy to Megha further estranged the two girls.

Megha now clearly understands her father's thought process of why he was being strict with her and cold towards her, afraid the strange evil energy in her body affects her character and slowly turned her towards evil path.

For Megha neither of them matter; she merely did this out of good intentions Sudar got killed by the time internal strife happened in the sect; soon her grandpa also followed her.

___ ___ ___ ___ 

Megha deliberately raised her aura when they stood in the training ground for the duel, except Vaani everyone was looking shocked by what they were seeing.

"Your level!" 

Megha smirked "That's right I'm already in the verge of breaking through level seven martial artist"

" You can ask me to repress my level or... how about this why don't I fight you with one hand " seeing  flushed expression Megha continued " If you want I can fight you unarmed how is that just don't waste my time"

Vaani flinched by Megha's ruthless words; nobody would be happy if they talked down like this, even if she would be angry.

A Martial Arts genius tends to have sky high pride. How could they allow someone to treat them like this?  It was probably the reason for genius fighting everywhere.

" Megha don't you dare to belittle me, I wouldn't allow a lazy bum like you to walk over my pride " *Pant, Pant* "I will show what is the difference in our strength"

*tap, tap, tap ** swish ** clank, clank clank!* tap tap tap* 

Sudar has an aggressive fighting style and looks like she would overwhelm Megha easily, unfortunately for them they didn't know she wasn't the same lazy person they used to know.

The fight ended a lot quicker than they used to but the outcome they envisioned happened but the complete opposite Sudar Brutish attacks were easily handled by Megha like how a capable tamer tame a ferocious bull. 

" Heh! is that all... didn't they overestimate your skills and prowess, to me you look like a helpless little girl" Megha crouched near Sudar as she softly said things.

 "You kept saying how lazy and unworthy I'm but did you realize the difference between us, it's true I was lazy and lack goal and passion but when it comes to talent I have it lot more than you do, but even then I call it laziness but confidence "

" Hehehehe, you can even ask your little group even if they would agree with me. '' Megha pinched Sudar's chin as she made her look up at her.

" Do you know why I never try my best? "

"W-why? " Sudar couldn't help but subconsciously repeat that she deep down felt a little curious as well.

" Because I really don't want to " she gave out a straight but lukster reply then she grinned at Sudar " Isn't that obvious I know I'm a peerless genius with no equal " she shamelessly boasted.

"But don't worry, perhaps greeting death must have changed my thinking a little . I was more pumped up than anything. I know I'm destined to reach the top of the world " she said in a low voice as she lightly tapped Sudar on her cheek. 

" Believe it or not one day I'm going to reach top of the world with my strength if you keep whining and acting petty you can forget about challenging me let see whether my father acknowledge me or not"

With that she got to her feet and gave a polite salute to her senior sister Maya then walked away with Vaani leaving behind a group of stunned girls.

Hey friends!

How are you guys doing? I will finish this volume in one or two chapters, sorry for boring you with such a uninteresting and slow moving chapters really sorry about that I, thought some things were necessary to mentioned.

I initially wanted this to be an auxiliary volume but then I thought put better use to it.

From next chapter male lead will be back you can expect some romantic stuff, well I don't expect lovey dovey stuff.

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